It was the first time Hai Long heard of insects. Although misty said it was serious, he didn't think so. Anyway, these insects won't have any impact on his cultivation master. The brothers and sisters of Huang Han turned pale, and Huang Han said: "Gu, I've heard before. It seems to be a very ancient sorcery. It can even resist thousands of troops and horses in the hands of people in southern Xinjiang. However, Gu insects have some disadvantages. Once they leave the humid and hot environment in southern Xinjiang, it will be difficult to survive. I'm afraid it's not a good omen for Qiang people to appear in our state of Zhao and song this time! Thanks to martial uncle's timely action, otherwise I will die It's over with Xiao Sui. "Misty sighed and said," in fact, Gu insects are not completely unmanageable. When encountering Gu insect attacks, we must use mana to spread all over our meridians. In this way, even if Gu insects enter the body, they can be forced out. After entering Southern Xinjiang, you two must always be vigilant, because we don't know when we will encounter such a crisis. "

Waterstop said coldly, "elder martial sister, I'll protect Xiao Sui, and Huang Han will give it to Hailong. As long as we're careful, we'll be fine. We'll start for Nanjiang immediately. I'll see who is so bold that he dares to send monsters to make trouble in the Central Plains of China. Is Nanjiang very mysterious? Let's clean up those barbarians thoroughly and let them know our strength."

Under the misty samadhi fire, this originally vibrant village turned into a sea of fire. The end of thousands of human lives filled everyone's heart with anger. For any race, alien invasion is absolutely not allowed. Relying on their strong Xiuyi, Hailong and others embarked on the road to southern Xinjiang again. Due to the recovery of misty magic power, the people's speed of progress is increasing Suddenly increased a lot.


Boom, a big stone table suddenly turned into powder. Jin shisan was angry and gasped unsteadily. The four demon protection Dharma kings stood beside him, and no one dared to say a word. They all knew that Jin shisan, who was in anger, could do anything. "Bastard, the two bastards, Xie Zu and Li Tian, dare to underestimate me. OK, OK, I'll make you pay the price. Heifeng, come here."

Black wind, the angry feather eagle king, hurried forward two steps and respectfully said, "Lord, you command." Jin shisan said coldly: "Among our demon clan experts, you move the fastest. Now you leave here immediately and go to Nanjiang. All four of you come from Nanjiang with me and are my most trusted men. This must be done well. Heifeng, after you arrive in Nanjiang, go back to the TANLA clan to find my brother and ask him to bring the clan experts to support me. With the cultivation of 14, as long as we unite , where are you afraid of their evil and evil families? "

Heifeng was shocked and said, "Lord, if you let the two masters bring experts, I'm afraid we'll lose power in the southern Xinjiang. It's our base!"

Jin shisan snorted and said: "Don't I know better than you? When I took you out of the mountain to subdue the demon clan here, I was attracted to the vast and fertile land of the Central Plains of China. Although Southern Xinjiang is good, it is a corner of Pianan after all, and the Central Plains is the place where we can show our skills. Although other races in southern Xinjiang are ferocious, they may not be able to do anything when they go to our TANLA nationality. Don't forget, the Qiang nationality The great God Moha and the great God Soto of the Miao nationality have always been sworn enemies. Without the balance of our TANLA nationality, I'm afraid they will immediately start a civil war. Before long, when we go back, we may be able to easily occupy the whole southern Xinjiang. Hum, I've already calculated these. Tell 14 what I think and let him kill the seven elders of the clan Bring it out. As long as we unify heresy here, isn't this land of China exclusive? "

Heifeng respectfully said, "it's still the Lord's thought. My subordinates are going to Nanjiang now." then he stepped back quickly.

Jin shisan's eyes were cold and busy. His handsome face showed a strange look. His eyes flashed and told the other three kings of demon protection: "All of you go down. Before my brother comes, restrain all his subordinates and don't easily have any conflict with the evil and evil sects. Li Tian and evil ancestor, wait. When my brother Jin 14 comes, it will be your doomsday. Lao Junlu will be in the hands of our brothers and brothers sooner or later. In fact, only our southern Xinjiang people are the most powerful in this land, even if it is right What if the two evil spirits add up, they may not be able to fight over our southern Xinjiang. Only our descendants of the beast king are the real strong ones. Ha ha, ha ha. "The other people's creepy sharp laughter echoed in the air, and the cave seemed to add a bit of darkness.


The sea dragon stood on his golden cloud, looked at everything in front of him, and said suspiciously, "is this the so-called poor southern Xinjiang?" After more than a day's rapid flight, they finally came out of the territory of the state of Zhao and song and came to the border of Southern Xinjiang, which covers an extremely wide area and is no smaller than that of the western regions. In front of Hai Long, there are towering peaks. Although these peaks at an altitude of about kilometers are nothing, they are completely covered by vegetation. They are undulating and full of vitality. Looking down from above When I went there, I saw waterfalls and flowing springs in the mountains, insects and birds singing constantly, and clouds and fog passing through the place, just like a fairyland. Except for the misty and water stop, the five sea dragons came to Nanjiang for the first time. Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of them, they couldn't help being a little crazy.

Misty sighed and said, "yes! Such beautiful scenery is rare in the Central Plains of China, but it is everywhere in southern Xinjiang. However, I still want to say that this is a poor mountain and evil water. There are countless crises in the seemingly calm mountains and forests. If you are not careful, even those who practice truth will fall into an irreparable state."

The sea dragon looked at the misty, pointed to a mountain depression and said, "No. you see, there are more than ten foreign people washing clothes over there. I can clearly see the satisfied smiles on their faces with sky vision. It's a peaceful scene! Wife, I know you won't lie to me, but can you make it clear." the misty said: "Those should be the Yi people in southern Xinjiang. They are also one of the few peace loving races in southern Xinjiang. The Yi people are very weak and can only live on the edge of Southern Xinjiang. The number is less than 1% compared with the big ethnic groups like Qiang. They have lived here since childhood. Naturally, they know everything in the forest and have corresponding defense measures against all dangers. I I haven't been to southern Xinjiang for many years. I don't know the details, but what I can tell you is that at most only one tenth of the waterfalls and springs you see in front of you can drink, and the others are highly toxic. If you are an outsider, you may not be able to turn over the two mountains even if you don't get poisoned by sleep. Some of the dangers in these primitive jungles are beyond your imagination . now that we have come here, we should be extra careful in everything. Didn't you bring a lot of food? Along the way, you, me, shuistop and Hongzhi don't eat for the time being. Leave those food to xiaolingling, who can't touch the food and water in southern Xinjiang. "

Seeing the seriousness of what misty said, the sea dragon subconsciously nodded. A group of seven people passed through the mountains in front of them and slowly fell to the ground. The water stopped pulling Huang Sui and said: "There are almost no plains, many hills, mountains and forests, and many dangerous swamps in the southern Xinjiang's sphere of influence. There are practitioners among different races in southern Xinjiang, but they are different from our practitioners. Because there are a large number of exotic animals in southern Xinjiang, most of those practitioners will not only cultivate themselves, but also tame monsters for their own use. We can't fly any more, otherwise, Once discovered, it will inevitably lead to the attack of people in southern Xinjiang. "

Hailong stood where he was, frowned and said, "can't fly? We have no goal in this trip. If we can't fly, what's the significance of going on like this? Do we want to die of old age?"

Waterstop stared at him with disdain, didn't say a word, and said vaguely: "Dragon, don't worry. The last time shuistop and I came here was two thousand years ago. We helped the Yi people here. It's not too far to walk from here. We can reach the Yi tribe. There, maybe we can ask something, and then decide the goal of this trip. There's something I want to remind you, as well as Hongzhi and xiaolingling. For Southern Xinjiang, you are welcome We must be vigilant. Here, not only those wild animals are difficult to deal with, but also there are no fewer people with high cultivation than those in the Central Plains. If all practitioners in southern Xinjiang unite, we Lianyun sect can't deal with them. "

Hailong was awestruck. After many reminders, he knew that southern Xinjiang was indeed full of strangeness and magic. Hailong didn't know how to write fear words since he was a child. These not only didn't scare him, but also stimulated his deep curiosity, hugged the misty willow waist and said: "Wife, don't worry. We won't be careless. After all, I've experienced so much. I'm no longer a child."

Shuistop snorted coldly and said, "it doesn't matter if you're careless. Just don't bother us." after that, before the sea dragon attack, you should go to the dense forest ahead.

Although the road in the primeval forest is not easy to walk, it is nothing to Hailong and others. Even Huang Sui, who has the worst cultivation, can easily keep up with the people. While moving forward, Hailong, who is walking in the front, suddenly heard a strange sound. It was a wordy sound. The sound appeared very dense. Hailong quickly took out his powerful stick and was ready to respond at any time At this time, a strange thing happened. The big trees entangled with twigs moved around. The uncle swayed slightly at first, and then countless vines rushed out from all directions and tangled with the sea dragon people. The sea dragon just wanted to urge the mana to use the prohibition to remove these vines, but heard the misty and anxious cry, "don't resist." If the sea dragon trusted the most, misty must be one of them. Hearing her voice, the sea dragon subconsciously scattered the mana he was just preparing to attack. Vines twined rapidly. In an instant, people only felt that their whole body was tight, and their body immediately broke off the ground and was lifted up. The vines twined very tightly, entangled them and held them up in the air. The sea dragon turned to look at the misty. She smiled at herself and said, "don't move, everyone. This kind of winding tree is very wise, and they are also very united. Once we hurt one of them, the winding tree within dozens of square miles will be against us, and it will be difficult to move at that time." the sea dragon was stunned and said: "We can't resist, but we can't be hung here all the time. How can we get out?"

With a misty and mysterious smile, he turned his head and looked at the water stop with a smile on his face and said, "speaking of it, these winding trees that have grown for thousands of years are our old friends. Don't move. In fact, winding trees are very kind, but they are very naughty. They are just playing with us. Let me help you out." With a flash of light, a magic weapon like a feather flew out of the misty body. It danced lightly in the air, turned a few times, and came to a winding tree, close to the root of the vine, and gently misfired a few times. The winding tree trembled violently. After a while, the whole tree began to twist. Under the surprised eyes of Hailong and others, The winding vines loosened and put her on the ground very politely.

Misty smiled and commanded the feather like magic weapon to float continuously. After a while, all the surrounding winding trees trembled violently, and Hailong and others naturally recovered their freedom. Moreover, all the winding trees in the distance took back their vines and made way for them, as if they wanted to send everyone forward.

The Sea Dragon said in surprise, "wife, what's the matter? What magic weapon are you so powerful?" misty smiled and said: "What magic weapon is this? It's just an ordinary feather. The winding tree is actually very easy to deal with. He is naughty but the most ticklish. Just now I tickled it with a feather, he naturally wanted to let us pull. Let's go."