"I'm listening, grandfather. I'm listening to you."

Lin ruofeng said quickly, "grandfather, I'll put it aside. I'll cure you first."

"Sick? If it can't be cured, don't comfort me. "

Lin guogen shook his head and said.

"Grandfather, you are just a minor illness."

Lin ruofeng opened his mouth with a smile and said, "grandfather, now you lie down and don't move. I'll help you treat your illness. Maybe, there will be a little pain later. You can bear it."

After that, Lin ruofeng took Lin guogen's hand and began to treat his grandfather. He couldn't let his grandfather talk about his family any more.

A stream of energy, along Lin ruofeng's hand, slowly moves towards Lin guogen's chest.

Lin ruofeng's speed of controlling energy movement is very, very slow. He is afraid that if it is too fast, his grandfather will not be able to bear it.

"It's a little painful. I feel like there's an ant crawling in my body."

Although very painful, but Lin guogen gritted his teeth in the insistence, because, he believes, his grandson, will not harm him.

"Almost ready!"

Looking at his grandfather in patience, Lin ruofeng heart is also very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, now he controls the energy and has come to Lin guogen's chest. He pushes the wind, cold and moisture slowly until it is discharged from the body.

After all this, Lin ruofeng was relieved.

"How are you feeling now, grandfather?"

Lin ruofeng asked.

"I feel my chest - eh? The feeling of chest tightness, asthma and discomfort is gone! "

Lin guogen snored, and then sat up from the bed.

After two activities, he said with a laugh.

Seeing that Lin guogen had returned to normal, Lin Daniu and his wife were also relieved.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

"Little wind."

Sitting on the bed, Lin guogen said, "although I'm well now, what I just said is from my heart. Your father and your mother and I all want you to get married early."


Han Mei strike while the iron is hot, said, "you see between you and Ziyin, things will be done sooner or later, I think it's good to find a day to do, let's have a big fat grandson as soon as possible."

At this time, Xia Ziyin got the news of Lin ruofeng's return, and just came back from the village committee. As a result, as soon as she came to the door, she heard Lin guogen and Han Mei's words, and was immediately embarrassed.

When she found that Lin guogen had no problem, she completely put down her heart, turned red and ran out of the house.

"Grandfather, mother, you see, scared Ziyin away?"

Seeing Xia Ziyin run away, Lin ruofeng was happy immediately.

"Why don't you go after it?"

Lin Da Niu's eyes glared and scolded.

"I'll go after it, I'll go right away!"

Lin ruofeng stood up and ran away.

In fact, he doesn't need Lin Daniu to urge him to get rid of Lin guogen and Han Mei by chasing Xia Ziyin.

"Ziyin, wait for me."

After coming out from home, Lin ruofeng catches up with Xia Ziyin and holds her hand.

"What are you waiting for?"

Xia Ziyin took a look at Lin ruofeng and said, "as soon as you go home, my aunt and grandfather force you to marry me. I don't want you to come back."

"Ha ha - I hope you can understand the old man's mood."

Lin ruofeng gave a ha ha and said, "all the elders want their children to get married early?"

"Ouch - what did you say just now? Don't want me back? Do you have a new love behind my back

Lin ruofeng said with a smile, "do you have a new love and forget your old love?"

"Xinhuan, what a head you are

Xia Ziyin stretched out her hand and twisted the soft meat on Lin ruofeng's waist. Then she said, "you just came back. Recently, Xiaolin village is not peaceful."

"No peace? What do you mean

Lin ruofeng was in a daze and asked, "are there more friction between tourists and villagers in Xiaolin village recently?"

"No, I don't mean peace."

Xia Ziyin shook her head and said, "you should remember that at the beginning, in order not to let tourists have accidents, we used barbed wire to stop the more dangerous areas, so as not to let tourists go deep into the mountains."

"However, recently, not only tourists but also villagers in Xiaolin village have responded that they have seen a very large beast in those places surrounded by barbed wire. They can't see exactly what it is, because the speed of the beast is too fast."

"I'm worried that if it can't be effectively controlled, it will cause panic among villagers and tourists and affect the reputation of Xiaolin village."Smell speech, Lin ruofeng nodded and said: "what you say is reasonable! However, I guess it should be some wild boars or something? After all, there are a lot of wild boars in the mountains. "

At this point, Lin ruofeng thought that when he just came back from the army, his mother was attacked by wild boars when she was farming in the mountains, which caused him to fall and fracture.

"Now that I'm back, I'll take care of it."

Lin ruofeng said, "you tell me a few places where some people have found unknown wild animals. I'll see what happened."

As they walked, they chatted and came to the village committee.

However, as soon as they returned to the village committee, a voice of panic suddenly came from a distance: "village head, Xia Zhishu, it's bad, it's bad, someone was attacked by wild animals and injured."

Hearing the cry, Lin ruofeng and Xia Ziyin rush back, while Ma Xiaoxiao rushes out of the office.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you are back."

Seeing Lin ruofeng appear in the village committee, Ma Xiaowei is stunned. However, he quickly reacts.

"What's the matter? Who's hurt? "

Lin ruofeng greets Ma Xiaoxiao, and then looks at the gasping villager Chen Jian and asks.

"Tourists, there are tourists injured!" Chen Jian gasped and said, "today, I took a five person travel team and took them to the mountains. I have clearly told them that they can't cross the dangerous area. However, when I didn't pay attention to it, one of them fell into the barbed wire fence and was attacked by wild animals."

"The beast that attacked him was the one that many people saw recently. He was black and tall. He walked upright and came and went like the wind!"

"Don't talk about the beast yet."

Lin ruofeng interrupted Chen Jian and asked, "now, where are the injured tourists?"

"The injured tourist is now in hospital for treatment." Chen Jian said, "to ensure the safety of tourists, I just came to the village committee to inform the village head and Xia Zhishu. I didn't expect you to be there, village head Lin. that's great."