Mo Nianchen looked at her and asked with a smile, "are pancakes delicious?"

Li shengxia looked at Mo Nianchen with some surprise, as if he didn't believe that he just asked such a question.

How she wanted to answer, not delicious, she did not eat!!

However, she is now playing the game, she must abide by the rules of the game.

"Not bad."

Mo Nianchen's lips raised a trace if there is no smile, as if to say, fortunately she likes.

Li shengxia avoids Mo Nianchen's eyes.

But colleagues can't help but fantasize. What's the problem? Is it a secret signal between them!?

So Huanhuan couldn't help holding your hand and said, "are pancakes delicious?"

"Not bad..."

Li shengxia: That's enough!!

Li shengxia's wine bottle turns to youYou. Youyou chooses the truth. Li shengxia casually asks a question, "is there anyone you like?"

You nodded, "yes." Then he took the wine bottle and turned to Mo Nianchen.

"Boss, is there anyone you like?" Youyou asks Mo Nianchen the question Li shengxia asked just now.


Continued to turn a few people, and then to Mo Nianchen.


"So, is the person boss likes among us?"

“……” Mo Nianchen subconsciously looks at Li shengxia.

Li shengxia suddenly stood up and said, "I want to go back first."

Mo Nianchen stretched out his hand and pressed her wrist, his eyes calmly looking at her, "wait a minute, I will send you back."

"No, gentlemen. Excuse me. You go on."

"Li shengxia, don't you dare to listen?" Mo Nianchen looks into Li shengxia's eyes.

She didn't speak.

He picked up a glass of wine and drank it out in one gulp. He turned the bottle neatly and turned it just in front of Li shengxia.

From the beginning to the end, he looked her in the eyes. "It's my turn to ask you a question."

"I choose the big adventure." Li shengxia's answer was obviously that he did not want him to ask himself questions.

Mo Nianchen seized her strength and could not help but increase, and finally just said, "then put on this ring and never take it off."


"What? Didn't you choose it yourself? "

He was reminding her to abide by the rules of the game. She didn't expect that he even used a game chance to let her wear a ring. Is this ring meaningful? Why does he want her to wear it? Is it to remind her that she will never escape him?

"I can't wear it!"

"I don't mind wearing it for you."

"Mo Nianchen! Do you find it interesting to force people like this? "

"It's the rule of the game."

Li shengxia didn't expect that after a few days, the ring returned to her hand. But she couldn't convince herself to put it on again, which would make her feel stupid.

"If you really don't want to wear it, keep it for a while and wear it when you want to, but in exchange, you have to continue playing the game."

Li shengxia thought for a moment, and finally accepted the red ring, bit his lips and sat back to his seat.

Colleagues felt the atmosphere was strange.

Li shengxia saw Mo Nianchen's smile and glared at him with hatred.

"Summer, it's your turn to turn the wine bottle." Huanhuan reminded.

Li shengxia thought of turning the wine bottle. Who knows, this turn just turned to Mo Nianchen!

"You can ask me any questions." Mo Nianchen looks at her with a smile.

Li shengxia asked coldly, "have you done enough?"

"Is that the only thing you want to ask?" Mo Nianchen slightly locks eyebrow to look at her.

"That's right."

Mo Nianchen's eyes glanced over a touch of disappointment, and soon hid that touch of emotion, smiling, "I'm not in trouble."

"Please answer my question head on."

"I'm afraid not. I want to ask you one last question."

As he spoke, he turned the bottle and once again turned to Li shengxia in an impartial manner.

Li shengxia glared at him angrily. He is too accurate. Every time he turns the wine bottle, he will turn to her! She even doubted if the bottle was greasy!

Mo Nianchen looked at Li shengxia's eyes, "Xia Xia, I apologize to you for all I have done to you. I'm sorry, when you need me most, I didn't give you the warmth and support you want. Forgive me, give me another chance, come back to me, OK? My arms will always be opened for you alone... "

He said, slowly opening his arms to greet her.

Colleagues were shocked.

God, boss, is this a confession? It sounds like there was a past between them.Will midsummer accept him again? No matter what boss did for midsummer, they all saw it. Boss should really like midsummer.

They all prayed silently in their hearts: Midsummer, promise him and give him another chance.

Who knows, Li shengxia suddenly picked up his glass and poured it on his face without hesitation.

Mo Nianchen's movements became stiff because of the accident.

People are even more surprised

God, what's the situation!

Li shengxia said coldly, "it doesn't matter if you can get a sentence of sorry for every sentence. Will people who have done bad things do more to hurt others? I'd like to answer you. I can forgive you, but it's against the rules of the game. This is the end of the day. Please stop pestering me. Goodbye, goodbye

Li shengxia put the cup on the table coldly and then left.

She ran very fast, almost no hesitation and stay, as if she never wanted to recall the pain behind this.

Mo Nianchen stood in the same place all over his body, all colleagues were embarrassed.

"Boss, are you ok? Wipe it Youyou quickly hands over the paper towel.

"Boss, I'm sorry, but we didn't know this would happen."

"I can't believe that midsummer is always obedient and obedient."

"Boss, have you known Sheng Xia for a long time? Did you do anything to hurt her? Otherwise, she shouldn't have resisted a thousand miles away. If you really hurt her and you really want to apologize, take a chance and talk to her alone

Mo Nianchen stood in place, looking at Li shengxia's far away figure, for a long time did not speak.

If it's just an ordinary injury Just fine.

If it is something that can be easily apologized and quickly forgiven, it will be good.

Because he knew that the wound on her body was so cracked that he couldn't even say sorry.

"Do you think I'm too hard on her Mo Nianchen's lips arouse a touch of bitterness.

For Li shengxia, he never knew what to do.

Because I have done something I regret, I have been making up for it, but I still can't make it up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!