"It's a terrible day."

Weak water walking in the snow street, a face of impatience.

Yue Fei was slightly surprised: "ha, I thought girls would like snow. I didn't expect you to hate it."

"Don't confuse me with those who only know three waves of truth."

The weak water snorted. I don't know what method was used. The snowflakes flying in the air were far away from her three feet away.

As soon as the weak water raised her hand, a snowflake flew into her palm and hung there. The weak water glanced at it and then threw it away with disgust: "it looks white and crystal clear, but it is not as clean and pure as the surface. It means cold, and the dust and bacteria it contains symbolize uncleanness and phagocytosis. All this only reminds people of death, It has nothing to do with romance. So, everyone is short-sighted. "

Because of his childhood experience, Yue Fei thinks so.

Although it's just afternoon, the light is dark as night. The dark clouds in the sky are very thick. I'm afraid that the bad weather will continue. The streets are empty. The thick snow covers the road. The snowplow seems to have just passed here, but the snow cover the road again, because the efficiency of the snowplow can't keep up with the snowfall.

If this situation continues for a few more days, I'm afraid even the house will be covered with snow.

According to the news, the coastline nearby has begun to freeze and ice floes have appeared. For Linjiang City, which is close to the sea, this is really a rare snow disaster. It is said that the situation here has attracted great attention of the state, and all the surrounding cities have begun to do disaster relief preparations.

Yue Fei thinks anxiously that the scene in the movie the day after tomorrow is still fresh in my mind. Although it is not so exaggerated now, the snow has paralyzed the whole city of Linjiang.

Stepping on the snow all the way to Huada, Yue Fei goes directly to the girls' dormitory with weak water. The thick snow will turn the whole campus into a white, a lot of snow has not been treated, now it is waist deep, it looks very scary. The campus is empty. Walking in it gives people the illusion of stepping into a ghost town, as if there are only two of them left in the whole world.


Yue Fei took a breath, rubbed his hands, and looked up at the sky. When is such a weather?

Weak water followed him, yawning in boredom, holding a comic book in one hand, obviously absent-minded.

It's snowing so hard, maybe the dormitory administrator knows that no one will run around, so she doesn't keep watch at the door of the dormitory building. She probably goes back to the house to stay, so it's much easier for Yue Fei to enter the girls' dormitory than she imagined.

There are no wonderful scenes in the girls' dormitory building. I think it's the same. It's so cold. I guess everyone is in bed.

Yue Fei was disappointed that he didn't see the beautiful scenery in his imagination.

Weak water glanced at Yue Fei and said sarcastically, "it seems that you can't satisfy your brain full of women's nudity. You look very disappointed."

"Well, how can it be? It's important. Let's go to find coke."

Yuefei was said to be worried, with his old face red and hurried forward.

"What is more despised than cowardice is hypocrisy."

Weak water scornful sneer, followed up.

When he came to Lin Ke Ke's dormitory, he heard a violent cough before he entered the door. Yue Fei couldn't help frowning. Along the way, they heard coughing in many rooms. It seems that the flu is really terrible.

"Coke, open the door. It's me."

Yue Fei knocked on the door and lowered his voice.

When Yue Fei's voice fell, he heard a rustling sound inside. A moment later, Lin Ke Ke Ke leaned out of his head, looked left and right, and then quickly pulled Yue Fei into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Yue Fei frowned. The air in the room was too bad. They all said that the girls' dormitory was a paradise full of birds and flowers, but it was full of muggy damp breath and strong smell of potions.

"Feifei, you are here at last!"

Lin Ke Ke's face, full of sunshine and smile, is always full of vitality in ordinary days, but now it is full of deep sadness.

"How long has it been since you opened the window?"

Yue Fei takes a look at the window. It's covered with snow outside. It can be seen that they haven't opened the window for a long time.

Lin Ke Ke said weakly: "it's very cold outside... I'm afraid Xiao Xuan is freezing."

"Nonsense! If you close the window, the indoor air will not circulate, and it will become worse and worse. In addition, it is very humid in winter, and it is easy to breed germs. It's strange that if you close the window like this, her health will be better! "

Yue Fei can't help scolding Lin Ke Ke. His expression is very serious, which makes Lin Ke Ke jump.

For such a long time, Yue Fei is still the first time to reprimand her so seriously.

"I, I know it's wrong..."

Lin Ke Ke pulls Yue Fei's hand pitifully, just like a poor dog begging for forgiveness from its owner.

Seeing her like this, Yue Fei is not very angry. There's no way. Who makes this girl lack heart? She had never been ill, and naturally she did not know the importance of opening the window for ventilation.

Yue Fei has always been very jealous of Lin Ke Ke's never getting sick. She is just like a favorite of heaven.

"Yue Fei, don't talk about her... I didn't let her open the window..."

At this time, Xu Xuan, who was lying on the bed, began to speak. As soon as she opened her mouth, Yue Fei was startled. The voice was so weak that it sounded like she was about to hang up.

"So serious!"

"I'm not dead yet... I asked coke to call an ambulance, but this girl called you... I'm going to collapse..."

Xu Xuan's face was pale, her spirit was a little depressed, and she was weak when she spoke.

Yue Fei sighed. He slit the window and slowly changed the indoor air. There was only a small heater in the room for heating. If the window was too big, the temperature would drop so much that Xu Xuan would not be able to bear it.

"Strange, where are your two roommates?"

Yue Fei looks at the two empty beds and feels strange. The two girls, Yue Fei, had met several times, but they were not as familiar as Lin Ke Ke and Xu Xuan.

"Because Xiaoxuan is ill, I let them go to another room to sleep with my friends. I'm afraid they will be infected."

Yue Fei nodded: "that's the right thing to do... Wait a minute, I said you haven't changed Xu Xuan's quilt for so long, have you?"

Lin Ke Ke's face was puzzled: "Xiaoxuan always covers her quilt? She's not used to other people's quilts. What are you doing

Lin Ke Ke is saying, but he is surprised by Yue Fei's sudden behavior.

"Er... I didn't mean to!"

Yue Fei just lifted Xu Xuan's quilt and quickly released her smart hand.

Xu Xuan didn't wear pajamas under the quilt, but she was wearing a set of black underwear. Yue Fei's face was flushed with surprise just now.

It's so bold. Xu Xuan usually wears such bold clothes... God, it's true that people can't judge their appearance, and the sea can't be measured! Yue Fei was deeply shocked by his discovery.

"... it's over." Xu Xuan pulled the quilt feebly, and her face turned red. First, she blushed at Yue Fei. Then she turned to Ke Ke and said, "my innocent body has been seen by general Zhongwu of your family... I can't get married... What can you do with Ke Ke Ke?"

Since you can't get married, just follow me... That's strange! You can't get married after being seen. It was hundreds of years ago! It's old-fashioned to use it now, asshole!

Yue Fei roared in his heart: and it's clear that he's sick. Why is he still so energetic when he teases me!

The weak water, who was sitting there reading the cartoon, raised his eyes and sneered with disdain: "after entering the Holy Land in my heart and planning for such a long time, in order to achieve my inner wild hope, he finally stretched out his dirty black hand... Congratulations, big fool servant, your trip is complete."

"Me! What! What! All! No! Look! Here we are

In the face of Yue Fei's murderous eyes, weak water is not moved at all, just sitting there and reading comics.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Ke chuckled and said, "who let us be good sisters, I'll forgive you."

"Yes, we are... What

Xu Xuan's face was shocked. She was seen by him. It was clear that she suffered a loss. How could it be this rhythm?

Lin Ke Ke Ke said earnestly: "however, Xiaoxuan, even if she is a good sister, it's not good to take advantage of her brother-in-law. Don't do that in the future."

"To die, I'm the sister... No!" Xu Xuan was crazy, "it's clear that he took advantage of me!"

Lin Ke Ke blinked: "this kind of thing is all right..."

"No! Daughter's family is very important, how can you be free! Forget it. It's all right. I don't have the strength to fight with you now... "

Xu Xuan just said half of it, but she had no strength. She lazily went back to bed. Although she knew for a long time that Lin Ke Ke Ke's brain was very funny, she didn't expect to get to this point.

"Look at the way they are still fighting. It's no big deal. Let's go."

Yue Fei turned around without expression.

Xu Xuan put out a white arm and grabbed Yue Fei: "Hey, don't let me die without help!"

"If you want to live, change the bed and quilt first."

Yue Fei turned and pointed to Xu Xuan's Quilt: "is it all wet inside? It's strange that you can get well if you cover this quilt all the time! "

"No way, I know the bed... Wait! Didn't you see nothing just now? "

"What are you talking about? Of course I didn't see anything... "

Xu Xuan stares at Yue Fei's eyes, and immediately finds his wandering eyes. Suddenly, Xu Xuan's heart beats faster and her shame brain smokes. Lying on the bed, I had no strength all over.

Wuwu, it's over. This time, I'm really in a big loss. I've been shown all by him

It's just a flick... How good the guy's eyes are!