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The sea dragon walked slowly with the already Yin ghost and pawn. Not far away, he suddenly saw a man in white clothes and walking slowly with his head down. Strangely, their feet were about three inches from the ground and floating forward. Before Hailong asked, Siyin ghost pawn took the initiative to say: "these are ordinary Yin Cao imps, all from the world. When they came to our underground from huangquan Road, they had drunk Mengpo soup and had no memory. Only when the judges imposed on them, they would gather together and suffer in hell."

The Sea Dragon said suspiciously, "does every evil devil have to suffer? Isn't that very unfair to them? For example, it's not appropriate for a good man to die and suffer in hell."

The ghost pawn sighed and said: "You don't understand. There's a profound meaning to let them suffer in the eighteen layers of hell. Every ghost has to suffer in our underworld to hone their soul. Otherwise, after entering the river of reincarnation, they can't stand the suffering of reincarnation. Once the soul flies away, they will never be reincarnated. Therefore, the underworld makes them suffer for their own sake They are good. Besides, ordinary evil spirits only suffer in the first three levels of hell. They can easily carry the pain as long as they bear it and exercise for a period of time. Only those who are heinous in the world will suffer in a deeper hell. You know, the eighteen levels of hell are more terrible than one. "

If the sea dragon realized something, he said, "it's true. Do I have to suffer in the eighteen layers of hell?"

The Siyin ghost pawn shook his head and said, "I don't know, but you have become a soul seducer. I think you shouldn't go. It's better not to go to the place on the 18th floor of hell. Look, here we are, that's judge Cui Yu's place." he pointed to a lot of enemies, one by one floating in his own direction.

Si Yin ghost pawn sighed: "Judge Cui Yu is the hardest worker in our underground mansion. He almost doesn't have a rest. Every soul has to check with his life and death book to confirm which layer of hell he should go to and whether he should die. Our task is much easier. Only those who have not finished their life can directly cross the reincarnation River to the reincarnation lake to help them reincarnate directly , I'm afraid it's good to have one of 10000 souls, so most of our time is free. Let's go and I'll take you to report. "

Hai Long followed the ghost of Si Yin through the soul. After a while, they came to a bridge. There was a hazy gray fog in the distance of the bridge, and the souls came orderly from there. In the middle of the bridge, a man wearing a white robe and a scholar's Square Scarf held a big thin in one hand. Every soul had to stop in front of him. He looked on the thin After a while, he would let him pass. Beside the man in white, there were seven or eight ghost soldiers in the same dress as the ghost soldiers in Yin, who seemed to be waiting for the man in White's order.

The sea dragon followed the Siyin ghost to the bridge. The Siyin ghost came to the man in white and said respectfully, "judge, Lord ghost king ordered me to bring a new ghost for you to send."

Cui Yu didn't say anything, but glanced back at Hailong. Hailong clearly saw that he was a beautiful man with a beautiful face. He pointed to one side and then continued to check his thin son. Siyin ghost pawn pulled Hailong, stood at the end of the ghost pawns and whispered: "We can just wait here. Every 1000 souls, one of us ghosts and pawns can go to rest. You see, I'm the ninth, and you're the tenth. In other words, it takes about 10000 souls to get to you. Anyway, it's all right. Just close your eyes and rest." Then he stopped talking and stood there motionless. The bodies of all the ghosts and pawns were wrapped in heavy armor. The heavy armor helmets covered their faces and stood there, almost indistinguishable.

The heavy armor on his body gradually made the sea dragon unbearable. After a while, he suddenly found a beauty. If the posture is correct, the armor can support each other, that is, as long as the posture remains unchanged, he can not bear the weight of the armor. This discovery made the sea dragon excited. At least, he doesn't have to work so hard.

Everything in the underworld is novel to Hailong, but he never thought he would stay here too long. After all, he has to go back to the fairyland and meet his beloved wives. Anyway, standing is also standing. Hailong slowly closes his eyes and feels the chaotic Qi in his body. He knows very well that the chaotic Qi is only sealed, but it does not disappear However, when he wanted to look inside, he was surprised to find that he had lost the ability of looking inside. When he closed his eyes, it was dark. He could hear his heartbeat and nothing.

Yes! Is it so easy to break through the bondage? But Hailong was not discouraged at all. Since he couldn't find the Qi of chaos, he just started to practice from scratch. On the contrary, when he first entered the cultivation world, he didn't know anything? He was full of confidence in himself. Looking back on the past, he finally chose the cultivation route of Qi of chaos.

Hailong's cultivation method is very simple and difficult. He concentrates his mind on his own Dantian, and then his mind rises from the Dantian and goes through the previous cultivation route with his deep memory. His mind always maintains a high concentration and keeps going up along the meridians. When he completes a swim of his mind, he finds that his body has been soaked with sweat, And the spirit has reached an extremely tired state, but the Qi of chaos has not even a trace. Hailong closed his eyes and rested. Of course, he would not give up. He believed that nothing in the world was difficult, just for those who wanted it. Perhaps the road you choose is the most tortuous, but as long as you keep going, there will be results. The recovery of spirit is very slow. The sea dragon has to control his body not to fall down. It's not easy to concentrate enough mental power to walk around the meridians. There is no time in the hell. When Cui Yu has reviewed a thousand souls and a ghost goes down to rest, Hailong can accumulate enough mental strength.

Unconsciously, the sea dragon's mental power has walked eight times in the body according to the cultivation method of chaotic Qi. The eight ghosts and pawns in front have also gone to rest, but there are eight more behind the sea dragon. He secretly calculated that each ghost and pawn can rest only after passing 10000 souls. The rest time is almost 10000 souls, so it goes back and forth.

At this time, the Siyin ghost pawn was at the forefront. Hailong was sweating profusely again. He had completed the ninth mental operation and began to rest. The Siyin ghost pawn turned his head and whispered, "Hailong, don't sleep. After I leave later, you will stare at it. If judge Cui Yu finds you sleeping, I'm afraid there will be a very severe punishment."

After listening to his words, Hailong couldn't help warming his heart. Unexpectedly, someone in the underground would care about himself so much. He nodded gently. As soon as his neck moved, he found that his body was a little stiff. At this time, Cui Yu, who had been reading the book, suddenly gave a light sigh and said to a soul in front of him, "your life is not over. I'll ask someone to take you back to the sun." after that, he looked at the Siyin ghost and dragon and said, "Siyin, take the new ghost and pawn to find the way, so that he won't find it in the future. Then you don't have to come here."

The Si Yin ghost respectfully said, "yes, judge." he said to the soul in a low voice, "return the sun with me." after that, he should go ahead and go under the bridge. Hailong didn't dare to neglect. He hurriedly dragged his rigid body to catch up. They walked slowly with their souls, got off the bridge and walked along a winding path.

Siyin ghost pawn smiled and said to Hailong, "brother, I didn't expect that we could rest together. You should remember this road well. In the future, this is the way you often have to go. In fact, it's still very easy to go from here to reincarnation lake. There is only such a way." as they walked forward, the scenery in front gradually changed and layers of fog dispersed, Not far away, a huge abyss was exposed. Beside the abyss stood ten ghosts and pawns like the two of them. A man in red, like Cui Yu, looked through the thin son on his hand and lined up one by one with ragged souls in white.

Si Yin ghost pawn whispered: "This is the place of reincarnation. When the time of reincarnation comes, all Yin Cao imps who have been baptized by punishment in the 18th floor hell will gather here and jump into reincarnation. As for what reincarnation looks like, it depends on their previous life. If there are many blessings in their previous life, they may even reincarnate into immortals or enter the Buddha world, which is the best way for Yin Cao imps Fate, however, there is no chance of one in 100000. Most Yin Cao imps return to the human world. Those who have done evil in their previous lives will reincarnate into the animal path and become livestock and beasts in the human world. It is said that there are others who enter the underworld and demon world through reincarnation. I don't know the details. "

Hailong suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. He understood that the most important reason why the underground government was detached was that it was not only a transit station for the six realms, but also the foundation of the six realms.

The Siyin ghost pawn touched the sea dragon and said, "let's go quickly. We can go back and have a rest after sending the soul with an unfinished life back to the sun." then they led the soul along a path beside the abyss of reincarnation. After walking for a while, when the sea dragon felt that the whole body had become weak and weak, the Siyin ghost pawn finally stopped.

The murmuring sound of running water came into the ears of Hailong. He stared and was surprised to find that there was a black hill in front of him. A small waterfall only about ten meters high. White water kept sliding down and gathered at the foot of the hill into a pool of clear water. The pool was clear and looked so pure. The ghost soldier smiled and said: "I'm surprised. This is the most beautiful place in our underground place, reincarnation pool." he turned his head and pushed the soul and shouted, "go, return to the sun and be a man again." the soul floated up and slowly fell into the pool without splashing a trace of water and flowers. The soul turned into a stream of smoke and disappeared. The dead ghost patted his palm and said with satisfaction: "The task is completed. As long as you pass through the reincarnation pool, you can recover what you look like before you come to the hell. Hai Long, when you can be allowed to enter here, you can become an immortal again, and even your mana can be restored."

Hailong was shocked. The way back to the fairyland was so close to him that he could go back only a few steps away. He looked warily at the Siyin ghost beside him and secretly moved forward. It seemed that the Siyin ghost didn't see it, and his eyes were looking at something. Hailong asked: "Brother Siyin, do you mean that you can return to your original world as long as you jump into this pool, and nothing will change?"

The Si Yin ghost pawn nodded and said, "yes! This is the place where the soul yearns most. However, I don't want to go back. What's good in the world? It's better to be my soul seducer."

The sea dragon moved forward again. Suddenly, he ran towards the reincarnation pool with all his strength while the ghost and pawn were not paying attention. Si Yin ghost pawn did not chase him, but his eyes hidden under heavy armor showed a trace of cold. A few steps away, in the twinkling of an eye, when the sea dragon ran to the reincarnation pool, he suddenly stopped his body. Inner Zhongtian people fight, jump? Or not?

As long as you jump down, you can go back to the fairyland and find the misty and shadow. As long as you jump down, you will become a powerful immortal again, not a ghost in the hell. But can you really jump? If you jump, I'm afraid you'll never be able to go back to the hell, and you'll never get the unique knowledge of the hell. However, how much I want to see the misty!

Behind his back came the voice of Si Yin ghost, "Hai Long, you don't want to jump. It's against the rules of the hell. It's still time to come back now."

The sea dragon turned around, smiled and said, "how could it be? I can't jump. I'm already a soul seducer in the hell. Naturally, I have to abide by all the rules of the hell. I just want to see if there are any swimming fish in the reincarnation pool." in an instant, he had thought clearly. He decided not to jump. If the two love for a long time, would it be day and night for a long time in the future, Now I can only choose to separate. I must break through the shackles with my own strength and return to the fairyland after meeting the requirements of my martial uncle. At that time, my strength will definitely improve to a higher level.