Why is that?

Wan Xiaoquan sipped his tea and said in a deep voice, "because the current audience is tired of the type of drama that imitates the trend, the audience's appreciation level is improving, and the requirements for films and TV dramas are also improving."

"Then film and television production companies that are not enterprising and just want to pick up cheap will not be able to get along sooner or later. They can't always fool the audience by relying on poor plagiarism and shoddy plot. It's inevitable that works without novel creativity and original ideas will be abandoned by the audience."

"In my opinion, the vast sea of love is a TV series with exquisite packaging and strong advertising, but poor content. There is no essential difference from those self-made dramas before Xiangnan satellite TV. However, they ignore a very important point, that is, the TV audience has matured."

"To tell you the truth, I'm surprised that the ratings of the vast sea of love didn't drop until Episode 5 and 6. In my opinion, this TV series doesn't need to watch the first two episodes. It's enough to watch blue life and death love. Why chew the cold rice?"

Listening to his Tucao make complaints about the smiles.

July is the hottest season in Beijing, but in the elegant room of Yuming tea garden with green trees, there is no need to turn on the air conditioner. The cool wind blows into the room from the open window, making people feel relaxed and happy.

A pot of good tea, several plates of snacks and three or five friends sitting and talking are enough to spend an afternoon easily.

Wan Xiaoquan looked a little excited. He put down his tea cup and stared at the six morning sitting opposite him. His eyes showed admiration: "in contrast, the romantic stories in the house are much more interesting, warm, romantic, humorous and full of freshness to the audience. The good thing about this play is that the screenwriter can tell stories. It is inevitable that the audience ratings will exceed the vast sea of love, and it will be higher."

A middle-aged man here smiled and said, "Lao Wan, I can't imagine that you have studied TV dramas now."

Although it is ridicule, there is no malice, because he is an old friend Wan Xiaoquan has known for many years.

Today's party was started by Wan Xiaoquan. He invited several friends in the circle and 6 in the morning.

It happened that I could spare time in the morning of June and gladly participated in the tea party in this small circle.

Wan Xiaoquan is a student of the great director Zhang Wentian and one of the well-known representatives of the fifth generation of directors in the industry. He is a very talented person and is deeply appreciated by Zhang Wentian.

It's the so-called character that determines fate. Wan Xiaoquan's temper is very grumpy. He injured others in a conflict two years ago, leading to imprisonment. He just came out of prison a few months ago.

Today, Wan Xiaoquan is basically living in seclusion. Because of the relevant regulations of the State Administration of radio, film and television, there are no film and television companies or investors looking for him to shoot, and his life is very depressed.

Only a few of his friends were left in front of him.

After this accident, Wan Xiaoquan's temper has changed obviously. He is no longer violent and manic, and becomes tolerant and quiet. If his friends used to joke with him, he would be angry, but now he is laughing.

"I'm busy, so I watch TV at home every day."

Wan Xiaoquan mocked himself: "I think I can't make a movie in the future. It's good to try making TV."

Several friends were silent.

Although Wan Xiaoquan had a bad temper in the past, he was full of self-confidence and pride, as well as creative ability.

Now he always has a kind of lingering decadence.

In the past, Wan Xiaoquan despised TV dramas. In his opinion, film is the real art.

Now he sits at home watching TV.

The change of contrast is too sharp to make people feel depressed.

The morning keenly felt the change of the atmosphere in the elegant room. He quietly opened the briefcase he had brought with him, took out a stack of thick manuscript paper and handed it to Wan Xiaoquan.

Wan Xiaoquan was stunned: "this is"

In the morning, he smiled and said, "this is a movie script I wrote. I would like to ask Mr. Wan for your advice."

Wan Xiaoquan was surprised: "then I have to have a good look..."

He solemnly took the script with both hands, and his eyes couldn't help falling on the page of the script.

The title of the play is very eye-catching, beautiful ghost

Wan Xiaoquan's heart jumped uncontrollably. He couldn't help turning to the first page and carefully reading the brief introduction of the script.

The introduction on the second page was three or four hundred words. It took him five minutes to read it.

After reading the synopsis of the story, Wan Xiaoquan sighed: "this is Nie Xiaoqian who has strange dreams in Liaozhai."

The morning smiled and said, "yes, my script is adapted from Nie Xiaoqian."

Wan Xiaoquan felt that his mind could not turn around: "you want to make a movie"

6 nodded in the morning: "yes"

There is nothing to avoid. The life route he formulated for himself is to take the road of film, television and song.

In the entertainment circle, movie actors are the most compelling among all artists. The idea of making movies in the morning of June is not two days a day. It can be said that they have existed since he stepped into this circle and have already begun to layout.

It took him five days to write and sort out this beautiful girl ghost script, with a total of about 40000 words and hundreds of pages printed.

After returning to Beijing from the romantic national tour, I spent most of the morning squatting at home and knocking on the keyboard behind closed doors. In addition to writing about Xiaoao Jianghu, I was the ghost of a beautiful girl.

He is going to use the film as his debut on the screen

Only a handful of film directors met in the morning of June. The most famous Zhang Wentian retired again, so he thought of Wan Xiaoquan. Wan Xiaoquan invited him to tea, so he printed the script and brought it.

Wan Xiaoquan is good at costume films and has made the legend of the white snake. He believes that with his directing skills, there should be no problem directing the ghost of a beautiful woman.

Wan Xiaoquan is not a fool. Although he didn't say it clearly, how could he not understand what he meant

"You don't want me to direct the film"

The morning smiled and said, "if teacher Wan can help, it's naturally the best."

Wan Xiaoquan said with a bitter smile, "you don't know my situation."

He has been in prison for more than a year, but he has not paid enough for his impulse. He will be banned for at least two years in the industry. Now where can he be a director again.

Although he is very excited.

Although Chen is young, he is modest and knows how to respect his predecessors. He is also a well-known artist. He also opened his own studio, got up in the circle and has a strong market appeal.

In other words, 6 morning is a good partner.


Wan Xiaoquan sighed low in his heart.

Second, send it.

PS: a friend asked how long the book would be written. The author Jun expected to finish counting the book in 2oo 10000 words. The results have been good, so there is no need to worry about the unfinished work or eunuchs. To be continued. eight