It rained all the time. It didn't stop until the evening when I came back from sweeping the tomb. It didn't stop until the next morning.

After breakfast, the three of them got on the bus to the county seat and were ready to go back by train.

However, when I went to the railway station to buy a ticket, I was told by the staff that because of the heavy rain, the railway track had been washed out. Today's rush repair train can't run until the next day.

The only way to go back is by train. Now the train can't go, so they have to stay in the county for one night.

Even if it rains at night, the train can't go, and the place to live can't be found.

The railway track was damaged, and then hit the May Day holiday. There were too many passengers stranded. The hotels around the railway station were almost full. It was not easy to find a hotel with rooms, but they were told that there was only one left.

A room is better than no place to live. After discussion, Dai Yizhi and Zhou cancan sleep on the bed. Mu Chengyan makes a shop on the floor and makes do for the night.

Yesterday's rainstorm dissipated the gathering heat. The temperature after the rain is just right, so I won't worry about catching cold.

The quilt was taken to Mu Chengyan and spread on the ground to make him sleep more comfortable.

I don't know what time it is at night. Dai Yizhi wakes up from his sleep and feels like he is hanging behind him.

She carefully looked back, the body really has been to the edge, and then a little outside should fall down.

Take back the line of sight, she is preparing to move in, but Zhou can can can suddenly turned over, a foot toward this side, directly pushed her down.

Because Dai Yizhi saw her stretched foot, all the heart has been on guard, when being kicked out of bed, first a hand to support, buffered the whole process.

Finally, after falling out of bed, he didn't get hurt and didn't move much.

Dai Yizhi gets up and takes a look at Mu Chengyan who is sleeping on the side. Fortunately, he sleeps far away, otherwise she will fall down.

The desk lamp at the head of the bed is on in the room, and the dark yellow light is shrouded in the room. She looks at Zhou cancan, who is sleeping in all directions, and sighs helplessly.

I don't know when I can get rid of this habit.

She was about to get up with her little paw on the floor. Suddenly something came up behind her, and two long arms were around her waist. Because it was so sudden, she was really surprised.

Mu Chengyan was close to her back. Her voice was a little thick and a little hoarse: "why haven't you slept yet?"

Dai Yizhi looked back at him, and his eyes fell on his black hair. He explained in a low voice: "I fell down accidentally. Did I wake you up?"

"No Mu Chengyan arched her back and saw that she was going to get up. Instead, he held her more firmly, "where are you going?"

Dai Yi knew he couldn't get up and was dragged back by him. She relaxed and sat there with him: "I'll go back to bed and sleep."

"Don't go back."

"Well?" Dai Yi didn't understand.

Mu Chengyan still held her waist, but slowly sat up, took the person in his arms, chin against her forehead gently rubbed: "I said, sleep with me here."

Dai Yi know brain buzz, eyes stare boss, after a few seconds, she swallowed saliva, and shook her head, whispered: "no way."

"Why not?"

"..." why not?

Mu Chengyan bowed her head, gently pressed her warm thin lips behind her ears, rubbed her back and forth, and her voice was slightly dumb: "you wake me up, you have to be responsible."

Dai Yizhi gets goose bumps when he talks in his ear like this. He stretches his neck slightly to avoid.

She was a little ready to cry, just now he clearly said that he was not awakened by her.

By Mu Chengyan soft grinding and hard bubble, Dai Yi know in the end or agree to play with him.

She found that she was really unprincipled. It seemed that every time Mu Chengyan asked for something, she refused at first, but in the end she would compromise with him.

Is that why he is so unscrupulous?

Ah, in the future, she must have her own principles. She can only say one thing at a time!

Dai Yizhi is thinking about how to set up her own principles. Suddenly, she has a pain in her neck, and a feeling of numbness spreads to her fingertips like lightning. She is stunned before she reacts and covers the back of her neck.

Flustered looked back, see Mu Chengyan is staring at himself with the eyes of covetous, she swallowed saliva, in the heart did not spectrum: "what do you do..."

Mu Chengyan's arm crossed over her body and stood on the side. Then he turned over and pressed her under his body.

Dai Yizhi subconsciously looks at the bed, but because it's next to the bed, her eyes can't see the bed, and she doesn't know if Zhou can wakes up.

Take back the line of sight, see Mu Chengyan so, she almost cried: "Mu Chengyan."

Mu Chengyan held her little hand up to the top of his head, leaned over to kiss the tip of her nose, gently touched it, and then smacked her little mouth: "Shh, be quiet."

I don't keep my word every time!

Dai Yizhi's resentment towards this man is a little deep at the moment, and she is very angry. It's a pity that her hands and feet are restrained, but she especially wants to hit him with her head.

It's better to hit him in the head.

See if he dares to cheat people in the future.

Mu Chengyan sees Dai Yizhi staring at himself in the dim light. His big eyes are a little wet, rippling a layer of shallow water light. He lowers his head and kisses her eyelids. He laughingly asks, "do you want to eat people when you stare so big?"

Dai Yizhi bit his lip, angry look is very obvious: "I want to go back to bed to sleep."

"No way." Mu Chengyan is determined not to let people go.

Dai Yizhi felt a fire rushing to his head. Without thinking about it, he raised his head and hit him on his forehead.

"Dong" a dull sound, a shudder brain.

Mu Chengyan was so hit by her that he was stunned. He covered his head and looked at the angry lamb in front of him.

After the collision, Dai Yi felt dizzy. In fact, she didn't have much strength

When she felt guilty and wanted to apologize, Mu Chengyan covered her forehead and rubbed it twice: "does it hurt?"

Dai Yizhi felt guilty after the collision, and was so concerned by Mu Chengyan that his mood suddenly soared to the top.

Obviously she hit him, but he was the first time to care about her pain.

This man... Fouled.

Mu Chengyan turned over and lay down beside her, reached out to pull the man into his arms and held him, kissing her reddening forehead like a treasure over and over: "it hurts to kiss."

Daiyizhi clever nest in his arms, head against his neck side rubbed rubbed, voice stuffy: "you were hit by me hurt?"

Mu Chengyan grabs her finger and pinches it. He doesn't feel much anymore. He wants to say: "well, it hurts."

Dai Yizhi felt even more guilty. She let him go and got up. She was kissing his forehead like he had just kissed her. Her eyes were a little red and her voice was small and low: "is this better?"

Mu Chengyan raised his eyes slightly with a smile, put his arm around her back, put one hand around her waist, hold the back of her neck, hold her soft and juicy lips, and said vaguely: "this is the only way to relieve pain."

Dai Yizhi realized that he had been cheated again. He was so angry that he wanted to hit him with his fist, but he raised his hand and gave up.

Mu Chengyan was addicted to it, which made her face full of saliva. She reached out and pushed him: "don't kiss me."

After being pushed away, the man got together again: "kiss again."

Dai Yizhi pushed his face back, "no!"