However, when Jane Anning looked at the imperial green again, the aura in it was already very small, because it had all been in her body!

And that piece of spring band color is slightly better. After all, it has not been used up by Jane Anning, but the rich degree of aura is certainly not as good as before!

Jane Anning can't help but think of the jade she met when she was upgrading her powers. It's the jade that has been used as the treasure of the town shop. If she guessed correctly, the aura contained in the jade might have been absorbed by her last time!

Thinking of this, Jane Anning immediately went to verify it in person, and sure enough! Although the aura is still there, it's like someone who is sick. Under Jane's peaceful eyes, it seems a little dispirited!

Jane Anning can't help but be very glad that she just put this jade here for offering, but didn't put it into the Diancui pavilion to make ornaments.

Although the surface does not seem to have any problems, but she can not pass their own this level! Aura is not complete, even if it is made into jewelry to wear on people, although it may not be harmful to people's health, but at least, the beneficial aspects, has been ineffective a lot!

Jane Anning found out how naive she was! Before that, she told Sheng Yihong to borrow his spring ribbon! At that time, she really thought that she would have no problem borrowing it!

Now she just understood, where can have so good matter! She can use jadeite to restore her spiritual power, but jadeite itself has no loss!

Even if the surface can not see, but such a loss is the biggest!

Jane Anning can't do it now. She will give Sheng Yihong the spring ribbon which is half of her spiritual power!

Even Sheng Yihong originally only intended to make it into ornaments, and will not make jewelry to stay on!

Just, accompany the ornament of grandma Sheng Yihong, that also must be a good thing!

The loss of emperor green and the original treasure of Zhendian can be borne by Jian Anning herself, but this spring is colorful, but she must explain it to Sheng Yihong!

But how could she explain it! Such a mysterious thing, let alone she can't say it at all. Even if she can say it, I'm afraid Sheng Yihong won't believe it!

I'm afraid she won't believe it even before she sees it with her own eyes!

But now, what is she going to do!

Ah, the original ability recovery should be a happy thing! Unexpectedly, she found such a distressed thing!

Jane Anning looked at the two pieces of jade in front of her, and felt sad. After all, such a good thing, because of her reason, and abandoned!

Maybe someone will put it directly into the market even after knowing all this. After all, on the surface, there is no difference!

But Jane can't! She opened this shop because she liked jadeite! She didn't want the guests to spend a lot of money on the things they bought back, but they didn't have any use at all!

How many people buy high ice jadeite jewelry, in addition to some people regard it as a symbol of status! I'm afraid more people are also interested in the benefits of jade on the body!

And now there is no good thing, no matter how Jane Anning, it will not be sold again!

Even if this will make her have a great loss, she will not change her original intention!

"Well, what shall we do! Otherwise, you'd better think about how to tell him tomorrow! "

Jane Anning was worried for a while, and was ready to go home. But before she left, she took away the two Jadeites that had been abandoned for her.

Sheng Yihong doesn't know that the jadeite he lent to Jane Anning will make Jane Anning so distressed. If he knows, he will only persuade Jane Anning not to worry!

It's just a piece of jade! I'm not looking at it!

After all, even if it's a gift for grandma, it's not the only choice!

After dinner and chatting with her family in the evening, Jane took a bath and sat on the bed in her bedroom.

And the two Jadeites are now in front of her, while Jian Anning is staring at the two Jadeites tightly!

In fact, when Jane Anning was just taking a bath, she thought of a very important problem!

Before she was not very clear about the aura in her body, that is because she did not know that she had aura in her body! And in addition to that time in order to Sheng Yihong and Reiki completely exhausted, Jane Anning has never been such a situation, even before there is also a long time spent Reiki!

Therefore, the aura in her body will recover after use! And it's still self recovery!

Well, since the aura in her body will recover! Can the aura of jadeite recover itself? From the words of the man in black, she can understand that the aura in these natural Jadeites should be absorbed from nature!

Since she can absorb the aura from jadeite for her own use, can she also introduce the aura of nature into jadeite to supplement the missing aura of jadeite?

She can't be sure about the Imperial Green, but Sheng Yihong's aura of spring with color is not completely exhausted! If she can really restore the aura in the jade, then she won't have to worry about how to explain it to Sheng Yihong!

Oh, what a good way!

However, Jane Anning was just happy and soon began to feel sad again!

She used aura before, which was handed over by the man in black. She introduced the aura in Jadeite into her body, half by mistake, and half by groping according to the man in black's words!

However, how to introduce the aura of nature into jadeite! She really doesn't know!

She can see the spiritual power in her body and in jadeite, but she can't see the spiritual power in nature!

"Oh! Why is it so hard! "

Jane Anning howled and fell on the bed!

However, not long after lying down, Jane Anning suddenly rubbed and sat up.

"Why am I so stupid! Since my aura can recover automatically, and I can absorb the aura in Jadeite for my own use, that is to say, the aura in my body and the aura in Jadeite are of the same origin! Then why can't I transfer part of my aura to jadeite? "

In this case, as long as she does not exhaust the aura in her body, and then wait for it to recover slowly! The aura of jadeite can also be restored!

Moreover, Jane Anning remembers that the aura in her body could be cured even for Sheng Yihong's heavy injury at that time! It must be input into jadeite, it will only be good for people's body, but not bad!