292 - - [Additional Chapter] No. 6: Tilna's request 2.

It is no exaggeration to say that I was beaten to a pulp by Arinsu last time, but that was the result of my pride.

I was flattered by Tiruna's encouragement, and the biggest cause of my defeat was the fact that I was so lenient with her.

The first time in my life, I did a waterfall exercise with the water attribute technique of Magmel, who was reluctant to help me, and sharpened my mentality to the utmost limit.

And so I stood in front of Arinsu again.

I will not be defeated twice by an opponent I have already defeated once--with that firm determination in my heart.


"What the hell?

No, why?

I tried pretty hard this time, but...?

"Hmm, let's play again next time, shall we, miss?

"Nuh-uh. ......."

The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to make sure that your money is well-spent.

I've got an idea!

The actual "I'm not a fan of the way you look at it, but I'm not a fan of the way you look at it either.

The next day.

The next day.

"Erma, it's ......."

Yes, I know, I know. Yes, I know that winning this thing doesn't mean anything. But you know what, Tiruna? The world of competition is cruel. The winner is the government, and I'm going to win! Even if it means using the meanest of tricks! So let's play the "21 game," Arinsu!

Pointing my finger at Arinsu, I shouted out a challenge in a loud voice.

The "21 game" is a children's game in which players stack up to three numbers on top of each other, starting with 1, and the first player to reach 21 loses.

The first one to step on 21 loses. When I had some free time on a long trip, a pig taught me this game as a kind of exercise for my brain.

Elma ......

Don't look at me like that!

I can't help it!

You can't win at all if you try!

You're a pretty girl, aren't you?

Shut up! You can afford to be so carefree while you still can!

Anyway, the reason why I chose the 21 game is because there is a "winning strategy" in this game.

As long as 21 is the endpoint, I can always win if I hold a "multiple of 4".

So, I humbly told Arinsu not to let her know this.

I told her humbly, so that Arinsu would not know about it.

I'll give you the lead. I'll start with ......1, two threes.

Okay, I'll go with four.

"Oh, you are very timid, aren't you? Okay, 5 for 6.

Seven, eight.

Nine, ten, eleven.


Then let's make it 13.

Well, so much for your leeway, Alice.

You're completely under my spell.

Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.

Yes, I win!

No matter what you choose, I'll get 20 and you lose, Alice!

While I was about to burst out laughing, Arinsu piled up the numbers "17".

I guess she must have realized that she had lost.

But it's too bad, Arinsu.

You had already lost before you fought me!

Eighteen, nineteen..."


By the way, I do recognize your ability. You are the saint of the sword, you know that?

Oh, thank you very much. I'm not going to let my guard down now, even if you are playing coy with me now. I'm sorry to hear that.

"I'm sure you're right. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Let's do 20.

21! You lose! What's ......? 21......? Oh, I lost!

I was shocked.

"Elma, ......"

What, wait, why~?