Qin Zhendong, as a feudal official, has been in power for many years.

In addition, it is also a master's degree from a top university.

Therefore, he has a good understanding of material control and cost.

For example, before guangmen appeared last year, he once inspected the magic Supercomputing Center in Zhangjiang.

Although the three super computers possessed by magic all belong to the situation that their ancestors were rich and now they can't keep up with the tune.

But some things are interlinked between supercomputing.

In Qin Zhendong's impression.

The electricity charge of modu 3 is more than 20 million a year, which is just more in the peak year of typhoon.

Even more than ten million when they were young.

Why did the light of Taihu Lake break 50 million in electricity bills in less than two weeks?

In the face of Qin Zhendong's question, Lin Li's expression has not changed much. Obviously, he has been prepared.


He once had doubts about this figure, but now he just repeats it again:

"Boss Qin, let's first clarify one thing.

That is, 1 kwh is the common name of 1 kwh.

Under normal circumstances.

A 1000 Watt electrical appliance works 24 degrees a day. "

Qin Zhendong nodded slightly. This is junior middle school knowledge.

He is not a rare classmate, so he still knows.

Then Lin Li continued:

"One megawatt equals 1000 kilowatts, so one megawatt of fully loaded equipment represents 24000 kilowatts of electricity a day.

24000x18, 18 MW is more than 432000 kwh.

In our native land.

The price of a kilowatt hour electricity is about 60 cents. Scientific research electricity will be cheaper. 2-3 cents is enough.

However, in the Mozambican world, there is no saying of the so-called cost price of scientific research.

At the same time, on the contrary

The higher the power consumption, the higher the cost. "

Hearing this, Qin Zhendong almost understood:

"When you say that, I probably understand

Academician Lin, what is the average price of a kilowatt hour of electricity during the robbery? "

"Two five is close to two six."

Lin Li reported a number and then sighed:

"No way. It's very difficult for special capacitors to provide megawatt power.

We solved this problem by temporarily invoking some reserve resources at the aviation end.

Although this reserve resource has broken through the technical barriers, its service life is basically very short.

Therefore, this ferry was robbed and many components were directly and permanently scrapped - the degree of damage can still be directly stuffed into the waste recycling bin.

432000x2.5x14, about 15 million Chinese coins are needed here. It's easy to say.

Not to mention that the supercomputing is not only a cup module, for example, the water cooling power consumption mentioned earlier is not low.

If the Yang family's practitioners hadn't brought a water source, our actual expenditure might be 60% more.

Several modules add up to 47 million. "

Qin Zhendong pursed his mouth and his face was a little heavy.

What Lin Li said is actually very common in China.

For example, when some people order takeout and row down, they feel that this ball seems good, and the chicken willow seems to have a high evaluation.

So seven and eight were added together. When I checked out, I found

Sleeping trough, it costs 60 or 70 yuan?!


Have to bear the pain to delete some options, and many times it takes much more time to delete things than to choose dishes.

However, supercomputing does not allow you to increase or decrease at will, so the power expenditure of a device becomes quite terrible.

Then Linton paused and continued:

"Another major expenditure is the expenditure on high-voltage equipment for the reserve mc290 and monster crystal.

Together with the energy storage equipment for condensing microorganisms, the cost of preparation and energy storage is about 250 million Chinese dollars. "

With the foreshadowing of the previous overspending, Qin Zhendong's expression is much more calm this time.

Yes, of course.

This also depends on the type of expenditure:

It is also a large expenditure, which consumes tens of millions of electricity and hundreds of millions of scientific research equipment at a time. On the contrary, the latter is more acceptable.

The modal particle of the former is usually "incredibly", while the latter is often "Cai".

In fact, the same is true.

The internal pressure of the equipment storing mc290 and monster crystal is up to 160000 atmospheres, which is not what ordinary people can do.

At present, scientists have been able to create an extreme environment of 2.8 million atmospheres to observe the changes of hydrogen ring.

But that's a laboratory condition.

It is impossible to restore this environment at the scene of the robbery without high difficulty and cost.

For example, the container material used by the rabbits this time.

The cost of a fist is no less than 300000.

It's not a joke to burn money for scientific research.

Take Shenzhou 13, which just went to heaven not long ago, as an example.

The total cost of 13 will not be less than 30-40 billion, and the cost of spacecraft will be more than 1.5 billion.

This does not include expenses for training astronauts.

"Therefore, in the process of this robbery, all our material and human expenditure is about 450 million."

In the office, Lin Li reported all the expenditure figures:

"This is our highest expenditure project so far, even higher than the original double head cattle capture war."

Qin Zhendong nodded gently and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

Click to light it and ask:

"So academician Lin, what are the benefits?"

Hear the word income.

Lin Lixian picked up the tea cup tactically and took a sip, as if he wanted to suppress a certain expression.

But soon, his idea failed - the famous Chinese academician couldn't help but raise a bright smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then he grinned and jumped out four words:

"Make a lot of money!"


It seems that he was infected by the smiles. Although he doesn't know how much money he made at the end of this time, Qin Zhendong also showed a smile on his face:

"Academician Lin, tell me how to make a lot of money?"


This even has his hometown accent.

Lin Li took a deep breath and said:

"The first benefit is 100 demon vacancies, which is the goal we aimed at from the beginning.

In nature.

Personally, I think these 100 places alone can get back.