"Go and get my suitcase! Be careful

After getting the small piece of tea from Li Xinyi, Fujiwara decided to go underground and stay in a four-star hotel nearby. Although he was used to living in the presidential suite, Fujiwara was unable to manage so much. As soon as he entered the room, he began to instruct his bodyguards.

As a tea lover, he flies around the world every year. He can have nothing in his luggage, but he can't do without his favorite tea set. He has a specially made suitcase, which contains a complete set of simple tea sets, his collection of top-quality tea, and even the top-quality spring water from Yufan mountain for him to make tea.

Wantaro Fujiwara has always believed that pure water and tap water should never be used to make tea. After artificial purification, all kinds of disinfectants are added to the water. Although it is clean, it has no taste of mountain stream water.

One bodyguard was busy helping wantaro Fujiwara carry his suitcase, while the other opened a laptop, as if observing something.

"Is there a signal( Sun (Mandarin)

"There's a signal. The target is still moving slowly. It's not far from here( * * the bodyguard paused, "but I don't understand what a precious location bugging device is for an ordinary Chinaman."

"Fool! What I want to do is not up to you( Sun (Mandarin)

Hearing the doubts of the bodyguard, wantaro Fujiwara felt that his dignity had been questioned, and immediately harshly reprimanded: "what I told you to do, you just need to do it, you don't need to know the reason (Taiyang Mandarin) - you fool! I told you to be careful! "

At this time, another bodyguard came in with the suitcase of Mr. Fujiwara. However, when he came in, he seemed to bump a little. Suddenly, Mr. Fujiwara was furious and roared angrily.

"You're a fool like a pig - it's a big mistake for me to hire you! All right! You can go away and tell your boss that next time I'll choose his bodyguard, I'm just as stupid as him

The male bodyguard's eyes were cold under the sunglasses, but he didn't say anything at last. He nodded slightly and left with the door.

After going out, the male bodyguard turned and looked at the door of the eye room, went to one side, lowered his head, pulled up his collar and said in a low voice: "the gray wolf mission failed, the eagle continued to monitor, and the target did not move abnormally."

After waiting for a moment, the male bodyguard listened for a moment, scolded secretly and turned away.

In fact, he was a spy placed by Guoan beside him. Because of his sensitive identity, he was worried that he would come to China for another purpose, so he specially found the security company that contacted with him and assigned him to him.

As for the arrangement of the state, no matter how good the relationship between the boss of the security company and wantaro Fujiwara is, he would never dare to disobey the law. He can only listen to the arrangement.

"Chinese people are really inferior. Even bodyguards are so unprofessional that they are not worthy of occupying such a vast and rich land( Sun (Mandarin)

Fujiwara stroked his suitcase and could not help cursing the bodyguard just now.

After swearing, he opened the suitcase. The simple appearance of the suitcase opened, but it was like opening a complicated mechanism. The suitcase spread out all around, revealing the inner things, and the favorite tea set of wantaro Fujiwara was in it.

He carefully took out the tea set, took out the spring water, poured it into the pot, and began to boil water with a small electric stove. His favorite thing was to boil water with firewood, but there was no such condition here after all, and now he had to make do with it.

After the water boiled, he carefully took out the small piece of tea, broke off a small ball from the top and put it into the upper filter. Then he took a deep breath, took the kettle and poured it into the boiling spring water

With the boiling water surging, a refreshing aroma suddenly overflowed, and the whole person was shocked. At the moment when the water didn't pass the tea, he even felt as if he saw a colorful glow on the tea - is it an illusion?

Smelling the fragrance in the air, wantaro Fujiwara was in a trance for a moment. His body seemed to have lightened a few Jin, just like floating in the clouds

Such a good tea, unheard of!

At this time, Fujiwara even refused to pour out the tea for the first time. Looking at the purple and red tea, he held the cup in his hands with a very devout attitude and slowly sent the tea to his mouth

Hot tea into the mouth, fresh and elegant but after the long aroma will leisurely rush to the forehead, Fujiwara wantaro has not had time to taste carefully, the tea has already rolled into the throat, straight into the heart.


At this moment, he felt a shock all over his body and a roar in his brain. It seemed that his five senses had lost their function at this moment, and the world became a vast blank, leaving only dense clouds. However, he lay leisurely between the clouds, enjoying boundless relaxation and comfort freely

The bodyguard who was operating the computer nearby also smelled the tempting smell of tea, but he knew that Fujiwara wantaro hated being disturbed when he was tasting tea, so he had to swallow his water and put up with it.


He glanced at montaro Fujiwara. He was surprised that he would drink tea to tears? Is there such an exaggeration?

Yes, in the case of his own did not notice, Fujiwara's body has seriously reflected his feelings, just drink this tea, he was moved to tears.

This is the best tea, this is the acme of tea, this is his lifelong pursuit!

After a long time, wantaro Fujiwara slowly opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that his body suddenly relaxed a lot, and many chronic diseases were relieved.

Wantaro Fujiwara knew that this was not his own illusion, but that the tea really had such a magical effect!

Today, he definitely met a chance that he could not get. He would get the tea cake by any means!

While wantaro Fujiwara was savoring the tea, the bodyguard next to him suddenly said, "the target has stopped moving. It is detected that there is audio information on the opposite side. Boss, do you want to open it( Sun (Mandarin)

"Open it! Of course( "Sun Mandarin)" Fujiwara wantaro gave a big drink and said: "we must carefully record all the words they said, and can't let go of any word( Sun (Mandarin)

"I understand! The audio signal is on and the synchronous recording starts( Sun (Mandarin)

There was a silence in the room, and the next moment there was a voice that was a little fuzzy, but could tell it was a girl's voice.

It was Li Xinyi's voice.

"... it's all said to have a rest. Why are you still busy? Don't you mean to leave it to the company? If you can't stay at home, you'd better go to the company instead of doing so! "

"I'm sorry, I just want to find something to do... And I want to spend more time with you at home... By the way, did you go to Xiaofei and ask him for his opinion?"

"I haven't seen the boss, but weak water has made a decision for him. Weak water says that she wants to travel to the sun country, and she has made up her mind to see her. It's estimated that the boss can't persuade her when she comes back."

"The sun kingdom? But... We don't know sun Mandarin. "

"I don't understand either. I just know" Yahu butterfly "," one ink print "," one library, one library "and so on..."


"Well, Ma, I don't think you appreciate this reaction..."

"You! I! Woo! Xiao Fei is not here. You are disobedient again! "

"I didn't do anything... Look, I brought you some tea from the boss. Today, I saw that the weak water brewed tea was very good, so I asked her for some."

"Tea? Oh, is it the one that weak water often soaks in? When I was there a few days ago, I often drank it. I'm not used to drinking it these two days. How about such a big piece of tea cake? When is the time for us to drink? When I see her making tea, I just pinch one or two pieces at a time and throw them in! "

"So few people can smell..."

"Yes, and weak water said before that this tea can relieve fatigue, improve physique, and prolong life after drinking it often, but we can't drink too much now. We can't drink more than three cups a day. We have to get used to it slowly."

"So powerful? Oh, by the way, I almost forgot her identity... "

"I have a headache. Since she wants to go to the sun Kingdom, I'm afraid she'll really have to make a decision like this... I'll ask someone to get her passport these two days, but those in her family... Well, they shouldn't be able to use them."

"Who knows? Let's discuss with the boss later. "

Hearing this, wantaro Fujiwara couldn't help shouting fluke.

God bless him. I didn't expect that the girl and the real owner of the tea would go to the sun kingdom!

Fujiwara can't help laughing. Who is he? President of Fujiwara Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd! In the sun Kingdom, it can be said that the people who will shake the country three times will shake their feet. When those people go to his land, how do they want to shake them?

Thinking of this, wantaro Fujiwara can't help imagining that if he gets the source of this kind of tea, does he have another channel of wealth?

After all, this kind of tea is so intoxicating. Compared with it, other top tea in the world is just like horse urine! And even more incredible is that the woman even said that drinking this tea can improve the physique and prolong life!

Heaven shines on God! Is there anything more magical than that!? I'm afraid the immortal grass in Chinese legend is just like this!?

Fujiwara is almost unbearable. He is even worried about how to tolerate ordinary tea after drinking such excellent tea?

We must get the real source of Lingwu Zijin tea! Get it by all means!

Wantaro Fujiwara secretly vowed in his heart that he had even begun to plan in his heart what means he should use to achieve his goal.

At this time, Yue Fei, who had just returned home, did not know that someone had already thought about his fairy because of a little tea