"That is to say, you can live well by being a tutor and earning money from your sister's work, and then you can raise these two little girls. Ha ha, the young man is very good."

Jiang zhonglong praised Yue Fei with a smile.

Yue Fei doesn't know what the situation is. Jiang zhonglong is not angry at all when he is kicked by the weak water. Instead, he talks with himself about this and that. It seems that he doesn't mean to be held responsible at all.

Yue Fei thinks about it and thinks that Jiang zhonglong has his own identity and it's not easy to argue with him. Yue Fei is naturally happy with less trouble.

Jiang zhonglong asked Yue Fei about his relationship with qiangshui and told him what happened today. Then he realized that Wen Minjun wanted to adopt them because he saw that qiangshui and Jiuyue were lovely. At the same time, Yue Fei also learned a secret kept secret in the political circle of Nanjiang Province: Wen Minjun, wife of Jiang zhonglong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, is infertile!

Because Wen Minjun can't bear children, she has no resistance to children. That's why she can't help talking to the weak water on the street.

"Is your tutor good to you? How about the salary? Have they ever bullied you that you are a student, so they deliberately pressed your price? "

Jiang zhonglong raised a few more questions. It seemed that he was very concerned about Yue Fei's life.

"It's very good for me. The salary is several thousand a month, which is enough for me. But you misunderstand me. My boss is a single parent family. Mother and daughter depend on each other. They have a good relationship with me and won't bully me. I'm very grateful to them and always want to find a chance to repay them."

"Ha ha, as a college student, can she listen to you when you teach a girl in grade three? I don't think you're young, so you're doing it on purpose, right? "

"Secretary Jiang, you seem to be very concerned about education?"

Jiang zhonglong said with a smile: "we must pay attention to the education of the younger generation."

Yue Fei smiles and says: "although it's the rebellious period of youth, I often have trouble with her mother, but my students are still very good in front of me... Secretary Jiang, we've been chatting for a long time. If you have something to do, it's time for me to go home. As for the medical expenses to be compensated, you can ask your secretary to come to my home with the receipt after treatment in the hospital... Oh, right, I don't receive strange guests on Saturdays and Sundays. I have classes next week, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, and Monday, Thursday and Friday morning. So if he wants to come, please pay attention to the time. You'd better call me and make an appointment in advance. We won't receive him at other times. "

River Dragon Leng, this words how listen so harsh? What's more, I always feel that this guy seems to have a bad impression on the government.

Yue Fei nodded to him with a smile, then took September in his arms, pulled up the weak water and went out. Ah Huang followed him in a hurry.

Jiang zhonglong felt angry when he saw that Yue Fei was so rude. But he turned to think that he was angry with a provincial Party secretary. That's not to make him uncomfortable. Which one of his opponents is not a cunning old man? I've never met such a straightforward person. After thinking about it, Jiang zhonglong laughs.

"You laugh! The legs are like this

Wen Minjun is a little angry: "and that young man is so impolite that he doesn't pay attention to you at all. Aren't you angry?"

"He depends on his knowledge to earn money to support his family and live freely. He asks me for nothing and he is not under my command. Why does he pay attention to me? What's more, he's right. He's a taxpayer. I'm an official. I serve him. "

Jiang Zhong long shakes his head, and at the end of the speech, he even mocks himself.

Wen Minjun didn't speak any more. Although he knew the fact was different, he served the people and the people were the masters of the country. All this was written in the constitution. Some of them can't talk nonsense.

Yang yeyang was waiting outside fidgeting, but he didn't expect to come out with Yue Fei in his arms in September.

"How did you get out?"

Yang yeyang rushes to Yue Fei's side with a swish. September still remembers the uncle with scar on his face. He smiles sweetly at him, and then waves his little hand, which almost makes Yang yeyang forget his business.

Yue Fei gave Yang yeyang a look: "if I don't come out after the problem is solved, can I still sit inside and drink tea with him?"

"That's it!"

Yang yeyang's eyes widened.

"Well, it's settled. I'll help him to pay for his medical expenses. At that time, let his secretary take the hospital receipt and ask me to pay for it."

Yang yeyang some egg ache: "let the Secretary of the provincial Party committee to find you reimbursement of medical expenses... Your head was caught by a crack in the door!? That's the Secretary of the provincial Party committee! "

"What happened to the Secretary of the provincial Party committee?" Yue Fei glanced at Yang yeyang faintly. "The provincial Party secretary is also a human being. He can eat and drink Lasa and make mistakes. If they didn't talk to weak water, weak water mistook him for a human trafficker. Can this happen? What's more, we are a country where the people are the masters of the country. No matter how big the Secretary of the provincial Party committee is, he serves me as the "master". Am I right? "

"This..." Yang yeyang was silly, and then a little crazy: "that is the head of Nanjiang province! Do you know how many people want to sit with him for a cup of tea!? How can you come out like this? "

"Is it interesting to have tea with him?" Yue Fei shook his head helplessly. "I really don't understand what you officialdom people think. Why do you have to hold people's thighs? My life doesn't ask for others. I live on my own. I don't want to ask him for anything. I don't want to go into officialdom. Besides, I don't have a life with him. Why should I be so enthusiastic about him? "

"... what you said is also reasonable. I've got to get to the top of my head and forget that you are different from us."

Yang yeyang is also open-minded when he hears Yue Fei's words. He habitually thinks about things from a political point of view. He forgets that Yue Fei is a guy who has no desire or desire compared with other people. He has no greed for wealth, no desire for power, and no bad relationship with women. It seems that a peaceful life is all he wants, How can you be like those officialdom people who want to hold Jiang zhonglong's thigh!

"But thank you very much for this today. When you are free, we'll invite you to dinner. Let's go home first. Go and greet the two" distinguished guests. "

After saying hello to Yang yeyang, Yue Fei left. Knowing that Yang yeyang was still busy greeting the two distinguished guests, he didn't talk to him any more. After meeting Yue ningqingfan in front of him, the party drove home.

On the way, several people didn't speak. As soon as they entered the house, Xi mouse was scared away by Yue Ning, who was smiling. Then Yue Ning carried the weak water into her bedroom. Hearing the door click and lock, Yue Fei prayed for the weak water.

"Sister Ning just laughed horribly..."

Qingfan couldn't help shrinking her neck. She felt cold on her back.

"Once elder sister gets serious, even the immortal in the sky has to kneel down..."

Yue Fei has a deep understanding. When he was a child, he played with Lin Ke Ke Ke. He was so naughty that he got dirty all over. Sometimes when two people got into trouble, Yue Ning would start the preaching mode. The sincere and painstaking teaching would make you feel that the mistake you made was a terrible crime. I'm sorry for myself, I'm sorry for my family, I'm sorry for my country, I'm sorry for humanity, If you don't change, tomorrow will be the end of the world. If you don't know how to change, Yue Ning will open the hidden mode - "the whip of love".

Thinking of this, Yue Fei felt that his buttocks began to ache.

"Then, what happened?"

Qingfan was a little curious. Although Yue Fei had brought people back, she didn't know what happened.

"Isn't it the fault of being beautiful?"

Yue Fei reached out and scratched September's chin. September raised his cheek comfortably. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked like a lazy kitten. Yue Fei laughed and continued: "weak water and September felt bored in the sports meeting, so they went to hang out in the street. As a result, they were seen by Jiang zhonglong, Secretary of the provincial Party committee, and his wife Wen Minjun, because Wen Minjun couldn't have children, So I like children more. When I see weak water and September, I can't help talking to them. Weak water says that Secretary Jiang is a pervert, so I start... Oh no, move my feet. Then Wen Minjun tells Yang yeyang to take them to the Municipal Bureau... Ah Huang, what I hear is like this. Do you have anything to add? "

After thinking about it, ah Huang said, "I think it's very strange today. Originally, we went shopping well. The fairy lady said she wanted to find a car to drive, but she didn't see anything that satisfied her all the time."

"Wait! She wants to steal a car

Yue Fei interrupts ah Huang in a daze.

"Well, yes, but she just found a good car - well, I remember the sign was a trident, it was Maserati - she was disturbed by the two people who suddenly appeared before she could do it. Maybe the fairy was a little angry, so she kicked him."

It's a big trough! Yue Fei is in a mess. It turns out that Jiang zhonglong and Wen Minjun unconsciously prevented a possible catastrophe! If you let weak water succeed, it's not only a theft case involving ten million luxury cars, but also a series of car accidents

"In fact, I think the man's eyes are a little strange when he looks at the fairy..." ah Huang smashed the bar, smashed the mouth, and added: "maybe it's a lolly?"

After thinking about it, Yue Fei said uncertainly: "it should be... No, maybe it's because she can't have a baby, so he looks at the little girl strangely."

In any case, I hope that Secretary Jiang will not make a decision on the weak water. In that case, Yue Fei really can't imagine the consequences.

If Jiang zhonglong knew that he was suspected to be controlled by Lori by a dog, he didn't know what his expression would be