"We are committed to world peace, protecting people's lives and resisting strange disasters. We can assure the general public that the operation of the association is open and transparent, and always update the latest developments of the association by publishing information on the official website of magazines and newspapers. We also sincerely welcome the supervision and guidance of the general public and correct our mistakes..."

On the television, the head of the new hero association is enthusiastically announcing an influential news.

"From today on, the new hero Association... Is officially established!"

"Wu Chi, Jeff, bick..."

King sat on the sofa and glanced at the acquaintances on the camera. He couldn't help laughing. "The new hero association is really bold. These people are controversial figures. Wu Chi is a murderer, Jeff is a reward offender, and bick is even more unique... They are strange people. However, the new hero association is very bold to use them and let them board the TV station openly. It's really bold."

"Government support?"

He casually flipped through the recent news about the new hero Association. The establishment of a new hero organization caused an uproar, which was warmly reflected by the people. He agreed with the establishment of the new hero association very much. In the past, the hero association was the only one, even if they were dissatisfied with the Association. However, in order to resist the freak disaster, he still spared no effort to choose support. Now, The emergence of new hero organizations gives them a greater choice, which can also promote the benign competition between the two organizations in the hero world.

"Most of the A-level heroes of the association are gathered in the headquarters of the association, and they choose to let the S-level heroes travel at this time to avoid the limelight!"

"But the world is big... It's none of my business."

King turned off the TV, packed up one or two clothes and stuffed them into his backpack. He immediately went out to meet sitch and others.

Tourist destination - Huaguo Mountain, K city

When he heard the name for the first time, he was shocked. Why does the flower and fruit mountain of the great saint have a peak of the same name in the fist world? He quickly inquired on the Internet and learned that Huaguo Mountain was a name that had only been modified recently, and the source of the name was unknown. In short, according to the information on the official website, Huaguo Mountain took this name because it blooms all year round, has a wide variety of fruits, and often has four seasons.

"It shouldn't have much to do with the revision of my journey to the west?"

He was lost in thought. In his anger, he wrote a magic revision of journey to the west, which transformed Qi Tiansheng into a freak, and Tianting into a hero Association. According to the general plot of journey to the west, he wrote a short story and published it until Qi Tiansheng was defeated and imprisoned by King, that is, the plot in the original book that Sun Wukong was pressed by the Tathagata on Wuzhishan, He cut off all the later scriptures. After all, it was only his works copied in anger.

Once the revised edition of journey to the West was uploaded, it was not surprising that many people attacked it. After all, speaking for strange people is definitely heresy in today's society. However, there were scattered people who praised him. He wondered whether the strange people hidden in the dark were idle reading novels.

After so many years of freak disasters, the public's concept of freaks has gradually changed. From the time when freaks were shouted and beaten by everyone to now, everyone began to try to accept freaks. When the freak Association invaded, many citizens marched around the street and shouted that human beings should submit to freaks. There was the so-called freak worship party. Now bick can get on TV openly, It can be seen that the new hero association is aware of the subtle psychology of the general public.

"One day, freaks and humans may really coexist, or humans may evolve in the direction of Freaks..."

This is Tong Di's conclusion based on various situations.

Anyway, this Huaguo Mountain

"It should be just a coincidence!"

The person in charge of Huaguo Mountain happened to read the novel and happened to think that the name was suitable for his orchard, so he specially borrowed the name of Huaguo Mountain.

"I hope there won't be a water curtain hole!"

On the way.

"It is said that there is a water curtain cave in Huaguo Mountain... The spring water is clear and the scenery is pleasant. Especially in this summer, at night, the moon is sprinkled and soaked in the clear spring. The breeze blows, the fragrance of flowers is diffuse, and the fruit trees are swaying. It is a paradise like life..."

Xiqi introduced the tourist attractions of Huaguo Mountain.

"Damn it, Huaguo Mountain, shuilian Cave... The orchard owner has definitely read his own novels."

King finally confirmed that because he inadvertently released the magic revised journey to the west, there was a water curtain hole in Huaguo Mountain in one punch world.

There won't be a bunch of monkeys on Huaguo Mountain, will there?

"Of course, Huaguo Mountain is a well-known monkey mountain. There are many lively and lovely monkeys on the mountain. They get along with people all year round and have no fear of human beings. They even come forward to say hello when they see people."


King patted his forehead and said to himself weakly, "fortunately, there is no holy man in the sky, otherwise there will be a riot again."

Time is in a hurry.

Their party soon arrived at the flower and fruit mountain in K city. It was nearly dusk. The colorful flowers on the mountain were immersed in the red glow. The fruit trees were full of rich fruits. A monkey swung between the fruit trees. He picked the fruit on the tree and stuffed it into his mouth. When he bit it, the fruit juice burst and sputtered. It was sweet and juicy.

"Welcome to Huaguo Mountain..."

When King and others climbed the mountain, they soon came to a mountain hotel. At the door, a middle-aged man in ordinary casual clothes greeted them with a smile.

"President Ryder, we will disturb the peace of your pure land these two days."

Hickey came forward and shook hands with the middle-aged man.

"Don't bother, don't bother, it's rare for our great heroes to come to my little orchard. It's my honor." Ryder laughed, looked around at King and others, and said, "everyone has worked hard all the way. I must be hungry. I have prepared the food. Please come to the hall for dinner."

"I'm very grateful to the boss for his hospitality, but we also need to be polite when we eat..." blowing snow, as one of the members of the Association for the elimination of freaks, was also able to participate in the celebration. She waved her hand and shouted: "all the non staff members of the blowing snow group gather, and we line up and enter the field orderly... Saitama, don't look around and say you, and Janos, don't stand foolishly, Come here... "

"I'm not a member of your snow blowing team!"

Janos retorted with a cold face, "I won't join the queue or anything."

Saitama scratched her head. "In fact, snow blowing is reasonable. It's basic courtesy to queue up in order to eat." He said, standing in front of the designated position for blowing snow.

"Teacher... What you said is very reasonable. Is this to tell me to practice step by step and not to rush?"

Janos took out his notebook and wrote it down. He took a step under his feet and was already behind Saitama.

"Tornado, whatever your sister?"

Tong Di licked a lollipop and looked at the tornado.

"Hum, blowing snow is right. You should line up to enter the site, otherwise you will lose more hero's face."

The Dragon hugged his chest and snorted in support of his sister.

"King... Forget it. Anyway, you must support the tornado. After all, your relationship..."

Tong Di shook his head.


We're just an ordinary relationship.

King would like to make an excuse.

"I have a good relationship with king. Do you have an opinion?"

The tornado squinted at the emperor.

"Raise your hands in favor of your special relationship with king!"

Tong Di bit the lollipop and raised his hands.