The discovery that the mind was born in the pineal gland is of great significance.

It not only represents that the research of rabbits in the field of practice has entered a new stage, but also proves that the pineal gland, a controversial organ, really has its particularity.

In a sense, it has a certain side evidence effect on Chinese traditional culture - after all, you see what traditional culture has been blackened these days.

Nowadays, some scholars are indeed dialectical about the authenticity of history and discard the dross. These experts are respectable.

But others are eager to overthrow all traditional cultures and bleach their skin.

For example, a typical controversial area - traditional Chinese medicine.

Is there much dross in traditional Chinese medicine?

To tell you the truth, there are so many.

This dross is not limited to the masters of "XX descendants", but also includes a lot of traditional Chinese medicine or treatment methods.

Aristolochia, for example, is a common medicinal material in ancient times, but modern medicine has proved that it does irreversible harm to the kidney.

After all, traditional Chinese medicine has its historical limitations, which can not and need not be denied.

Blindly mindless maintenance of traditional Chinese medicine is actually undesirable. Hard washing is no different from rice circle control and evaluation.

For example, some artists who are not blind can see that they have used a knife, but his brain powder keeps washing what naturally deforms, and by the way, they touch Dong Zhou.

We shouldn't do such a thing.

But for the same reason, you can't just overthrow all traditional Chinese medicine, can you?

There are many patients cured by traditional Chinese medicine. Some sunspots often say that "traditional Chinese medicine can not explain its principle with mathematical and chemical knowledge, and the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine can not be confirmed with big data". In fact, it was denied as early as 2017.

For example, according to the international standard of randomized controlled trial report of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions in the Yearbook of internal medicine (if = 17.135), neither Eagle nor the EU has blocked the import of traditional Chinese medicine and the professional qualification evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine since then. (doi:10.7326M16-2977.[Epubaheadofprint])

Also, the 122 group stomach soup control experiment 1674-7860 (2018) 30007304 by director Zhang Zhiming was directly translated into nature or jointly released with Gottingen University.

Another example is the cupping and scraping of traditional Chinese medicine, which is really popular in Europe and America (I have seen it with my own eyes). For example, the famous NBA star Ross is a frequent customer of cupping.

Famous clubs like Barcelona, Real Madrid and Liverpool also have professional TCM physiotherapy consultants.

People's clubs that eat by sports have recognized the culture of traditional Chinese Medicine - to be precise, it is the culture of traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy, and there are still a lot of sunspots in China shouting that scraping is useless.

At present, almost every medical discipline in top universities has a traditional Chinese medicine laboratory, which is also a traditional Chinese medicine research group.

Sadly, however, not many non professionals know the news.

What is even more outrageous is that every year, including the journal Nature, it is Europeans who publish the most research reports on traditional Chinese medicine and help traditional Chinese medicine prove it.

It's really a fucking thing.

get down to business.

In a word, the discovery of Da Mo world is helpful for the high-quality part of traditional Chinese medicine theory.

If we can get rid of the dross, maybe traditional Chinese medicine can regain its due glory - and this is only a small representative of Da Mo's beneficial to traditional culture.

This is the advantage of a world of cultivating immortals, and it is also the reason why many local researchers are so interested in Da Mo world.

If you change the painting style of Da Mo world, turn practice into magic, change Wei Fan's name to Louis almida, and turn chixian city into tonglushburg.

So, although the rabbits will still study the great Mo world, I'm afraid the sense of national pride and identity is not so deep.

Which rabbit doesn't have a big country dream?

Return to the camp.

About half a day after the establishment of the authorization of the Fuyao project team.

Cao Yi, who has been adjusted and repaired, came to a heavily guarded conference room in the camp under the leadership of Lin Li, old master Wei and others.

After entering the house.

Lin Lixian opened a set of video equipment, then took out a password box and unlocked it through digital password, fingerprint and iris.


Soon, the password box automatically opened, and Lin Lizhen took out eight jade slips.

He put these jade slips on the table one by one, asked several people to sit down at the same time, and then said to Cao Yi:

"Comrade Cao Yi, you have now broken through the four levels of Qi practice, that is, you can practice Kung Fu.

These jade slips were bought back by comrades of the trade group in ziqiongfang city. The quality is above yuan level. You can choose satisfactory skills to practice. "

According to the known information of the rabbits, the skill of Da Mo world is divided into four levels: famine, yuan, Xuan and spirit, of which the famine level is the lowest and the spirit level is the highest.

Among them, the barren level is suitable for practitioners with all qualifications, but if they go up, they will have qualification requirements.

For example, the soul level skill requires more than three spirit roots to understand, and the Xuan level requires at least two spirit roots.

Only single spiritual root practitioners can practice spirit level skills.

The higher the skill level, the more powerful it must be.

However, just because all kinds of skills have the threshold limit of spiritual root, the price of the top-level skills in the Mo world is not particularly outrageous - on the contrary, powerful spiritual skills are often valuable.

For example, the book "Da Tui Yan Shu" of mingmou cultivation requires mutated black-and-white single Linggen qualification, so the price of the whole set of skill is even more than 3000 Lingshi, that is, the profit value of an ordinary small city.

Of course, other secrets are not included.

Even if the threshold requires a single Linggen, the price will still not be much lower.

The business group bought back more than 30 sets of skill methods, some of which are common goods of more than a dozen Lingshi, and some are yuan level and Xuan level skill methods with high value.

Among them, there are seven sets of earth and wood attribute skills suitable for Cao Yi. As for another jade Jian on the table, it comes from the inventory inspection of Mo's family.

Speaking of it, the Mo family is really a "great good man". They send both Kung Fu and iron ore. moved, the rabbits plan to build another kneeling statue.

Then Lin Li made a gesture of invitation to Mr. Wei and said:

"Mr. Wei, you are a professional. Please introduce yourself."

Master Wei politely returned a gift, then classified the jade slips one by one and said to Cao Yi:

"Brother Cao Yi, there are two kinds of skills needed in the process of cultivation, which are major skills and auxiliary decisions, except monastic root practitioners.

Take your civil double spiritual root as an example. You can either choose the earth attribute skill as the main skill, supplemented by the wood attribute skill, or you can choose the earth Wei mansion as the main skill.

The same is true for the practitioners of the three or four spiritual roots. They must have a master attribute.

As long as your major is Dharma practice to a certain extent, you can break through the next new realm.

This part on your left is the wood attribute skill, which are Zhimu Changchun skill, Bixiao skill, Yimu qingkong formula and Muyan four time decision

On the right are the earth attribute skills, including "earth walking on the five mountains", "earth respect shaking the sky", "gen earth Zhengang code" and "earth Qi skill".

After you decide on your major and minor, you can choose one. "

Cao Yi looked at the skill on the table and suddenly thought of something and asked:

"Mr. Wei, if a person with five spiritual roots spends a lot of money to enlighten and succeed, can he practice five sets of skill methods?"

Mr. Wei nodded and explained:

"Yes, it is true in theory, but the cultivation speed of the skill corresponds to the root qualification.

Maybe when you major in martial arts and break through the jiedan realm, the five spiritual roots of practice have just broken through the five or six levels of Qi. "

Then he paused. Seeing that Cao Yi had no other questions, he pointed to the jade slips and introduced them one by one:

"Zhimu Changchun skill" is a well-known set of wood attribute skills, which can make practitioners live a relatively long life and avoid common diseases - well, except hemorrhoids.

"Gentu Zhengang classic" is a standard earth attribute skill. The spiritual power cultivated is relatively thick and low. At the same time, when fighting on the ground, you can get a certain blessing of earth power.

"The determination of the five mountains on earth" can change the terrain. It is said that xiuzhizhen can even move mountains and reclaim the sea.

As for "Bixiao skill" and "earth Qi skill", they are more aggressive... "

Master Wei introduced various skills and finally said to Cao Yi:

"Brother Cao Yi, the above is an overview of the skill. You can choose one master and one auxiliary.

In addition, the cultivation of these skills is very simple, as long as the divine mind is introduced. "

After thinking for a while, Cao Yi looked up and said to Lin Li:

"Team Lin, is there any arrangement for me in the organization? I obey the decision of the organization."

Lin Li shook his head decisively and said:

"Comrade Cao Yi, practice is a very personal thing. Unless it is the situation that mingmou teacher can only practice specific skills, the organization will not force you to choose the established skills."

What Lin Li said was not polite.

Cao Yi is the main combat effectiveness of the camp in the future. He is likely to be the first practitioner of the base building, jiedan and even Yuanying in the camp in the future. He is a very important member.

But the rabbits do not expect him to be a savior, and they hope that he can become a big boost in the future, that's all.

With the current national strength of rabbits, let alone the field of cultivation, no industry is embarrassed to put expectations on someone - except Wu Lei of the men's football team.

Therefore, after receiving Lin Li's reply, Cao Yi thought for a while and finally decided:

"Then the earth attribute is the main attribute, supplemented by the wood attribute. I choose the" earth walking five mountains "and the" blue falling technique "