At 6:30 in the morning, Gao he woke up from his sleep on time.

When he was in college, he played games late at night. He often woke up at eight or nine o'clock during the day. His life was calm and comfortable. He was really happy with like-minded friends and gentle and considerate girlfriends.

I didn't know that life was so cruel until I graduated.

Fortunately, Gao he persevered.

In order to have a bright future with Wang / Xiaoling and live up to Lu Chen's good intentions, he devoted all his efforts to happy mutual entertainment. He got up early and returned late every day, rain or shine. He often stayed up all night in the company just to come up with the best products.

The happy farm, which has just been completed, carries his regretless dream.

Today is the day when [happy farm] is officially put into operation.

An important day.

Memory flashed in his mind. Gao he's mind became very clear. He bowed his head and kissed Wang / Xiaoling, who was still sleeping, and quickly got up to dress.

Today, he will be the first to arrive at the company!

"Are you awake?"

At this time, Wang / Xiaoling also woke up. She opened her hazy sleep eyes, raised her head and asked vaguely, "what time is it?"

Gao he said with a smile, "it's just 6:30. You can sleep more."

Wang / Xiaoling rubbed her eyes, gave him another white eye and said, "where can I sleep!"

She followed.

The party with Lu Chen last night touched them a lot. Originally, both Gao he and Wang / Xiaoling only wanted to have fun and operate well. They didn't want to be the top in the industry. They just wanted to earn back the investment cost and be satisfied to have a car and a house.

After knowing Lu Chen's imagination of the future of happy mutual entertainment, the two talents found that their horizons were too simple and their goals were too small.

Everyone is ambitious. Some are big, some are small, and some are deeply buried. Lu Chen's heroic words easily aroused the ambitions of Gao he and Wang / Xiaoling.

As the first step to realize its ambition, the success of [happy farm] is crucial.

At this moment, Gao he was uneasy and Wang / Xiaoling was excited. They finished washing as soon as possible, then casually made do with breakfast, went out together and took the subway to the company.

Just after 8 o'clock, all the employees of the company arrived - the normal working time is 9 o'clock.

Lu Chen also came to happy mutual entertainment at 9 o'clock to participate in today's online ceremony of happy net.

All the employees present were happy and entertained each other. The so-called ceremony was just specially prepared a computer, which could be completed at the click of the mouse. It was too exaggerated to say that the ceremony.

Wang / Xiaoling announced loudly: "let's applaud and invite our chairman to unveil the happy online line!"

make love!

The office area immediately burst into warm applause. Nearly 30 employees gathered together. Young smiling faces contained all kinds of expressions such as excitement, expectation and uneasiness.

Happy mutual entertainment has been established for so long. It's time to take it out for a walk whether [happy farm] is a mule or a horse!

In contrast, Lu Chen is undoubtedly the most calm. He calmly sat down in front of the computer, manipulated the mouse and gently clicked the confirm button.

The screen suddenly changed, and the home page of Kaixin appeared instantly, and was projected onto the screen by the projector at the same time.

Applause, louder!

The website of was purchased by Lu Chen as early as last year. It is not until today that it shows the true face of Lushan Mountain. The carefully designed website is quite eye-catching. The overall style is simple and lively, and the color is lively. The main [Kaixin farm] is placed in the most eye-catching position.

[happy farm] 1.0, mobile version, tablet version, web version and even TV version can be downloaded on the website.

All versions are interconnected and use the advantages of Feixun platform to expand customers. The game itself is completely free, but the game mall provides charged props and makes profits by selling props.

Unlike those mobile games and page games, the charging props of [happy farm] do not seriously damage the balance of the game. For example, there are tools for regular automatic watering and weeding, but there is no regular automatic collection.

Because regular automatic collection destroys the balance, making those game players who want to steal vegetables lose fun. For example, there is a probability that a dog can guard the house and bite a thief. It is not easy to have a dog. At most, it just reduces the probability of being stolen.

Dog food is charged. A bag of dog food can be fed for ten days for one yuan, and it's only three yuan a month.

If you don't buy dog food, the dog will run away when you buy it. I believe most users who keep dogs are willing to pay a little money. The dog itself is designed to be very Q cute, and there are many varieties to choose from.

Although the value of three yuan of dog food for a month is very low, if the number of users comes up and dozens, hundreds or even tens of millions of players are online, a little makes a lot, not to mention other props.

"User service and anti plug-in must be the best..."

After completing the online ceremony of, Lu Chen said to Gao He, "don't be afraid to spend money."

Interactive games such as [happy farm] are no different from other small games if the user scale and influence are small. No one will be willing to make efforts to build plug-ins.

But if the impact is large and the users reach millions or even tens of millions, it will be completely different.

Plug in is the game balance destroyer. Although the state has corresponding legal punishment, it can't be completely eliminated. We can only control the attack by ourselves.

If the plug-in is allowed to run rampant, the charged props can't be sold at all. If you want to return the capital and make a profit, it is undoubtedly a dream. Many games are destroyed by the plug-in.

Gao he patted his chest and said, "don't worry, in terms of technology, I'm definitely a top expert!"

In terms of technology, Lu Chen has great confidence in boss Gao. He says he is a top master. That's certainly not wrong.

"That's good..."

Lu Chen said with a smile: "you don't have to worry about the game publicity. I'll handle it!"

Today's era is no longer an era when the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. The real good wine needs to be put on the street and shouted hard in order to realize its value.

Publicity and promotion is to throw money at advertising, but not all publicity needs to spend money. Making rational use of their own resources often can achieve good results with only a little money or even no money.

Lu Chen has a good idea in his heart.


Second, send it. (to be continued)