Some people around said that Kong Shiyu was so unreasonable! Is it difficult? She thinks that what others can't do, others can't do it at all!

Of course, Kong Shiyu can find her friends to ask. After all, she will come here because her friends informed her.

However, Kong Shiyu does not dare to ask anyone about the boss of this shop now, because she is afraid that what these people say is true, because she is afraid to hear what she most does not want to hear!

However, looking at the current situation, Kong Shiyu knew that even if no friends came to confirm with her, what these people said was true.

Jane is really the owner of this shop. What she said before in front of Jane Anning is a joke to the people around her! Even, it's still a joke with no way to end!

"Oh, I don't speak any more. It seems that I already have the answer in my heart! We all know Miss Kong's character, but there are some things that Miss Kong can't do whatever she wants! "

Seeing Kong Shiyu's expression, some people around him can't help but feel a little cool. After all, Kong Shiyu's character is really easy to offend people. Even if those who are offended don't say it, they must have complained about Kong Shiyu. If they don't come across such a scene, it's OK. Now that they have, I can't help but want to ridicule Kong Shiyu.

However, when everyone thought that after such a situation, Kong Shiyu would certainly realize the current situation and that this is not the place where she made trouble casually, her performance made people around her feel a big reversal.

At the same time, it also gives them a new bottom line in their sense of Kong Shiyu.

"Well, Jane Anning, I didn't expect you to be the owner of this shop! Then I'll give you a good consideration. Why do you treat me like this? "

"Well? What did I do to you? "

Jian Anning looks at Kong Shiyu, but so many people around can testify. She is not close to Kong Shiyu at all. What can she do to her?

"Since you are the owner of this Diancui Pavilion, why didn't I receive your invitation? Do you still look down on the Kong family? "

When people around hear Kong Shiyu's words, they will be defeated by him. Does Kong Shiyu look up to himself a little too much! Look, what are these words!

"It's just an invitation letter. How can I look down upon it?"

"That is, they are the boss of Diancui Pavilion. You can give the invitation to whoever you want. Can you manage it?"

As soon as Jane Anning opened her mouth, some people around her began to echo her words and began to help. It's really Kong Shiyu's words, which are too reckless.

"I don't care why these people can have invitation letters, but I don't have them as Miss Kong. Jane Anning, you have to give me an explanation! Otherwise, you are the enemy of the Kong family! "

Kong Shiyu doesn't believe that Jane Anning has the courage to offend the Kong family, so if she wants to solve this problem well, Jane Anning may have to use VIP to make amends to her!

Hum, at that time, it depends on whether she will agree or not!

"Explain? My first invitation is to my elders, but to my friends, Kong Shiyu. Which one can you count? If you don't give the invitation, you will be the enemy of the Kong family. I'm afraid that your Kong family has too much control over it! The other families haven't investigated this matter. Are you the youngest member of the Kong family angry? "

Jane Anning is not really afraid of Kong Shiyu's threat! What's more, the threat of Kong Shiyu really makes Jane silent. Can't Kong Shiyu really regard herself as the center of the world, and everyone has to surround her?

It seems that what happened before is not enough to teach Kong Shiyu enough lessons! Otherwise, how could Kong Shiyu be so arrogant in such a situation!

"That's it! This is Miss Jane's own shop. She can give an invitation to anyone she wants. Is it hard to get the consent of the Kong family? Well, you Kongs are too broad minded! Not to mention the Sheng family, the other eight families have nothing to say! "

"Yes, Miss Kong, do you know that when you do this? Are you sure that you are not recruiting gangsters for your Kong family? But I heard that the situation of your Kong family is not so good recently! As a young lady of the Kong family, she doesn't want to seek benefits for her family. Instead, she makes trouble for her family all day long. You Kong family, with such a young lady as you, are really out of luck! "

After hearing Jane's words, there are people around immediately. After all, there are people who don't like Kong Shiyu. Now, it's only a matter of a few words to make Kong Shiyu unhappy. Why not!

"You, you..."

Kong Shiyu didn't expect that Jian'an would dare to speak to her like this, and that people around her would stand on Jian'an's side and treat her like this! Mingming, she is the eldest lady of the Kong family. Shouldn't all these people flatter her? How dare they treat her like this!

"Miss Kong, since you come to my Diancui pavilion not to buy things, but to make trouble, I'm sorry. You are not welcome to my Diancui Pavilion. I hope you leave!"

Jane Anning doesn't lack customers like Kong Shiyu. She even thinks that if there are customers like Kong Shiyu, maybe they will lower the level of Diancui Pavilion! Fortunately, Kong Shiyu didn't get their invitation to Diancui pavilion through any other channels. Otherwise, with such a VIP as Kong Shiyu, Jane's heart would not be very comfortable.

As for the future, Jane Anning, as the boss, doesn't want anyone to become the VIP of her shop. It's not a matter of one word! Let alone Kong Shiyu, even if she is a member of the Kong family, she is not welcome.

After all, it's not so good for the Kong family to teach such a person as Kong Shiyu! Even if Kong Shiyu is like this, it's all her fault, but Jane Anning doesn't believe it. After Kong Shiyu has done so many things, doesn't the Kong family know anything about it?

However, even if they knew it, they didn't mean to blame Kong Shiyu at all. They even seemed to connive at Kong Shiyu all the time. Otherwise, how could they connive at Kong Shiyu into such a character!