"In fact, I think we were all dazzled just now. It must be an illusion. Yes, it must be!"

Ning Hailan is sitting there, his eyes are blank and his mouth is nagging.

Li Yu and them were almost the same, their expression was numb, as if they had been hit hard and collapsed.

"Are we still on earth? I don't think it's in the storm that we've gone through it in groups... "

Xu Xuan squatted there, fingers constantly drawing circles on the beach, while Lin Ke Ke Ke squatted aside and watched her escape from reality with great interest.

"Although we already know that there are gods and monsters, it's too foul!" Li Xinyi's face collapsed. Although she claims to be smart and beautiful, talented and beautiful, she is full of nerves and vitality, but suddenly she sees something in the legend, which is still hard to accept: "dragon! That's a real dragon! It's not a picture! A model! It's a living dragon flying in the sky and fighting with the eldest one

Li Xinyi pointed to the top of the mountain and jumped up and down excitedly. Of course, there was nothing there at this time.

"So I said, we must have crossed it!" Xu Xuan suddenly stood up and yelled, startling Lin Ke Ke.

"The next step is to find a way to go out to sea, to find the unknown continent, and then, with our knowledge, to lay a big piece of land in this alien world, to conquer the alien race, and to plant the national flag all over the alien world! And I will be the queen in the uniform to save the world

Beside Li Yu and Ning Hailan a face of amazement, look at each other, think of is the same thing: she is watching TV poisoning too deep?

"Eh eh?" Lin Ke Ke's eyes widened and gave out a voice of surprise: "if the female protagonist, shouldn't she go back to the palace of the Qing Dynasty?"

"Cut, go back to the Qing Dynasty to dry the hair, and watch them play the big pigtail drama? As a Chinese, even if you wear it back, you have to wear it back to the Tang Dynasty. No matter how bad it is, you have to go to the Song Dynasty. Which dynasty is bad in the Tang, song, yuan and Ming Dynasties? Do you want to go to the Qing Dynasty Xu Xuan rolled her eyes, and then said excitedly: "no matter which dynasty you wear, it's definitely not the Qing Dynasty that Europe attacked on a large scale. There must be dragons in ancient times, but we have the weak water qingfan and September. They are also in violation of the rules, so there's no need to worry about the safety. What we need to consider is how to maximize our wisdom! "

Li Xinyi was also interested. After thinking about it for a while, she said, "we can occupy a village with the power of weak water, and then start farming. In ancient times, agriculture and animal husbandry were still very backward. We can vigorously develop water conservancy projects, primary chemical fertilizer, and increase food production. After all, only people who have food are willing to come. Then we can develop social science and technology, and when we have reached the level of science and technology, we can expand our territory, gradually encroach on the surrounding forces and strengthen ourselves, and finally seize power with our troops! "

"Oh, oh! Very good! " Xu Xuan was surprised. "When I ascend the throne and become queen, I will make you Prime Minister Zuo of Shangshu mansion!"

"Thank you, my Lord."

"Me, me? Xiaoxuan and me

Lin Keke jumped up and waved his hand. He looked at Xu Xuan expectantly. He didn't know what position she would assign to him.

"Coke, you... You will be in charge of the entertainment department in the future! Responsible for the research and development of National People's entertainment projects Xu Xuan gave a thumbs up and her teeth were shining, as if she was saying that you are responsible, and I feel relieved.

"Entertainment department? It sounds strange... "

Lin Ke Ke frowned a little, but soon she left it behind and began to happily plan what kind of entertainment to develop, what kind of mahjong and poker to deal with the ancients?

what? You said impossible? The ancients were busy reciting poems, not interested in playing mahjong? How can it be? It's all written in novels... Those who care about details are all idiots!

Li Yu and Ning Hailan stand there stupidly, looking at the three girls who are suddenly interested. They don't know what to say.

"NAH." Ning Hailan suddenly touched Li Yu's arm, looked up at the sky, and asked in a strange tone: "do you think we really crossed?"

Li Yu said with a bitter smile: "how can it be..."

Ning Hailan's heart is full of sorrow: "that's what I'm saying. It's too tragic if it's really through. It's not that little bastard."

Li Yu asked curiously, "it's impossible... But why do you say that?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Ning Hailan stood up and said, "if a lot of women go through it collectively, it's the rhythm that is bound to become a mortal enemy in the novel. If a lot of men go through it collectively, it's the rhythm that is bound to hit the street. But the problem is that we go through it collectively, and there's a man in the middle... Do you know what rhythm it is?"

When Li Yuping did not read novels, he was really curious: "what rhythm?"

Ning Hailan looked at Li Yu with pity and said: "this is the rhythm that we all become the man's harem..."

Li Yu was stunned, then she was ashamed and angry: "you're going to die! Do you miss men? "

Ning Hailan muttered in a low voice: "so I say, it's better not to really cross... Otherwise I've been raising piglets for 30 years, but it's cheaper for someone..."

Li Yu didn't want to fulfill someone's wish for no reason. She said helplessly, "OK, don't talk about those things that are not available. How can this kind of thing happen?"

"What's the matter?"

At this time, Yue Fei and them suddenly came back. As soon as they got out of the woods, they heard Li Yu's words and confused him.

It doesn't seem that the beach has been greatly affected, but because the fighting just now has made the waves a little rough, Li Yu and her colleagues move the camp towards the forest. They can see that they are in a good mood and the happy expression on Lin Ke's face. It seems that they are discussing something interesting.

"You, you are back... Xiao Ning! Excellent! You're fine! "

Li Yu is a little flustered and covers up her confused mood. Suddenly, she is stunned. When she sees Yue Ning, she is overjoyed. She runs over and grabs Yue Ning's hand. She is so excited that she almost cries.

Yue Ning is not only Li Yu's assistant, her best helper, but also one of her few friends. When she takes her out on a tour this time, she suddenly encounters this kind of thing. The pressure in Li Yu's heart is even heavier than that of Yue Fei. At this time, when she sees Yue Ning's safe return, she suddenly loses control of her mood.

"Sister Yu, of course I'm ok. Don't be so excited." Yue Ning is a little sad, holding Li Yu and patting her on the back. Now Li Yu is like a child.

Li Xinyi and they also stopped discussing. It was the first time that she saw her mother's gaffe. She was a little distracted. It seemed that Li Yu, who could cry and laugh as much as ordinary people, was the mother in her heart. She was not as cool and noble as usual, with a straight face every day.

In fact, Li Yu seldom has such a serious expression. At home, she always tries to keep her face very soft to avoid irritating her daughter. But after all, Li Xinyi has had an inherent impression on her for so many years. It's not only reluctant, but also impossible to correct the impression left by her daughter in just a few months.

After a while, Li Yu calmed down. Then she thought about her image. She took a sneak look at her daughter and found that she didn't look at herself with strange eyes. She was relieved.

"Who is this?"

Ning Hailan has noticed the girl in white beside Yue Fei for a long time. Her white face looks like a fairy daughter, and she is still wearing a gorgeous white palace dress. It has to be said that seeing the exquisite clothes, Ning Hailan couldn't help clapping in his heart, and had a bad premonition.

"She? It's the aborigines of the island! " Yue Fei rolled his eyes. "It's also the owner of this island, Linglong."

"Aborigines, aborigines!" Ning Hailan was surprised and said to Li Yu with a sad face: "you see, I'll tell you. The more you don't want it to happen, the more it will happen. Now it happens. I'm going to die, and you're going to die too. Not only do you have to pay for it, but you have to get a daughter..."

Li Yu was also startled: did she really wear it? Just wearing it before you know it!?

"What are you talking about? What happened or not? What, you're finished? Why does sister Yu have to catch up with Xinyi? "

Yue Fei and they are all at a loss.

"Feifei, are we crossing?" Lin Ke Ke ran over and took Yue Fei's arm and shook it. "You see she looks like this, isn't it an ancient world? And there are even dragons. By the way, did you kill that dragon? Like the third prince? It just can make a dragon tendon bow for me. I want to be a general

"It's all in a mess..." Yue Fei was shocked. If Lin Danqing knew that the first thing his granddaughter did after crossing was not to miss home, but to think about how to kill the dragon and make an artifact. He might be angry and have a heart attack.

"Did we really cross?" On the contrary, at the beginning, Li Xinyi, who was very excited to give advice to Xu Xuan, was a little flustered: "God, there is no computer! No comics! No network! No games! How can we live these days? "

"Don't worry! As long as we follow the queen to conquer the world, the most important thing is to climb the technology tree and develop computers Xu Xuan laughed and raised her right hand: "comrades! Now is the time for us to attack the alien world on a large scale! Let's work together, government, the world

"Xiaoxuan, you have a fever, don't you?" Yue Fei, speechless, went over and touched Xu Xuan's forehead: "eh, it's not hot."

When Xu Xuan was stunned, she suddenly shrank back and yelled, "I am the future queen of the world! Do you think you can attack me so easily? "

Yue Fei had a headache: "so, what's the matter? Is this the second attack in the group Wait, don't you think you're crossing when you see Linglong? "

Looking up, several girls on the opposite side all nodded fiercely. Even Li Yu and Ning Hailan hesitated and nodded.

"I went! You're all poisoned by novels! " Yue Fei pointed to Linglong with a broken face: "it's right to say that she's the one who's been crossing time and space for hundreds of years