"Jupiter plateau? It's really a beautiful place. Mengyun, although I mentioned them to you before, I never told them carefully. Since you have become one of them, I'll tell you the story between us."

Mengyun blushed and quietly fell in the arms of Hailong. Hailong seemed to return to his time in the human world and sighed: "Now when I think of me at that time, I really feel like a jerk. I'm not quiet about my teacher. I always take myself as the center and don't think about others. If I can do it again, maybe everything will be different and I will have more friends in the human world. Even tianqin and Piaomiao won't suffer so much. Unfortunately, the past has passed, and I will try my best to compensate her in the future You know, Mengyun, I'm determined to be the strongest, not only to fulfill the wishes of Shifu and Shifu, but also for tianqin!... "

Talking is sometimes the best way to vent. What Hailong has been holding in his heart has been said today. He really feels so happy and comfortable. His whole body is smooth, and even his mana has recovered faster.

"Martial uncle is right. I'm really entangled in love and sin. If I can't learn to put it down, I can't deal with these problems alone. Now, maybe I'm running away, but this should be my best choice."

Mengyun stood up from the sea dragon's arms, smiled gently and said, "the past has passed. Sea dragon, we should go down, too. I think the peacock is still in charge of the eel."

Hai Long was surprised. As soon as he talked about the past, he couldn't help forgetting the time. He left for a long time. He quickly promised and flew down. Looking at his back, Meng Yun smiled and murmured to himself, "it seems that my choice is not wrong. He really deserves my love. After so much experience, he has understood a lot."

Mengyun's judgment is not wrong. The peacock still lies on the eel to cross the air for him. She does her best to practice Kung Fu with her eyes closed. She doesn't notice that there is a deep intoxication in the bottom of the eel's eyes.

Floating down, Hailong knew that it was time to finish the play here. He looked at Ding man's reproachful eyes, pretended to be excited and shouted, "peacock, you can get up. I got the jade liquid of the Bodhisattva."

The peacock was shocked and looked up at the sea dragon. The sea dragon sucked her and the eel's body with both hands, wiped her left hand on the eel's mouth, and stirred the Qi of chaos to quickly wrap the eel's body in it. The absolute space suddenly enlarged, pushing everyone else tens of meters away. On the surface, he has begun to heal the eel with all his strength.

The red fog became stronger and stronger, blocking the sight of everyone outside. The sea dragon smiled and said, "brother eel, how does this long kiss feel? Now you believe my method."

"Brother, will the peacock really not blame me?" the eel was still uneasy.

Hai Long smiled and said, "don't worry. Can't you see how much she loves you? You should treat her well in the future and don't let her get hurt again. Moreover, she can't know what happened today. After this incident, you should cherish each other more."

The eel sighed and said, "just now I felt more guilty when I saw the peacock crying so sad. It was hard not to tell her the truth. Brother, thank you this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid peacock and I would..."

Hailong said, "OK, I don't say much else. I suggest you stay with her in the future."

The eel nodded firmly and said, "yes, this is also my plan. I won't leave her again."

Looking at the red light flowing in front of her, the peacock waited anxiously. After a while, the Qi of chaos suddenly faded. The first voice she heard was the sea dragon's, "finally succeeded, brother eel. I apologize for hurting you so badly this time."

The peacock was stunned at first, turned to be overjoyed and rushed up fiercely. The eel hugged the peacock in his arms, "good boy, don't cry, I'm bad for everything. I'll use all my time to compensate you, okay?"

In addition to nodding, the peacock couldn't say anything. Hailong smiled at Dingman and said, "brother Dingman, I'm going to leave here too. If we have a chance in the future, let's talk again. Now the situation in the fairy world is delicate. I suggest you go back to the big snow mountain."

Ding man's eyes flashed coldly and said, "it's time to go back. There are still many things to deal with."

The sea dragon didn't say anything more. He took a look at the eel and the peacock, pulled up Mengyun, flew high with xuantianbing, penetrated the immortal cloud and kicked into the upper fairyland. The peacock's affair had been satisfactorily handled. He was much more relaxed when he put it down.

"Sister Bing, when did you return to the fairyland? You haven't gone to find the Immortal Emperor, have you?"

Xuantianbing heard Hailong mention the Immortal Emperor, and a sad and cold way flashed in his eyes: "not yet. What's the use of looking for him now? Let him demote me again? It's my sister who gave me the immortal root and led me back to the fairy world by the primitive God. My main purpose this time is to see you. My sister is really glad that you can achieve today!"

Hailong just wanted to say something, but Mengyun grabbed the front, "martial uncle, how can he call your sister? In this way, am I not a generation younger than him?"

Xuantianbing smiled and said, "it doesn't matter whether we have the seniority. When we were in the human world, we already recognized our elder sister. Could you ask him to call me martial uncle? Xiaoyun'er, you can do it today."

Mengyun blushed, glanced at Hailong and said, "martial uncle, you make fun of me again."

Xuantianbing said to Hailong, "it's cheap for you again. Mengyun is the best disciple of Guanghan palace. You should treat her well in the future. I know you have many wives, but you need a bowl of water. If you bully yun'er, my sister and I won't spare you."

Hailong said with a wry smile, "I bullied her? Sister, I was whipped by her just now. It's good if she doesn't bully me."

Xuantianbing chuckled and said, "you deserve it. What's wrong with beating you twice? Who told you that you've been missing for hundreds of years? Listen to the original Heavenly Master. Tell your sister what it's like there. Among the six worlds, except the animal world, the underworld and the demon world, there may be only the underworld."

Hai Long smiled and said, "I think it's better not to say. The eighteen floors of hell in hell are terrible."

Xuantianbing said proudly, "can I be afraid of any terror? Don't sell me off, you boy. Speak quickly."

The sea dragon looked at Mengyun and said, "it's not necessary. I'm very impressed with the eighteen layers of hell. If you want to see it, I can use my magic to show you what I saw at that time."

After listening to Hailong's words, Mengyun's interest increased greatly and said, "that's good! Please let it out and show us. I also want to know what the hell is like."

The sea dragon smiled and asked, "are you sure you want to see it? It's very scary."

Xuantianbing said, "can't we even afford a little terror? Don't forget, our years of cultivation are much longer than you."

The Sea Dragon said helplessly, "this is what you have to see." with his hands in a circle, the chaotic Qi condensed into a mass and slowly floated above the three people's heads. As soon as the sea dragon's mana was introduced, the absolute space formed by the chaotic Qi shrouded the Xuantian ice and dream clouds. In an instant, his mind seemed to return to when he was in hell.

Xuantianbing and Mengyun felt a darkness at the same time. They saw a very strange scene in the absolute space of Hailong. It was as if he had come to another world, and it was dark all around.

With a flash of light, a tall old man appeared in front of them. He was wearing a dark red robe with a dark breath, "you're coming."

The voice of the sea dragon sounded in his ear, "what you see now is the memory left in my divine consciousness. This is the king of hell among the ten kings of the underworld. Soon, you will see the eighteen layers of hell."

Xuantianbing and Mengyun looked at each other. Although they could show the impression of divine consciousness, they could never form such an immersive feeling. At this time, they heard the voice of the sea dragon, but it was in the memory of the divine consciousness.

"Hello, king of hell. Please lead the way."

The king of hell nodded, didn't say much, and turned to the front. The sea dragon followed him out not far away, and the surrounding Senran Qi was more prosperous, and countless shrill howls echoed in his ears. A tall gatehouse appeared in front of them. The gatehouse was completely repaired with the strange black stone of the underworld, engraved with five big characters - 18 floors of hell.

Mengyun and Xuantian Bing are inexplicably tight in their hearts. Although they are immortals with profound cultivation, they can't help feeling nervous when they see the legendary place of terror in front of them. Some expectations, some fears.

Next, in Hai Long's divine memory, the two women experienced the greatest fear in their lives. In the absolute space formed by the Qi of chaos, there were constant screams of fear.

The sea dragon floats outside the absolute space. While controlling the display of his divine knowledge memory with his mental power, he reluctantly shakes the cast, "I said I wouldn't let you see, you just want to see. I didn't mean to scare you."

It was not until the blade saw hell on the 18th floor that Hai Long controlled the recovery of divine consciousness and slowly removed his absolute space. When he saw Mengyun and xuantianbing, he was surprised. The two women looked at themselves as if nothing had happened, as if those screams had not come from their mouth. The sea dragon asked tentatively, "are you all right? Just now it was the 18th floor of hell."

The two women looked at each other, made the same action at the same time, suddenly turned back and vomited. Fortunately, the immortals seldom eat, and they just retch. The sea dragon was startled and hurried behind them to help them stabilize their breath with his chaotic Qi.

"Hai Long, you did it on purpose, didn't you?" Meng Yun turned his head and stared at him.

The Sea Dragon said with a bitter smile, "I'm wronged! What I showed you was what I experienced at that time. When I saw the eighteen layers of hell, I was not much better than you now. Do you think I went to hell to play? The gloom there is a sharp contrast with the sanctity of the fairyland."

The second daughter's breathing gradually disappeared, and Xuan Tianbing said, "I didn't expect that the hell was really so terrible. I don't want to see such a scene any time in the future. I've also killed, and there are no more a few, but I never thought I could torture people like that. Fortunately, I'm not a mortal, otherwise, if I make a mistake and go to the hell, wouldn't I want to torture to death?"

Mengyun took Hailong's big hand and said, "in my impression, you don't seem to have a safe day after you arrived in the fairyland."

Her words aroused Hai Long's concern. Indeed, from the first day he reached the fairy world, his heart had not been stable. At first, he had been worried about the misty. It was not easy to see the misty, but he had to worry about his imminent departure.

"Mengyun, sister, I'm leaving." Hailong lowered his head and said faintly.

Xuantian was stunned and said, "where are you going?"

Hailong Road: "Shibo asked me to go to the earth holy beast Xuanwu, hoping to get more support from it. As you all know, now the Immortal Emperor has been trying to win over the experts in the fairy world. If our strength can't always suppress him, he will find a chance to seize the real control of the fairy world, and there will be great chaos in the fairy world at that time. Shibo town will fight against the attack of the underworld in the future Several elders, such as Yuan Daxian and primitive Tianzun, have decided that we will only suppress the fairy palace instead of launching a real attack. We will wait until everything has robbed the impact of the underworld. Therefore, we need to win more powerful people in the fairy world to stand on our side. "

Xuantianbing looked at Mengyun and said, "then take Yuner with you. Yuner's cultivation is still above me and will be of great help to you."

Before Hailong could speak, Mengyun said, "no, I'm afraid it will affect him if I follow him. I'm now the muyao star king. Jupiter Ping is so beautiful and the spirit of fairies is very abundant. I decided to stay here for meditation. Hailong, don't worry. I'll wait for you here."

Hailong looked at the soft eyes in Mengyun's eyes. He didn't have to say anything. Mengyun's understanding alone was enough to warm his heart.

Xuantianbing looked at Mengyun in surprise, but shook his head and said, "I really don't understand you. Hailong, I'm going back to Sanqing temple. This time I show up at qixingping. The bastard Xiandi will know soon that he owes me and will repay it one day."

Hailong said coldly, "sister, I'll be by your side when you collect the debt. I'll say goodbye today. Sister, Mengyun, we will meet again soon." Hailong flew up, handed Mengyun a firm look, and then disappeared into the fairy cloud in an instant.