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Please subscribe to the rice prevention chapter after 4:00

"Liu Yulin, male, 26 years old, has been in the army for seven and a half years."

In a temporary tent near the military base, Lin Ziming and others are gathering in front of a screen and looking at the personal file of the soldier named Liu Yulin:

"He belongs to the cooking team of a synthetic battalion under brigade commander long and is the Deputy monitor of the Department.

He once won the champion of individual cross-country in four brigade level field competitions. In the process of delivering meals in previous military exercises, he once took away seven battalion headquarters and a division headquarters command post before Jun reform, and captured many commanders and fighters above battalion level alive.

Oh, by the way, in the battle between Zhu x he and the blue army, Liu Yulin was the soldier who "killed" Colonel man. "(don't think it's outrageous, there are real people and facts)

After reading this file, Lin Ziming looked at longxinghe with surprise:

"Brigade commander long, this file records the truth? Is he the one who killed Colonel man?"

Oh, by the way, in the battle between Zhu x he and the blue army, Liu Yulin was the soldier who "killed" Colonel man. " (don't think it's ridiculous. There are real people and real things)

After reading this file, Lin Ziming looked at longxinghe with surprise:

"Brigade commander long, this file records the truth? Is he the one who killed Colonel man?"

"Yes, it's true. I'm impressed by this soldier."

Long Xinghe nodded and mentioned Zhu x He, with a trace of memory on his face:

"That was 16 years ago. That year, the blue army won 6 wars and 6 victories, and the total record was 14 wars and 14 victories. We were the last exercise team.

At that time, the bayonets we fought with the blue army became popular. The last two battalions with a casualty rate of 70% relied on grass-roots commanders... Oh, it was the one inch three Deng Xun's imminent command that synthesized a super company to launch an assault on the core position of Colonel man.

At that time, all the front-line officers and soldiers of our brigade were bayoneted, all the correspondents and cooks were put into battle, and the armored soldiers followed the infantry with machine guns. The two sides directly engaged in hand to hand combat. Colonel man, they could not use nuclear weapons. Finally, we barely won.

At that time, the soldier who killed Colonel man was Liu Yulin. At that time, he had just joined the army for one and a half years. However, after killing Colonel man, he also died miserably. He was hit by more than 70 bullets in three seconds. "

Lin Ziming and Yan Shaoxin: "...."

After calming down, Lin Ziming immediately waved his hand:

"Come on, let's meet the 'King of war'!"

Previously, considering that there may be many high fit soldiers in the army, it is unfair for other soldiers to directly terminate the detection.

Therefore, after Liu Yulin detected the three foot three fit, the army did not stop the detection, but gave all the soldiers present a process.

However, it is a pity that the second or even the third soldier did not appear in many subsequent soldiers. The soldier with the highest fit was only three feet and one.

Therefore, Liu Yulin is the well deserved first candidate for Kung Fu.

When Lin Ziming and others came to the high platform, the rest of the soldiers had been disbanded and returned in an orderly manner. Now only a guard team of the reinforced platoon and a few people stayed where they were.

Including Liu Yulin.

Liu Yulin is a soldier who is not tall. His face is ordinary, but he has a warrior's perseverance. Although he is a cook, his skin color is still bronze. His left shoulder is slightly lower than his right. It should be caused by long-term vegetable cutting.

Like many people with long-term messenger bags, their shoulders tend to be slightly higher.

When they reached the high platform, Liu Yulin and the civilian cadres who had been present took a step forward at the same time, stood at attention and saluted:

"Hello, chief!"

Lin Ziming and others solemnly replied:

"Hello, comrades."

Long Xinghe walked up to Liu Yulin and hit him heavily on the shoulder:

"Xiao Liu, good job!"

He squeezed his eyes at Yan Shaoxin.

Soldiers are somewhat competitive, especially among military leaders at the same level.

Although Yan Shaoxin is just a leader, in fact, since Jun's reform, the field army has basically no regiment level organizational system, but a few units still have regiment level organizational structure.

Organizational structure and establishment are two different things. At present, except for the western region, the remaining regiment level establishment in China is only a few hands. Basically, it is a super elite regiment with special functions.

For example, Yan Shaoxin, an Armored Regiment that guards the economic core, has only a few teams that can break their wrists with them under the same staffing.

In addition, since Yan Shaoxin's Armored Regiment is the first unit to set foot in a different world, the core level is still discussing whether to promote him from 23 cents to 24 cents.

Therefore, in terms of status, Yan Shaoxin and longxinghe are not much different. According to the normal track, once Yan Shaoxin is promoted, he is at least at the level of longxinghe.

Therefore, both sides will naturally have some benign comparisons. In a sense, this is actually a good thing.

Looking at the elated Longxing River, Yan Shaoxin whistled and pretended to look around at the scenery.

It's no good not pretending to be an ostrich. Who let him lose this time - the key is that the king of war said it first.

Lin Ziming didn't take care of the two stubborn cattle. At this time, he was contacting the headquarters through remote equipment:

"OK... Um... I see... Got it!"

After hanging up, he looked straight at the people present:

"Comrades, know it all... Ah, no, President Wei Qiangsheng is on his way. Let's go back to the base first.

Comrade Yulin, please adjust your mind and get ready. We'll arrange the enlightenment ceremony for you later.

According to the information we have, as long as you enlighten the spirit state, you can carry out the initial practice of controlling animals. If everything is normal, you should be able to get started soon. "

Liu Yulin closed his mouth tightly. It can be seen that he is a little nervous, but he is still firmly upright:

"Please rest assured that I am always ready!"

In about a quarter of an hour, Wei Qiangsheng flew to the military base.

Well, it's really a flying plane. Ac311a has appeared many times before.

After all, it's not easy to accumulate some aura these days. You have to meditate and recover after consumption during the flight.

In particular, Wei Qiangsheng, a seven layer practitioner of Qi, can only fly against objects for the time being. Basically, he flies for five minutes and meditates for two hours. How can he come by helicopter?

Wei Qiangsheng met Lin Ziming and others in a hall of the military base.

After the personnel arrived, Liu Yulin began to enlighten the spirit under the crowd.

Liu Yulin's qualification is an ordinary four spirit root. He is luckier than ordinary people, but that's all. There is no special or special European.

Therefore, there was no accident in his enlightenment process. With the Fourth Enlightenment pill, a stream of steam came out of Liu Yulin's head.

The Enlightenment was successful.

Then Lin Ziming asked the medical team to give Liu Yulin a physical examination. After confirming that everything was correct, Zhen Yuzhi handed the jade slips to Liu Yulin:

"Comrade Yulin, now you have completed the process of enlightenment.

According to the information we have, as long as you focus on the jade slips and understand them carefully, you should be able to reach a mysterious connection with them and obtain the skill.

Of course, this is also the general situation. You should try the specific process yourself. "

Liu Yulin took the jade slips and saluted Lin Ziming:

"Guarantee to complete the task!"

Lin Zi saluted him back in the Ming Dynasty, and then led the people out of the room.

What the rabbits arranged for Liu Yulin was a private room with no camera equipment except for the equipment to monitor the life state.

According to the plan, if Liu Yulin does not make progress within six hours, the perception plan will be temporarily suspended.


The door slammed shut, and people outside could only see the parts with different colors through the infrared temperature image displayed by the instrument.

Considering that the law of controlling animals is very important, and that this kind of thing involving the so-called "inheritance" is somewhat mysterious, people still feel a little nervous.

Of course, just a little, that kind of cold sweat on the forehead is not enough.

Time passed minute by minute.

Five Minutes....

Twenty minutes....

An hour....

Until three hours later.

The color area in the instrument suddenly moved rapidly - it was obvious that the human body was moving.

Another half a minute later, the chamber of secrets was opened.

Liu Yulin hurried out of the room, ran excitedly to Lin Ziming and saluted solemnly:

"Report to the chief, I'm lucky to live up to my life. I have mastered the basic skill of animal control. Theoretically, I can domesticate an ordinary monster that is not advanced!"