Flowers are beautiful, but in Chu Tian's eyes, they are as terrible as the devil's mouth.

The originally dense woods around began to wither gradually. The sky tree, which had become extremely huge because of the green light emitted by the seeds of flowers, now began to shrink crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the dense forests around withered.

In less than five minutes, the surrounding virgin forest disappeared.

In front of Chu Tian, it was a dark, even rotten and smelly earth.

"How could this happen?"

Chu Tian could clearly see the trace of the official way, but all the trees around him were absorbed by the mysterious flowers. Chu Tian was frightened.

He wanted to escape, but just moved a step, he saw countless tentacles on the ground drilling out of the soil and attacking Chu Tian. Chu Tian was scared, rolling and lying down, climbed up the body of the white speed dragon and hurried back.

But the tentacles were not spared, and the number was increasing. Chu Tian was very frightened. Suddenly, Chu Tian saw two people in the corner of his eye, the two silly robbers, but they had no tentacles around them.

"Wait, can't I be attacked if I don't move?" Chu Tian jumped out of the white speed dragon, fell to the ground, rolled, and squatted on the ground like a rock.

The white speed dragon turned into a light and quickly entered Chu Tian's body.

"Sure enough!"

Chu Tian didn't move. The tentacle seemed to have lost its target. After dancing impatiently in the air for a few minutes, it drilled into the ground again.

The trees around were drained of nutrients and completely dried up, and there was nothing on those tentacles. Anyway, the whole earth began to rot gradually.

Chu Tian looked at it and felt very disgusting. In less than 15 minutes, earth shaking changes had taken place in the surrounding environment. The originally dense jungle had turned into a rotten swamp. How shocking it was.

"What the hell is that flower?" Chu Tian picked up a stone and threw it in the distance. A series of tentacles suddenly appeared and swept away the stone in an instant. However, he found that the stone could not be absorbed and threw it out again.

"Mammoth Juran, that's mammoth Juran!"

Chu Tian suddenly turned back. He didn't know when there was another person behind him. The person looked at the flower covetously. Chu Tian felt a chill in his heart. How did this person appear?

"Boy, if I were you, I'd run away while I can. Mammoth Julan hasn't completely grown up and is still very weak, but in a few hours, mammoth Julan will be in full bloom..." the man looked at the so-called "mammoth Julan" with obsessed eyes. Chu Tian turned his head and suddenly exclaimed.

The mammoth Juran, which was only the size of a small wild flower, has grown into a huge flower more than two meters high. Moreover, with the corrosion of the ground and the increase of the scope, the height of the mammoth Juran is actually increasing with the naked eye.

"Mammoth Juran, it is said that it can devour the flowers of the dragon. Once in full bloom, it can attract all creatures within a comfortable 10000 kilometers, devour them all and turn them into their own nutrients!"

"Then, mammoth Juran will give birth to a material... The legendary dew of God!"

"The dew of God?" Chu Tian asked suspiciously, but he only felt that his neck was caught, and then the whole person flew up.

"Go away, I don't want to kill people today. The nutrition of mammoth Julan should be a powerful Warcraft, not a skinny waste like you. Otherwise, you're dead!" The man threw Chutian away, then said coldly to Chutian, and then continued to look at the mammoth Julan obsessed.

Chu Tian coughed, but was surprised to find that although he fell in pain, there was a grass under his ass. he was thrown out of the flower's territory.


Chutian is not a fool. At first glance, he knows that the so-called mammoth Juran can't deal with it by himself. What's more, it's still the flower that can devour the dragon. Chutian doesn't dare to come forward.

Hurriedly summoned a white speed dragon, sat on it and began to escape. It can be said that the man who saved Chu Tian looked at Chu Tian in surprise. Unexpectedly, Chu Tian was still a summoner.

But after looking at the white Velociraptor, the man turned his head again and despised it in his eyes.

Too weak to be swallowed by mammoth Juran.

Chu Tian didn't expect that his weakness would kill him.

Running fast, Chu Tian was really running for his life. Suddenly he heard a "farting" sound. Chu Tian looked back and saw that the mammoth Zhu LAN had grown four meters away, like a small building.

The sound was emitted by mammoth Juran. The yellow gas sprayed out from the flower center of mammoth Juran, and began to spread out gradually with the prestige.

"Is it..."

As expected, the white Velociraptor that Chutian sat down suddenly stopped. Then his eyes began to shine, and a large amount of saliva was secreted from his mouth.

White Velociraptor's mood began to get excited for a moment, and only two thoughts passed to Chu Tian's mind.

Fight, eat.

If it's a normal day, Chutian naturally allows the white Velociraptor, but Chutian knows that the mysterious man just said that mammoth Juran will lure all the Warcraft around within dozens of kilometers, and then eat them all.

Obviously, the yellow pollen like fog is used to attract Warcraft.

Chutian's white speed dragon is also a Warcraft!

He quickly took back the white speed dragon. Chu Tian began to run wildly, but before he ran out for kilometers, countless figures suddenly appeared around him.

World of Warcraft.

The Warcraft are attracted.

"What kind of creature is this?" Chu Tian looked back and thought in horror that there were many Warcraft around him. I'm afraid the only thing Chu Tian knew was snow wolf.

"Damn it, there are more than a hundred Warcraft. It's going to be like that." Chu Tian looked at the Warcraft surrounded by him and had a headache.

Moreover, how big are the light snow wolves? There are more than 40. At this time, all of them are greedy, and their eyes shine. Even some Warcraft have become red.

"Ouch!" Suddenly, the snow wolf roared and rushed straight towards Chu Tian. Chu Tian immediately hid, but he forgot his injury and was bitten by the snow wolf again.

"Asshole, I've fought back with the snow wolf all my life!" Quickly summoned the white speed dragon. The white speed dragon killed the snow wolf with one claw, but it was surrounded instantly.

"So much!" Chu Tian's face is ugly. Fortunately, the Warcraft in the nearby forest are only low-level Warcraft. High-level Warcraft will not be so close to the official way, and it is impossible for humans to establish the official way within the scope of high-level Warcraft.

There are more than 100 Warcraft around Chu Tian. The only thing that reassures Chu Tian is that there is no dragon blood golden wolf that makes him feel pressure.

In other words, there is no level 4 Warcraft.