LV Chenggao's comfort did not make Yang yunlang feel any better.

He looked anxiously at lofan's disappearing floating island.

The residual light in the corner of the eye is also constantly exploring around, as if looking for something.

"Patriarch, why didn't you see a disciple of the star beast sect?"

LAN Qin, standing behind Yang yunlang, asked suspiciously.

"May be asked by luofan to hide temporarily!"

Yang yunlang looked at the location of the incomplete spirit pulse behind the Zhenmo gate, hesitated and said to LAN Qin:

"Go to that place and see if they are there!"


LAN Qin was stunned for a moment. She immediately understood where Yang yunlang said. Without any hesitation, she ran towards the direction of the incomplete spirit pulse.

If LV Chenggao thought, he was speechless.

I followed you.

If there's any secret here, do you have a chance to hide it?

Although he thought so, LV Chenggao certainly wouldn't show it. Even without saying a word, he didn't see LAN Qin's behavior.

And let Luo fan always feel that Zhao Xiaoyan, whose behavior is never more than a brain, is also very cautious at the moment.

He didn't leave with LAN Qin, but still silently followed behind LV Chenggao without saying a word.


"Elder martial sister Lanqin?"

When she came to the entrance of the incomplete spirit pulse, LAN Qin just stopped and was ready to walk in, she heard a voice from the cave.

Look up.

Imperial concubine Yang chufei lay on the edge of the cave with a happy face, poked out a flawless face and looked at herself.

"Junior sister Chu Fei! Are you really here? Are you okay?"

LAN Qin was so surprised that she immediately went forward, took concubine Yang Chu's small hand and looked up and down.

After confirming that concubine Yang Chu did not encounter any danger or injury, LAN Qin was relieved, took concubine Yang Chu's small hand and walked outside the cave:

"The Lord is back, too. He's outside now. In a moment, you'll tell the Lord what happened before and after!"

"Daddy's back?"

Concubine Yang Chu was stunned. She was not too surprised. Instead, she said with a worried face:

"What's Dad doing back now? He's a strong warrior! Even Luo fan is not necessarily her opponent. What's the use of dad coming back!"

LAN Qin looked back at imperial concubine Yang Chu in surprise.

She heard a trace of her absolute trust in luofan from imperial concubine Yang Chu's words.

I believe that what Luo fan can't solve, even if Yang yunlang comes back, there is still no way to solve.

This made Lanqin realize that in the heart of imperial concubine Yang Chu, luofan's status is probably much higher than her father.

Unable to help smiling, LAN Qin said:

"You don't believe in the sect leader? The sect leader is also the sect leader of our star beast sect. You must have some cards?"

"What cards can he have? If he does, elder martial sister, you don't have to go to lingwuzong to learn." Yang chufei sighed.

During the communication, LAN Qin and Yang chufei have come to Yang yunlang.

Another inquiry.

Imperial concubine Yang Chu answered truthfully.

"Linghua pavilion? Why are they? Aren't they forces from the eastern regions? What are they doing in our northern regions?"

From the mouth of imperial concubine Yang Chu, she knew that the comer was the power of the so-called Linghua Pavilion, not behind the magic door they thought, Yang yunlang was relieved, but asked in doubt.

"The practitioners of Linghua Pavilion seem to have known this place for a long time, but they don't occupy it. I don't know what the purpose is."

As Yang Chu explained, she looked around and looked for the trace of Luo fan.

"Don't look, that boy, go in there!"

Yang yunlang pointed to the floating island where Luo fan disappeared and said helplessly.


Imperial concubine Yang Chu uttered a lovely exclamation:

"Has Luo fan's cultivation reached Wuzong? Can he even enter the suspended Island shrouded by evil Qi?"

This is concubine Yang Chu.

When people see luofan entering the suspended Island, they will only think that he is looking for death, and his heart is full of worry.

Concubine Yang Chu was pleasantly surprised.

Subconsciously, I think that only when luofan's cultivation reaches Wuzong will he choose to enter the hanging island.

"I said, why is he not afraid to face the Wuzong of Linghua pavilion? It turns out that his strength is so strong! It's only a few days. How can his cultivation improve so fast?"

The tone of Yang Chu's imperial concubine's mouth was very shocked, but her face was filled with a very happy smile.

That kind of smile is like a heartfelt smile when a child gets something he loves for a long time.

Sweet and charming!

The people nearby were shocked by the reaction of imperial concubine Yang Chu.

They didn't expect that concubine Yang Chu would trust Luo fan so much.

Especially as a father, Yang yunlang.

It is extremely sour!

Suddenly I felt that my once small cotton padded jacket was getting farther and farther away from me.

"Alas ~"

After a silent sigh in my heart.

I don't know whether it was influenced by the mood of imperial concubine Yang Chu. The worries in Yang yunlang's heart disappeared a lot.

With a look of expectation, he looked in the direction of lofan's disappeared suspended island.


"Hey, hey!"

At this moment, lofan entered the floating island and burst into a strange laugh.

"What are you doing?"

Yan Shuiqing was looking around warily. He was startled by the sudden laughter behind him and was preparing to attack. He noticed that the laughter sounded from Luo fan's mouth and clenched his teeth angrily.

"I can't be happy!"

Lofan's eyes twinkled.

The area of this floating island is about the size of a football field.

There are many buildings inside.

The empty space was full of attribute bubbles.

White, green, blue, purple, and the orange that lovan expected most.

From the white and green attribute bubbles here, lofan also understands one thing.

Property bubbles are such things.

If it fell a long time ago.

As long as he doesn't pick it up, it usually exists all the time.

With the improvement of his cultivation.

Attribute bubbles lower than his realm rarely fall again.

For example, he is now a martial artist.

The white and green bubbles representing martial disciples and martial artists rarely drop new ones now. What he saw was basically dropped a long time ago.

This also made lofan a little relieved.

If it's the same as he guessed before.

With the improvement of his cultivation, attribute bubbles lower than his realm will no longer fall. How many attribute bubbles will he miss in the whole Tianxuan continent.

More importantly, the higher the cultivation, the fewer the strong.

The fewer attribute bubbles you drop.

In addition to his spirit, his current attributes have barely reached 10000 or 20000 points, which is difficult to collect.

If the attribute bubble really drops, it decreases.

I'm afraid the improvement speed of his cultivation and strength will also slow down a lot.


After reaching a certain height, you can no longer continue to improve.