Dai Yizhi had fetal movement when she was more than five months old.

Every night before he goes to bed, Mu Chengyan puts his face on Dai Yizhi's stomach to talk to the baby. Dai Yizhi says that the baby is too young to hear, but he has to have a sense of ceremony.

The first time there was fetal movement, they went back to bed as usual.

Dai Yizhi just lay on the bed, Mu Chengyan put his head up.

Compared with a few months earlier, the five month old belly has protruded, but it's not very big. Last time I accompanied her to the pregnancy examination, Mu Chengyan saw a pregnant woman whose belly had become a ball after five months.

At that time, he was not at ease. During the pregnancy examination, he asked the doctor specially. The doctor said that there was no big problem and the fetus was very healthy.

Dai Yi knew that he put his head on his stomach again, put his hand on his head with a smile, and grabbed his broken hair: "you can't hear what the baby says now, even if you hear it, he can't respond to you."

Her words just fell two seconds, Mu Chengyan suddenly felt his face rubbed by something, very short, maybe less than a second, but he could be sure it was true.

He sat up and looked at Dai Yi and said, "did the baby move?"

Dai Yi knew that he didn't feel it, but he was stunned when he asked, and asked in an uncertain way: "do you have it?"

Mu Chengyan was a little excited. He fell down and put his face back on her stomach, waiting for the next baby to move again.

Seeing him so serious, Dai Yi could not help but calm down and feel the movement in his stomach.

But they kept the same posture for almost a minute, and there was no movement in their stomachs.

She laughed, put her hand on the side of her stomach and touched: "don't be too nervous."

"Shh." Mu Chengyan stopped her from speaking.

Dai Yizhi looked at his solemn expression and couldn't help laughing. He had to close his mouth with a smile.

After a while, she was a little sleepy, and Mu Chengyan was still lying there.

Just when she wanted to be pulled, she clearly felt that she had been kicked twice in her stomach. She opened her eyes in shock and said to Mu Chengyan excitedly: "Mu Chengyan, the baby moved, he... He moved."

"I feel it." Mu Chengyan moved his face away and put his hand on his belly. His face was a little red with excitement. He called softly: "baby, I'm dad."

The baby moved a few times and then stopped.

Seeing nothing else, Mu Chengyan estimates that the little guy may have gone to bed, and then he lies down with Dai Yizhi in his arms.

After having the first fetal movement, the number of daily movements in the back is more. Dai Yizhi has to count several fetal movements every day.

Now it is five and a half months, the weather is getting hotter day by day, and the pace of summer is approaching quietly.

These days, Mu Chengyan is on a business trip in Ningcheng. He calls Dai Yizhi several times a day for fear that he will not be around. What's wrong with her.

Before going on a business trip, he told Zhang Xiaoyun that he had been on a business trip for a few days and let Dai Yizhi stay with them in the evening.

Dai Yizhi thinks that Mu Chengyan is too nervous, but he still picks up some clothes and goes to live with his aunt.

Today is the last day of his business trip. He called her at lunch.

Dai Yizhi told Zhang Xiaoyun before going to work that she would go back to huaaocheng to sleep next night. When she got home from work, Mu Chengyan was still on her way back.

She took a bath and watched TV for a long time. At seven o'clock, Mu Chengyan got home.

He also had a bunch of flowers in his hand, but not roses, but a bunch of beautiful carnations.

Dai Yizhi received a carnation for the first time, and immediately found a beautiful vase to insert. However, he was a little curious: "how can you suddenly send me a bunch of carnations?"

"For my daughter to her mother." Then he pulled the man into his arms and put his hand on her stomach.

It's getting hotter and hotter. She's wearing a thin skirt and her stomach is half round. She looks like a pregnant woman.

Dai Yi knew that he didn't have a good look: "the baby's gender doesn't know, you don't always shout from your daughter. If it's a son, he won't be happy."

The man snorted childishly: "I say a daughter is a daughter."

"..." is a real mystery of self-confidence.

Forget it. She loves her son and daughter anyway.

The next night, Mu Chengyan went to a brother's party.

He wanted to take Dai Yizhi with him, but she said she didn't want to go.

The party was not noisy, and there were many people smoking and drinking. Mu Chengyan didn't want her to go to the smoky place, so he agreed that she would come back early.

He may be out for about three hours, and he will be back before eleven.

I came back with the smell of wine.

When Dai Yizhi went to help him, the smell of wine and smoke was strong and heavy. She couldn't help frowning: "how many cigarettes did you smoke and drink this time? I agree with you to go to a party with your friends, but I don't allow you to smoke or drink. "

Mu Chengyan drinks a little too much and walks unsteadily. He is worried that if he doesn't stand firmly, he will overwhelm Dai Yizhi and push her away: "I'll go by myself. Don't help me."

Dai Yi knows not at ease with him, a look at him is to drink a lot, especially angry: "you again like this, I will not allow you to go out next time."

Mu Chengyan staggers to the sofa, lies forward and leans on the sofa.

Looking up at Dai Yizhi's angry expression, he stretched out his hand and hung her finger: "I'm happy. I drank two cups too much without paying attention. Don't be angry, daughter-in-law. I won't drink any more, really. "

Dai Yi knew that he didn't have a good look and turned to the kitchen: "sit on the sofa, I'll make you a cup of honey water."

After drinking the honey water, Mu Chengyan didn't drink much. After a long rest, he lost a lot of spirit. As a result, he wanted to hold his daughter-in-law, but he was rejected.

Dai Yizhi frowned at him: "you stink, don't touch me and baby."

Mu Chengyan laughed and had to take back his hand: "OK, I'll take a bath now."

When he came out of the bath, Dai Yizhi was already in bed, with a pregnant woman encyclopedia in his hand.

He opened the quilt and went to bed. He said to Dai Yizhi, who was still reading a book, "don't look. It's very late. I'll go to bed."

Dai Yizhi closed the book, handed it to him and lay down slowly.

Mu Chengyan changed the lamp at the head of the bed and lay down with her.

I don't know if it's because he's drunk or just had a bath. Dai Yizhi feels that his temperature is a little hot, and his quilt is a little sultry.

She poked a foot out of the bed.

As soon as she put her foot out, Mu Chengyan put out her long leg and hooked it back. Her lips rubbed against her ears: "cover the quilt well."

"You are so hot. I feel so hot. Don't hold me to sleep." Dai Yizhi twisted his feet twice, trying to get rid of them.

Mu Chengyan narrowed his eyes and hissed. He raised his hand under her neck and pressed her forehead with his palm: "OK, don't move. It's a reaction."

"..." Dai Yizhi, who has been as quiet as a chicken for nearly half a minute, asked in a low voice: "if you are a little lighter, you can do it, but you have to control the time. Is 15 minutes enough?"

Fifteen minutes?

Mu Chengyan pondered.

He was afraid that he would set the shortest Guinness world record.