As the saying goes, ten men have nine hemorrhoids.

In the mainland, this "man" does not generally refer to men, but actually includes women and Xiuji.

In the world of Mo, this concept has been further expanded:

It not only refers to mortals, but also includes practitioners.

Some people may wonder why practitioners also get hemorrhoids?

The reason is very simple, because before some realms, practitioners are still human.

Hemorrhoids are not so much a disease as a symptom of human feedback.

Little known.

Hemorrhoids is the vascular tissue located in the anal canal. It is the most common anorectal anomaly in clinic.

British Thomson put forward the modern concept of hemorrhoids in 1975: hemorrhoids are pathological hypertrophy of the anal pad at the lower end of the rectum.

According to the different parts, hemorrhoids can be divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids.

At present, the specific pathogenesis of hemorrhoids is not completely clear. The theory of etiology is nothing more than varicose vein theory and anal pad downward theory.

The core of these two categories is the same - no pathogenic cells, mainly from sedentary oppression.

In other words, as long as you are human and there are blood vessels near your hips, hemorrhoids will certainly appear - unless you can control the blood flow in that direction.

At the same time, the incidence rate of hemorrhoids is much higher than that of native people because of the need for meditation for long time than the native ones.

Although Da Mo world is a world of practice, there are countless mysterious pills.

In fact, in the field of medical treatment, the pill of Da Mo world is actually open and limited.

The so-called openness.

It means that it can cure all kinds of diseases, and even organ aging can add back 1s1s to you.

The so-called limitations.

It means that there is only one core effect of pill:

Restore vitality.

You have heart failure. Take a pill and you will regain your vitality.

Your limbs are broken. Take a pill to grow bones, blood vessels and skin again.

You have liver cancer. Taking a pill still makes your liver vibrant.

It's a bit like a punch Superman. Whether it's a big monster or a small monster, give you a punch.

What does this treatment lead to?

As a result, there is no classified clinic in Da Mo world - at least in the field of practice.

This situation is often seen in novels and movies. They never classify their medical treatment. They are all treated with one pill.

All kinds of pills for healing the body are only graded and priced, regardless of whether they are for brain or stomach.

As long as you have money, a pill can cure diseases in all parts of the body.

This leads to an advanced problem:

There is no systematic induction of etiology in Da Mo world.

They only know how to cure the disease, but they don't know where the disease comes from and how it worsens.

They only know which kind of magic medicine is effective for the disease, but they don't know that what is effective is actually a mysterious ingredient in the magic medicine.

This is the inevitable difference between the mysterious world and the scientific and technological world, because they have no concept of micro field.

Therefore, in terms of some non pathological compression diseases, the pill of Da Mo world is powerless.

Hemorrhoids is one of them.

Therefore, Da Mo Jie's pill has no effect on hemorrhoids, because the performance of hemorrhoids does not meet the "Ai" of pill Rejuvenation - unless you have deteriorated to complete paralysis of varicose veins and necrosis of femoral head.

But it can't be said that in order to treat recurrent hemorrhoids, one has to periodically necrosis the femoral head?

Of course, in addition to pills, there are some ointments in Da Mo world, which have some effects on hemorrhoids.

But it is still far less than Ma Yinglong of rabbits.

The reason is very simple. There are not enough substances that must be synthesized through micromation and pharmaceutical industrialization in the salves of Da Mo world.

For example, dimethyl sulfoxide, or zinc carbonate.

These are the main substances for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The synthetic technology of rabbits can make five grams of plaster contain 6.9% dimethyl sulfoxide.

However, because the ointment of Da Mo Jie cannot prepare these composite substances alone, it contains at most one thousandth and two thousandths of the same dose.

This leads to a huge difference in the therapeutic effect between the two.

This is a gap in the industrial level. Just as there are already ultra-thin condoms in China and the Mozambican community is still using sheep intestines, it belongs to the difference in the development direction of the world.

In the final analysis, the micro field has not been cracked.

Because the aborigines in the Da Mo world didn't know what the micro field was, they found that the pill fruitless ointment had a general effect, so they focused on the magic tools.

I hope to use underwear tools to make my meditation environment more comfortable.

This is Yang Boli's third-order underwear - it's not uncommon in the Mo world, but many magic tools are not so high.

However, even if you forge your underwear more comfortable, you still have hemorrhoids on your ass, because they are not the same field at all.

This is why Yang Boli was so excited after discovering Ma Yinglong's miraculous effect.

Because in addition to his hemorrhoids, he also saw a huge market!

A market no smaller than happiness bar!

In fact, he is not the only one who is aware of this market.

At the moment when Yang Boli took out Ma Yinglong, the Huaxia think tanks in the headquarters also thought of this layer.

Previously, they did not realize the importance of hemorrhoids ointment because they were new to a world and had not turned their thinking around - no wonder they had no reference before.

However, when many top experts focused on this, the previously neglected problem was immediately seen through.

Although the price of hemorrhoids ointment is far less expensive than happy stick.

But for one thing, it costs less.

Second, it is used much more frequently than the happiness bar.

There are few opportunities for large-scale use of the happiness bar. More often, it is used as a reserve material and will not be used until a specific time.

But hemorrhoids cream is different. In terms of the recurrence frequency of hemorrhoids in the world of Mo, it is estimated that a 20g hemorrhoids cream will not take long.

As soon as the frequency rises, the market will expand.

In the reception room, Gu Junming showed Yang Boli a charming smile:

"Shopkeeper Yang, it's a coincidence.

This kind of Hemorrhoid Ointment is also one of the unique specialties of our chamber of Commerce. The output is not low and can be supplied in large quantities.

If you are interested in buying a batch of goods, we can naturally talk about the price. "

As a businessman, under normal circumstances, Yang Boli will maintain a relative reserve, even if he is interested in some goods, he will not be too hasty.

However, hemorrhoids ointment obviously belongs to the materials monopolized by the other party, and his visit is obviously for this thing.

Therefore, Yang Boli simply gave up the so-called reserve and handed over the initiative to the other party.

As soon as Gu Junming's voice fell, he heard Yang Boli ask:

"Of course I'm interested. Shopkeeper Gu, I don't know the price of this Hemorrhoid Ointment......"

Gu Junming heard the speech and tapped his fingers on the table. His face was thoughtful. In fact, he was waiting for the response of the headquarters.

Although Yang Boli was a monk who built a high-rise foundation, there was the possibility of using divine mind to eavesdrop on his ears.

But the rabbits didn't think so.

For one thing, the fact that Taozhu chamber of Commerce has the means of long-distance communication is semi public news for Yang Boli, and it doesn't matter if he finds out.

After all, with the selling of happy bars, rabbits will certainly expose some things before Yang Boli's acquisition, and they can't hide them.

Second, the rabbits speak Chinese. Even if they are heard, they are not afraid.

Gu Junming knocked his index finger several times on the table. Finally, his mouth "tut" and said to Yang Boli:

"Shopkeeper Yang, the hemorrhoids ointment I sold you earlier is a trial package of one money specification, and the output is not high.

Our chamber of Commerce focuses on formal clothes of two money and four money. What kind of price do you want to know? "

Yang Boli also felt that the original specification was a little small. When he heard the speech, he said:

"Shopkeeper Gu, can you tell me the prices of the two specifications respectively?"

"Of course. At the same time, no matter how much you can sell, our chamber of Commerce will only quote you the wholesale price."

Gu Junming elongated his voice and said a word, basically indicating that the rabbits knew Yang Boli's intention to change hands, and then said:

"Shopkeeper Yang, in the past, the price of one coin was 30 coppers, which was our promotion price. After all, we were doing business at a loss when we just arrived in Ziqiong city to open up sales.

For normal wholesale, I'll give you the price of 100 copper for two money, and 195 for four money. "

After reporting the price, Gu Junming quietly looked at Yang Boli and stopped talking.

The selling price of Ma Yinglong hemorrhoids ointment in China is almost 0.885 yuan G.

Four money - that is, the cost price of 20 grams

It's more than three yuan even for packaging.

According to the exchange rate, the price of 195 copper pieces is... 390 yuan.

The profit is not high. It's a small profit but quick turnover.


Don't worry about the local cost for the time being. In short, the price is still quite attractive for Yang Boli.

The price of some salves in Da Mo world is almost more than 200 copper, and the effect is not as good as a fifth of that of Ma Yinglong.

However, out of the merchant's instinct, Yang Boli negotiated a price with Gu Junming.

Finally, the wholesale price of 20g, that is, four money Ma Yinglong hemorrhoids ointment, "offshore" was set at 190 copper bars.

The first batch of hemorrhoids ointment will be delivered to Linyuan city within four days.

After talking about the price, Yang Boli left Taihe building with satisfaction.

However, perhaps Gu Junming's "acting skills" were not as good as Ma Ning's. Yang Boli walked and suddenly felt that he didn't make as much money as the happy stick this time.

"It's a mistake. It's still a little urgent. I'm afraid the profit of Taozhu chamber of commerce can be more than 40% this time. Shopkeeper Ma is kind..."

Yang Boli secretly scolded himself. When he passed the plaque of Taihe building, he suddenly stopped.

Maybe it's the light.

In Yang Boli's eyes, the "little white rabbit" in the plaque seemed to be black, especially in the heart.

Then he rubbed his eyes and found that the icon had changed back to a snow-white rabbit, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

"Wrong, wrong, how can such a lovely little rabbit be black hearted..."