290 - - 章Additional Chapter 》 No. 4: How can anyone cook? 2.

So, with the girls' desire to learn at least simple cooking for the time being, I was visiting the Temple of the Winds with them.

I was still helping with the reconstruction, but I had been working a lot recently, and it would be good to have a change of pace once in a while.

I hope they will enjoy themselves.

And if you could give them something to eat, that would be great. ...... Well, I'll tell you about that later.

I see. So that's why you've come to me to ask me to teach you.

She folded her arms mysteriously and nodded her head.

The children around her were as happy as ever and seemed to be enjoying their life here to the fullest.

I'm going to ask you once again, are you sure you can't do anything but me?

No, it's not that I can't do anything. I can't say that I can't do anything. I'm not sure if it's just baking or boiling at the most. That's all I can do.

I see.

After nodding quietly, Trubo put his hand on Alka's shoulder and said.

Then you are number three from today, the saint of the "spear". You have done well up to now.


Naturally, Arka objected, wondering what was going on.

Wait a minute, Goddess Tolleborg! What are you talking about?

"Well, it seems that I have to make myself clear to you. You have lost your rightful wife to me as of this moment. You are now one of the many concubines, and you will devote yourself to your duties.

What, you mean ......?

The woman's face was frozen with a look of astonishment, and Trubaugh crossed his arms again.

I'm sure you're right. I hear that you are unable to cook or even do a single household chore. How can such a person be my rightful wife? A rightful wife is one who has all the qualities of mind, body, and spirit. It is not something that is determined by how quickly you meet.


Alka bit her lip in frustration.

Therefore, you are not qualified to call yourself my wife. If you regret it, you must learn to surpass me. Until then, I will keep your rightful place as my wife.

I will take your place as my rightful wife until then. Then I will defeat you at the earliest opportunity and take your rightful wife's place once again in my hands!

Arca declared in high spirits, pointing vigorously at Trubaugh-sama.

The other girls began to raise their voices one after another.

I'm going to be the first one to surpass her. I will be the first one to surpass her.

I'll be the first one to surpass her. I'll show you the difference between me and her.

I'm telling you, I know more than any of you. You will regret it if you underestimate me.

By the way, what are the mental and physical skills of a righteous wife?

I don't know, even if you ask me. ...... I mean, what's with this ...... flirtation?

The most important thing to remember is that you should be able to do everything you can to make the most of your time in the house. If that is the case, I will learn with all my heart and soul, Kaya.

I am very young, but I am not young at all. I am very young myself.

So what are you going to start with ......? I mean, cooking ......?"

The first thing to do is to learn how to cook," he said, nodding his head.

Oh, of course," he said. The book that this pig man owned said, "He who grasps the stomach, grasps everything. So, let's get started. First, I will show you my example.

After saying these words, Trubo opened his eyes and howled.

Come forth, Spirit of the Wind!


At that moment, out of the swirling wind, a genie (wearing some kind of chef-like hat), not a cute, palm-sized stuffed animal ......, appeared.

Then she gave the genie instructions like this.

She then instructed the genie, "A simple one will do. Just get it done ASAP."


The spirit replied to Trubaugh's words with a raised hand and flew away.

The actual "I'm not sure what to do with it," he said, "but I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

How do you like it?"


We were naturally at a loss for words at the sight of Trubo-sama's proudly puffing out his chest.

Apparently extremely satisfied with our reaction, Tolbaugh pointed at us with his chin and said, "All right, let's get started.

All right, then, let's begin.

No, don't "start" me! You haven't cooked yet, have you?

What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Right?


"Moo! I've seen you before! I've seen you before! You know, the one that used to make wind in the temple for no reason?

Yeah, that's the one.

With a snap of his finger, Trubo-sama snapped his fingers, and another group of spirits appeared, each blowing wind to blow away dust and other debris.

In short, they were "cleaning.

I guess the spirits do the laundry in a similar way.

It was a very God-like household chore.

I was so happy to see her. So what I thought was the taste of my mother's cooking until now was the cooking of that stuffed animal?

But it was a shocking revelation to Ofir, and he was left alone with his head in his hands for a long time.


I'm not sure if I want to eat it or not. It's ...... delicious!

What is this?

I think I'm going to hire this genie in my house. ......
