And just as Junichiro Watanabe and Benjamin happily trade, Yue Fei and weak water follow the waste to his so-called home.

"This is... Your home?"

As soon as he got to the place, Yue Fei began to spray rice. Weak water could not help but frown. He wasted time and laughed and had nothing to say, because it really could not be called a "home".

Liberty City is a very large and prosperous city, with many tall buildings everywhere. However, under the surface of prosperity, beggars can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys. In the dark corner, there are ugly robberies, vendettas and rapes everywhere

This so-called home is just a shelter hidden in a narrow alley, and there are many companions nearby. It can be said that this is one of the slums of the free city.

"I can't help it. After I came to the mortal world, I found that it was different from before. I couldn't adapt to the present mortal world. Besides, I had no magic power, and I couldn't live a convenient life at all. It was good to find such a place. It was snatched back from a guy who thought I was thinner, so he wanted to rob me, I beat him up. "

Waste complacently said: "although there is no magic power, I am not very good at fighting, but as a famous ghost, I will not be bullied by a mortal. In order not to let people find my identity, the only magic power is used to maintain the disguise. Otherwise, they will be scared to pee when they see me, ha ha. "

"Thank you for laughing..."

Yue Fei sighed, bent down and went into the wasted shed. As soon as he entered, he saw a decadent old man with white hair.

"Well, he is Bai zeluo."

"I'm so old. You have to fight with him at the beginning..."

"Don't look at him like this. He was very powerful in fairyland - we were not very good at fighting, but he was better than me after all. After all, there were more good things behind him."

Waste is a little resentful. It's not selfless for him to choose to help Baize at this time. It's better to send charcoal in the snow than to add icing on the cake. Help Baize when he has the best cup. After he returns to the fairyland, can he forget himself when he has good things?

"You are..."

Baize looked up. His eyes were dark, and almost no mana was on his body. His voice sounded like the most common old man, and he was still in his twilight years. He was wrapped in a clean blanket and sat in it, with a half eaten hamburger beside him.

"Those who came to save you... Alas."

Seeing him like this, Yue Fei felt a little sad. According to legend, Baize was also a god beast to assist Mingjun in governing the world. Where is he not popular? But now it's down to this.

"... is this... A man of cultivation? And... Da Luo Jinxian! "

Bai Ze suddenly got excited, and his eyes began to shine again. He opened the blanket and rushed to Yue Fei and weak water: "heaven, Sanqing Daozu is up, you are here! Please, get us out of here! I don't want to stay in this damned place at all! "

"Er... Don't get excited... Sit down and speak slowly... But how can you be so miserable? At least he has some mana left to steal. You are almost weak and mortal

Yue Fei was so scared that he was sweating. If my sister saw a white haired old man kneeling down to him, she would have to wring his ear to teach him how to respect the old and love the young?

"Oh! Take a seat, please

Weak water looked around, frowned: "stupid servant, you quickly get down to build an arch bridge."

"... don't even think about it!"

Yue Fei pressed her on the next chair. Although it was a little dirty, people were like this. What else should we pay attention to.

Weak water wrinkled his nose and finally endured the impulse to beat him, but at least he accepted the fact that he had already sat down.

"It's not the same... It's not the same at all..." Bai Ze whispered dejectedly, "my strength comes from mortals... Originally, I suddenly came down to earth. I thought that heaven had given me a task again. Ben was ambitious and wanted to come to the world to show his strength. Unexpectedly, after I came to the world, it was not the same thing at all..."

"Now ordinary people are not thinking about men and women, but about how to make money. If they have some ambition, they are thinking about more women and more money..."

Yue Fei feels his nose. He seems to have the illusion of lying on a gun.

"I wasted a little mana, and finally found a guy who seemed to be the ruler of this country... As a result, the guy didn't have any idea in his heart. He made all his choices under the control of others. He was a puppet, not the one I was looking for! In this way, I kept searching and searching, and I couldn't find anyone who could provide me with strength. Finally, I wandered on the streets, taking heaven as my quilt and earth as my bed... Until I met him later, I finally didn't starve to death in this mortal world. "

When Bai Ze narrates, it's really a snivel and a tear. The sad pictures are played in turn like slides in front of Yue Fei and weak water.

"Although I have advised him, this guy has absorbed this filthy aura in order to keep us alive, and his temperament has become very different recently - but now it seems that he has been cured by you?"

He scratched his head awkwardly and was beaten violently. He regained his consciousness. It's not a good thing to say. He doesn't intend to publicize it.

"Anyway, when you're here, we've made it through - can you get us out of here?"

Bai Ze looked forward to the weak water: "it's better to go back to the fairyland immediately. I can't stand the mortal world now!"

Go back now?

The weak water is silent for a while, handed white Ze two Dan medicine: "I'm afraid I can't go back now."

White Ze one face disappoints ground to take over Dan Yao: "why?"

"Because I have a mission to go down to earth." Weak water said to see Yue Fei one eye, and said: "but I can send you back to Xumi world, where is better than mortal."

"Very good!" He was overjoyed: "in my opinion, Xumi world and fairyland are beyond doubt!"

After taking the elixir, Bai Ze's appearance immediately changed. His bent body began to straighten, and his dirty hair and beard became soft and smooth because of the self-cleaning effect of magic power. Soon he became a Gandalf in white robe... Er, the appearance of a wise man with white hair.

"Hoo! I'm alive at last

Bai Ze heavily vomited the turbid gas, which was regarded as forcing the foul gas accumulated in the body out of the body recently.

"If you have no nostalgia, now I can send you to Xumi world."

Weak water stand up - her height is not afraid of the top.

"All right! It's all right

Baize and waste are overjoyed. When the brilliance of mana covers both of them, the expression on their faces is quite a sense of happiness out of the sea of suffering

Walking out of the low shed, Yue Fei suddenly felt that the outside world was so vast

"I didn't expect that I just came to Eagle country and met three monsters... How many monsters are there in the world?"

"I don't know exactly, but Xumi's world contained all the monsters in the world at the beginning. I don't know how many monsters will be released this time. I don't think the number will be too small..."

Weak water said and narrowed his eyes. If the three old bastards didn't want to let themselves go back to the fairyland, they would not release too few monsters. The more those guys, the longer they would delay in the mortal world.

But is this really good?

Weak water has never considered this problem before. Although many monsters have been seen in Linjiang City, their lives are not too miserable because they were soon found by Yue Fei. Not only that, people in China and taixumen are also looking for the whereabouts of those monsters, and they have achieved a lot, but outside China, How many monsters will be homeless, and how many monsters will have to pollute their purified bodies in order to survive?

Maybe we can't continue to procrastinate like this

Weak water thought for a while, feeling a little low.

Because after completing the task and returning to fairyland, she has no game to play

"Don't count it. I know there must be a lot of it from your tangled appearance... But there's no time to delay. Don't forget that there's another unfortunate guy waiting for us to save."

When Yue Fei thought of a hapless monster being caught as a test object, he felt that his teeth were sour. This must be the most hapless one among all the monsters... None of them.

"Well, it's also... Let's go. First of all, I need to find a higher place to facilitate my all-round exploration."

The weak water patted her bottom. There was a lot of dust on the stool just now, which made her feel uncomfortable now.

"I really don't know that you still have a habit of cleanliness... Speaking of high places, can't you fly to the sky?"

"What do you know? This is the momentum of overlooking the earth! "


If you look around, there is nothing else in the free market, just a lot of tall buildings.

When they walked around the corner, they hid their bodies and rushed straight into the sky.

The free market covers an extremely large area. Even if you fly to the sky, you can see that there are dense buildings all around. It's not easy to find a person in the steel jungle. What's more, there are so few information, even the detective company will be blinded.

However, for the weak water, this is not a difficult thing.

Draw mana from Xumi world from Zhenmo seal, and weak water fully unfolds her spiritual consciousness. The huge and amazing spiritual consciousness is like a scanning network spreading over the whole free city.

At this moment, the weak water looks like a legendary goddess.

She is a fairy indeed.

At this time, Yue Fei really realized how huge the gap between himself and the weak water was.

Soon, there was the result.

"Yes... Well, our 'friend' seems to be in some kind of trouble."