226 Ambrosia Cartel: Part 33

It was a nice anniversary with her last night. Well, she slept on my bed right now. I had woken up earlier this morning since I had to take a report back to the main base. My jet had been delivered to this base and I had to transport a report back to the main base all by myself. It was due to the fact that the intel contained the whereabout of the Ambrosia cartel main HQ that was located in Mexico. 

One might ask why I needed to deliver the report all by myself when I could tell someone to deliver it for me without making anymore nuisance. Well, it was simple. Lynn could abuse her position as a commander to gain access to the Intel. Well, if she had known the content of the intel, she might be shocked. The report was made with Farl in mind. 

If she had known that Farl was still alive, it would be a disaster. It could risk all of HSDC to go into a blind war against the Ambrosia without any preparation. Sure, we would win, there was no doubt about that, but the casualties would be very massive and not to mention that we didn't have any single data about the Ambrosia location on the upper spectrum of the earth. 

I wore my clothes and kissed the forehead of my girlfriend. I walked outside of the living quarter. There was a car parked there with a driver. The driver would take me to the hangar where the plane was located.

"Good morning, commander," the corporal said as I entered the car. 

"Good morning, corporal. Take me to the hangar, please," I said. 

The driver put the gear and he drove the car in the direction of the hangar. Even from afar, the view of the Sukhoi jet was very magnificent. Well, that was my jet for you, it was simply a beauty to be seen. 

I arrived at the hangar shortly and I walked to the nearest locker to grab a flight suit that fit my size. There was one that had been used by another pilot, however, it fitted perfectly inside of my body. I wore it and I filled a form to request a takeoff. Yeah, even there was a procedure for taking off from the runway of the base. Well, I couldn't blame anyone, it was one of the protocols that anyone had to do. 

I filled all of the forms while my jet was refueled. The jet was armed with enough AA missile that could shoot anyone that tried to shoot me down. I could have asked for an F-22, but I doubted that anyone would give it to me since I was quite well known to be flying in my Su-35. 

I walked to my jet and the head mechanic saluted at me. "Sir, aircraft preparation complete. It's all ready when you're," he said. 

I nodded as I climbed to the cockpit of the fighter jet. I turned on the engine of the jet and the roar of the jet engine filled the whole hangar. I closed the cockpit and begun checking out all of the instruments in case there was an error that could potentially be hazardous for my flight. 

"Sir, the sky is clear. You're clear to gain altitude," the ATC tower said. 

The sky was blue and the speed indicator of my fighter jet kept climbing up until it reached its maximum speed. A sonic boom appeared around the cockpit as I entered the supersonic cruising speed for the fighter jet. 

"Charlie Papa requesting refuel with KC-135 at sector ABO-090."

Yeah, flying with an afterburner would as sure as hell wasted all of my fuel during the flight and it would be quite a nuisance if I ran out of four in mid-flight. I first want that, so I requested that refuel. 

As I held the control stick of the plane, I held the documents that I had to deliver in my left hand. That document was a simple file with a flash disk inserted inside of that file. The flash disk was the real intel while the documents were the decoy. There wouldn't be any hostility for today since the other squadrons had distracted any possible interception during the mid-fly. I could relax and sit back while watching the beautiful blue sky. 

I pushed the throttle of the plane forward to turn the afterburner of the plane on. The back of the plane turned brighter as the afterburner was turned on. It was just the thing with engineering, I couldn't get bored of it. It was always amusing to feel the force pressing against my body when the afterburner was turned on. It was a fantastic feeling that I couldn't describe. It was just something. 

The ground above me was the Atlantic ocean. I was still two hundred kilometers away from the tanker aircraft and I would need to make a request to refuel soon. However, the fuel gauge showed that my fuel was still enough to go to the main base without any refueling. However, it should be a better option for me to turn off the afterburner first before I approached the tanker. 

The tanker showed up in front of me. I reduced my speed as I approached that aircraft. Slowly, I moved towards the refueling hose that was connected to the aircraft. I connected the end hose of my aircraft to that hose and the refueling procedure started. The fuel gauge went up bit by bit and eventually, it filled the whole tank of the Su-35.

I disengaged with that refueling probe and flew away from that tanker. I flew away from that tanker and headed for the main base which was located in the middle of the North Atlantic ocean. The platform that I was currently heading for was the command platform where Ryan would be waiting. They would the one that analyze the data and confirm whether the data was legit or not. However, I was one hundred percent sure that the data was legit since I was the one who retrieved all of that data.

The command platform could be seen on my radar and the radar on the command platform had started tracking me down. Well, if it was a hostile aircraft, a squadron consisted of many 5th generation fighter jets would be deployed to shoot me down. Well, if not the jets, they would deploy all of the G-A missiles to shoot me down. 

Well, both options weren't good for hostile planes, but I was not a hostile plane. I was their boss and it should be my privilege to be able to land on the command platform without any disruptions besides talking to the ATC to ask on which runway I should land. 

ATC: "Flight Charlie Papa, you're approaching the base. Please land on Runway 02."

Patrick: "Copy that tower. Charlie Papa will land on runway 02."

The runway was lighted up so I could get a better visual of the runway without the disruptions that were coming from the fog that was obstructing my view. Well, it was still early and the fog was quite common in the North Atlantic Sea. 

I landed my plane and taxied it to the nearest lift that would bring the plane down to the lower deck of the command platform. The lift number was 09. I moved my plane there and applied the brakes. The lift went down and took me to the first floor of the command platform. It was the first floor where the command center was established. Now, the command center had grown bigger and it filled a very large area on that command platform alone. 

A lot of personnel approached my plane as I opened the cockpit of my fighter jet. They attached the stairs and I climbed down from the cockpit of the fighter jet. There was also Nathan who had welcomed me. However, I was sure that he was here only for the files. 

"Hi, Patrick, how was Panama?" Nathan asked as I walked in his direction with a file in my hand. 

"This is all you need. Keep it a secret from Lynn. I don't want her to cause any unnecessary rampage anymore," I said. 

"I see. Let's go to the command center then. I should have this document analyzed by the intelligence team. Don't worry, they wouldn't tell anything to Lynn without my authorization first," Nathan said. 

"Alright, lead the way, commander," I said. 

Both of us walked to the command center. We would discuss our next move.