Just as Yue Fei and his family were enjoying themselves in Yufan mountain, on the other hand, wantaro Fujiwara received the following report and rushed back to his private laboratory.

This laboratory is located in a building in the urban area of Sakura city. The whole building is the property of Mr. Fujiwara. The 13 floors underground, which does not exist outside, is his secret private laboratory.

The main research object of this laboratory is bioengineering. Of course, this is just a civilized saying. The crude and straightforward saying is human biochemical experiment. After many tests, after entering the back of this line of defense, you can see this laboratory emitting light blue light. The laboratory is full of the smell of formalin, The containers on both sides of the corridor are soaked with corpses. If anyone comes here carefully, they will find that the corpses here are all missing people in Cherry Blossom City, including beggars, prostitutes, underworld and many foreign tourists.

The disappearance of these people has been a headless case of the sun state government. They have no way to start. They can benefit from the protection of the eagle state. In the face of international pressure, they can still bear it.

"It's not going well, boss."

Just entered the door, a man who was covered in the disinfection work clothes was met with a sad face.

"Various means have been used, but no effective progress has been made."

"And the report?"

The man immediately handed the tablet computer to Mr. Fujiwara, who quickly looked at it. At this time, he didn't look old at all. After drinking that little tea, wantaro Fujiwara is full of energy these two days. He has no sign of aging at all. He is walking like a young man.

"We've tried electric saws, lathes, noose, high-temperature incineration, laser cutting, bombs and even high-intensity nuclear radiation, but they can't kill alpha. Even if the laser cuts it in two pieces, it's as good as ever in a twinkling of an eye. It's a miracle creature!"

Man is very distressed. Heaven is up. He is an expert in the field of biology, but he has never seen such a strange creature for so many years. It's so unreasonable. This resilience is just against heaven! No, it can't be called resilience any more. It should be said that it's immortal!

"If it wasn't for the special situation of alpha, I wouldn't have paid so much attention to your progress!"

"But what did you give me in return?" he said? Unknown species, unknown age, unknown gender, unknown DNA composition... Don't tell me that every year tens of millions of research funds raise you a group of waste to eat and die! "

Speaking of this, wantaro Fujiwara looked at the man beside him with a gloomy face: "the corpses on both sides of the corridor are not just for display. Mr. Watanabe, if you don't want to be one of them, you will work hard for me!"


Junichiro Watanabe wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although he is an expert in the field of biology, he does not have the arrogance of literati when facing wantaro Fujiwara. There is no reason, just because wantaro Fujiwara controls their economic lifeline.

"Well! Can't you see what alpha means? "

Fujiwara threw the tablet computer to Junichiro Watanabe, his eyes filled with a strange fanaticism: "whether it's knife cutting or fire, whether it's bomb or radiation, it can't destroy this creature! As you can imagine, even time can't affect it! This is an immortal perfect life. Do you understand Watanabe!? It has become a stepping stone for us to step on the immortal gate! As long as we thoroughly study its genes, we will have eternal life! "

"Think about it, Mr. Watanabe, who has become an eternal living body, will have endless time to plan and operate, and finally completely master the world, step on the whole world and unify the world - this is a great achievement destined to be recorded in the history of human civilization! And you, my dear Mr. Watanabe, are the people who open this bright future. Now the key is in your hands. How to turn the key and open this door is up to you! "

Fujiwara's fanaticism also infected Junichiro Watanabe. It seemed that he was attracted by the scenes he described. When he heard that he was shouldering such a great responsibility, Junichiro Watanabe was very excited and said, "please rest assured, my boss. I, Junichiro Watanabe, will try my best to solve the mystery of Alfa's body with them, Long live the sun empire for the future of the sun empire, for the immortality of its master and for the unity of mankind

Looking at Junichiro Watanabe, wantaro Fujiwara nodded his head with satisfaction and sneered at himself. These guys who are engaged in knowledge have a simple brain and can easily be said to be hot-blooded. But this is exactly what he wants to achieve. Only in this way can those guys enter the work with the most devoted state.

The more they put in, the greater their hope of immortality will be. At that time, wantaro Fujiwara squints his eyes and a smile flickers around his mouth. I will give you a painless death.

All human beings are selfish, and can make people get immortal dream like things, which will make all human beings envious. Wantaro Fujiwara is not a fool. If Junichiro Watanabe really researches out the things that can make him get immortal, he can certainly make himself and others get immortal, and this kind of thing is very precious and special when there is only one person, The more the quantity is, the less valuable it will be. However, the selfishness of Mr. Fujiwara will never allow others to be as special as himself. When Mr. Watanabe develops the immortality medicine, it is the time for them to leave the world.

Of course, prior to that, Mr. Fujiwara would never show any thoughts on this. Let Mr. Watanabe dream of immortality.

"Take me to see that cute little thing and let me say hello to it. After all, it's the most precious experimental body we have now."

"How about the security work?" he asked? There hasn't been anything unusual lately, has there? "

"No, everything is normal." With that, Watanabe added: "as for experiments, we still keep high-intensity experiments every day, but alpha seems to be tireless. He has not been tired of suffering from continuous resurrection, and has been trying to escape from the cage."

"Well, it's not easy to escape that place. It's a room where even a nuclear bomb can block it."

Fujiwara said with pride that the room was originally made at a high price to deal with the possible nuclear danger. Unexpectedly, he didn't use it after making it. Instead, he used the little thing as a cell.

Around the busy desks and around the corner of the corridor, they enter a room with a huge glass window in front of it, which is still shining strangely.


See Fujiwara wantaro appeared, sitting in front of the room console of the two people quickly get up to salute.

"What's the situation?"

"Report to the boss, alpha has never stopped trying to escape. The effect of repulsion field wall protection is very good. It can't break through the repulsion field wall protection at all."

When talking, the little things in the room rushed to the glass again, only to hear a "buzz". The place where the glass was hit suddenly emitted a circle of brilliance, while the little things inside were bounced back like shells.

"Good, good."

Wantaro Fujiwara nodded with satisfaction.

"It's a pity that this repulsion field protective wall generator is too large, and it can only cover such a small area. Otherwise, if this technology is used to equip the army, the army of our Solar Empire will be able to level the world!"


"Don't be too arrogant. Where do you think these key technical materials come from? If it's not... Hum, it's no use telling you this kind of thing. Just do a good job in your biological field! "


"Is alpha the same as it was at the beginning, with no change at all?"

"Yes! Although it is killed hundreds of times every day by various weapons, it can always be revived immediately without any abnormal changes... Boss, please see. "

As the researcher said, he pressed a button on the console, and then the little things in the front room suddenly screamed, looking very uneasy. Immediately after that, it turned into small pieces - but before all the small pieces fell to the ground, there was a time trace of the Buddha. The small pieces of meat were like a mass of mud in the blink of an eye, It's fused together again, and it's the same again.

"It's wonderful... No matter how many times you watch it, it's wonderful... Mr. Watanabe, do you think this creature is the most beautiful?" "I've never wanted to get the perfect gene like this moment - how long will it take for you to crack it?"

"This..." Watanabe considered carefully. After hesitating for a while, he raised his head and said: "in fact, some of alpha's genes are similar to a creature, but the key is another part. That kind of gene combination is unheard of. This is a very important key point. If we can overcome this difficulty, It's easy to crack its genetic secrets. "

"Time! I need an exact time

"I'm sorry, boss, even if you kill me, I can't give you an accurate time. Scientific research is different from other things. Maybe an eternal puzzle will be solved in the next second, or a simple problem will be solved in the next century."

As far as his major is concerned, Junichiro Watanabe has been very tough this time.

Wantaro Fujiwara narrowed his eyes and snorted heavily.

"I hope you won't let me down, Mr. Watanabe, or I'll be very disappointed in the replacement."

"I'll do my best, boss."