Shortly after the group left, a group of ninjas and warriors came to the valley.

Looking at the sight of the desolation in the valley, everyone was shocked.

It can be seen from the gullies on the ground of the valley that the war was fierce at that time.

"Mr Abe!"

At this time, one of the leaders of the Jingdong base, Miyamoto, suddenly changed his face. He saw Shinji Abe lying in a ravine.

Miyamoto dashed directly in front of Shinzo Abe, held him in his arms, and put his fingers trembling between his breath. After a while, his body suddenly shook and his face turned pale.


Shinji Abe, who is regarded as the first master of aunt country, died!

Miyamoto was stunned.

Better than Shinji Abe, he died in the war.

There is no doubt that if the news gets out, the whole country will be shocked.

At this moment, Miyamoto's mind is in a mess. He has no idea what to do next.

A few minutes later, a warrior behind him asked in a low voice, "Miyamoto, what should we do next?" After a moment of silence, he said: "leave two people and send the remains of Abe back to the Jingdong base first. Other people will follow me. Judging from the traces on the scene, they can't run far. Moreover, they must be seriously injured,

this is a great opportunity to catch them all."

When the people of the Nintendo alliance left the valley, Xu Xiaoshan, who was invisible, resisted the impulse to kill the two remaining warriors and slowly followed them. While tracking them, he sent a message to Lin ruofeng to reveal their whereabouts.

So, after tracking for a long time, they didn't catch up with Lin ruofeng and others.

"two hours later, Nintendo base!"

Miyamoto issued the order with a sullen face.

Now, although they can't find the shadow of the hidden dragon group, they can be sure that they haven't left aunt country.

Moreover, there must be some seriously injured people in the hidden dragon group. If they want to recover, they must enter the city.

Therefore, as long as the people of the alliance pay close attention to the planes and ships from airports and docks to China, and control every hospital and prescription in the city, they will be able to find the traces of the people in the hidden dragon group.

It can be said that Miyamoto's wishful thinking is very good.

However, how could he know that Lin ruofeng, a pervert in the hidden dragon group, could make use of some wild herbs to make a recovery potion.

In the next few days, Lin ruofeng led the hidden dragon group to travel through the mountains and forests, never going to the city.

This makes the alliance extremely depressed.

The hidden dragon group doesn't appear in the city, and has never been to the airport or the wharf, which makes the alliance helpless. After all, there is a group of experts and a person who is good at changing looks. If you hide with your heart, it is very difficult to be found.

In these days, Lin ruofeng also got in touch with Qinglong.

When Qinglong learned that Lin ruofeng had led the hidden dragon group to do so many big things in aunt country, he was shocked and speechless.

It can be said that entering Beihai base and Jingdong base twice makes it impossible for those gifted disciples to continue to practice. This is a fatal blow to the alliance and even the whole aunt country.

Because, in 20 or 30 years' time, there will be a fault for the masters of aunt country.

Once this kind of fault appears, it will take a longer time to accumulate if it wants to develop again.

Finally, in view of the current problems faced by the Yinlong group, Qinglong thought of a good way to lead the Yinlong group back home.

Two days later, a freighter set out from the port of my aunt's country and headed for China.

And the hidden dragon group, hiding at the bottom of the cabin, left the country of aunt.

When the ship arrived at the high seas, the hidden dragon group got out of the cabin and came to the deck.

After ten days of recovery, all the people in the hidden dragon group, except Wang Bo and Hu Qian, have not fully recovered, but others have recovered.

"Finally, I left my aunt's country!"

Standing on the deck, with the sea breeze blowing, Lin ruofeng looked into the distance, and could see the outline of the island country.

It can be said that this trip to my aunt's country was quite smooth.

It not only made the ASO family pay a heavy price, but also destroyed the Jingdong base.

What's more unexpected is that he killed the first master of aunt country. It can be said that he gained a lot.

The only regret is that ASO Musashi escaped.

As ASO Musashi fled, their identities were exposed.

However, the exposure on exposure, anyway, they returned to China, aunt country people, also can't do anything about him.And just in these two days, a heavy news, so that the whole country of aunt shock.

That is, Shinji Abe, the first master of aunt country, died in the hands of the Chinese.

Shinji Abe's death, but under the command of forbearance alliance, not allowed to reveal the slightest bit.

After all, in the hearts of many Chinese aunts, Shinji Abe is their spiritual symbol.

Auntie junior high school worships samurai spirit and martial god, and Shinji Abe is the closest person to martial god.

However, no matter how the alliance controls it, it can't keep the information from leaking.

As for the people who leaked the news, they came from China.

It was Qinglong who arranged the news.

Because Qinglong knows very well that once Shinji Abe's death spreads to his aunt's country, the impact is absolutely catastrophic.

Sure enough, after learning that Shinzo Abe was dead, the whole country of aunts was boiling.

At the beginning, people from the Alliance came forward to refute the rumor, saying it was false news.

However, when one big news after another was disclosed, and Shinzo Abe himself never appeared, the alliance could no longer suppress it. It had to be admitted that Shinzo Abe was indeed killed in the war.

This time, not only aunt country, but also the whole world were shocked.

If it is before, then the world will take it for granted that Shinzo Abe died in the hands of the dragon spirit.

After all, Ling long, the leader of the dragon soul, is recognized as one of the top three experts in the world and has the strength to kill Shinji Abe alone.

However, now that the dragon soul is scattered, Ling Long's whereabouts have become a mystery.

Therefore, Shinzo Abe can not die in the hands of the dragon soul.

Paper can't hold fire.

Soon, some organizations in the world learned through special channels that Abe did not die in the hands of the dragon spirit, but in the hands of a mysterious Chinese team. At this moment, the whole world is not calm.