315 - - 追Additional Chapter その No. 29: Happiness of Katasage and Mother

I have been wondering about something for a long time.

That is, why do Arcadia and the rest of the so-called "maternity group" all have the same hairstyle?

Yes, "one side pigtails.

Why do they all have one side of their hair?

It is true that it would be dangerous if their long hair got caught, and it seems logical that they would keep their hair in one place so that it would be visible. ......

I'm sure it would be dangerous to have the long hair caught in the middle of the hair. How can a baby be born?

Of course, it is because of "love". Do you understand? Children.


No, you definitely don't understand ......, I said as I turned my wild eyes on Trubaugh and the others.

You hated Iguza so much, but then you realized you were the fourth fastest to have a baby. ......

I'm not sure if it's that one?

You may have said so with your mouth, but your body was not .......

Is it a "like it or not" kind of thing?

I don't know,......," I said in disbelief as I looked at Tulbaugh's hair.

It was still one side of his head.

I wondered if it was a one-trimmed hairdo, or if it was .......

I wondered if it was a one-sided hairdo, or if it was just a hairdo.

As I was looking at Trubaugh with a difficult expression on my face, Ophir, who seemed to have finished carrying the food and other gifts into the temple, approached me happily and said, "Oh? I looked at him with a difficult face.

What is it? You finally want a kid too?

I'll get around to it," said Ophir. What about you?

I'm fine with it. I'm fine with it. But if I had one now, my abs would crush it, right? So, you need to lose a little more muscle.

Ophir's abs are bulging with pride as he says this.

No, it's true that if they were that muscular, they would pop out with just a little effort, but even Arcadia is looking like a normal mom, so I'm sure it's surprisingly okay.

I rather think that Ophir's baby would endure with spirit even if it was almost crushed. ......

And I think he's going to be born looking like a muscular guy. ......

What's with that face?

"No, it's nothing. ...... I'm sure your child will look like his mother. ......


Anyway, I ask Ophir.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm not sure what to make of it either. She's been in a very deleterious phase lately, but she's your mother, after all, right? Don't you like it?

I'm not sure how much of a delirium she's in, but she is in a delirium. I'll kill you." He is in his dere-lo stage.

Hm? Oh, you mean the old lady. Well, that's okay, isn't it? Sure, she's like a mother, but unlike us, the goddess never thought about her own happiness, did she?

"......, well, I guess so."

"Oh, yeah. I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I'm sure you're right. I'm fine with it as long as she's happy.

"Hmmm. You are surprisingly mature.

"Heh, yeah.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never forget to keep your loved ones happy.
