"In other words, Tong Di, what meeting did you agree to hold? Need our professional heroes? "

This is an unprecedented precedent in the past.

"King, do you know the origin of the hero association?" Tong Di and King walked side by side on the road of the association's headquarters. With a small face, he said: "since the emergence of the freak disaster, mankind is facing great survival pressure. At that time, the rich Agni came forward to call on the social elite to form a hero Association, recruit the strong to become professional heroes, and eliminate and resist the freak disaster."

"Well, I know."

King nodded. These are common sense, which almost everyone knows.

"Now the heroes association has entered its fourth year, and the association system originally created has exposed many problems. At the same time, the undisciplined and excessive destructive behavior of some heroes and various ugly behaviors of heroes, such as infighting and non cooperation, have gradually made the people lose their trust in the association. In fact, this problem has gradually become prominent last year until the freaks Association invaded the city, Many heroes failed miserably, which made strange people fooling around in the city even worse, causing a serious crisis of trust in the association. Some unidentified people incited secretly, which gradually intensified the people's dissatisfaction with the association. A wave of public opinion of collective criticism has been formed. Major unscrupulous media scrambled to report scandals such as misappropriation of public donations by employees of the hero Association, Fabricated rumors that the association has become the exclusive bodyguard of the rich. Under the bombardment of the media, the image of the hero has also plummeted, which has exacerbated the crisis of people's trust in the Association... "

King sighed, "I don't feel the people's malice towards us..." is he too stupid?

Tong Di licked the lollipop and said with a smile, "of course, because King is No. 1 among the unshakable heroes in the eyes of the people, so even if the association is full of scandals, the praise about King in the news has never changed. This is the due honor that king has won with his strength."

"Maybe!" King said irrefutably, "this situation is really bad, but the association should have enough time to adjust and correct it?"

In the case of more and more frequent freak disasters, the hero association is the people's Amulet even if it is worse. They may complain that the amulet is not easy to use, but they will never give up their only means of life protection.

"Indeed, the senior management of the association once held the idea that the association was the only hero organization, and the people could not do anything even if they complained more, which led to the gradual decline of the reputation of the association. Now... A more terrible crisis has emerged. According to intelligence, an emerging hero organization called 'new hero Association' is being established, and they tap the excellent talents of the association in various ways, What's more, it absorbs and innovates the technical knowledge accumulated by the Association for many years on preventing freak disasters. The relevant systems of the new hero association also learn from the lessons of our association and become more perfect and excellent. "

Tong Di chewed a lollipop and said, "in addition, the heroes of the new hero association are no longer called professional heroes, but call themselves new heroes. King, you should know about the number of heroes in our association. The latest data shows that the number of heroes in our association is only more than 600, while the number of heroes in the new hero association has reached... More than 2000. What's worse, All the outstanding heroes of our hero Association will greet and explore everyone's meaning in various ways. I heard that many people have taken action, and even the pillar of the Association - class s Heroes may change jobs“

"I see..."

King suddenly remembered that Wu Chi and others had advised him to join an emerging hero organization, which is estimated to be the new hero Association. Are they already in-service heroes of the new hero association?

"In fact, the association has long recognized the shortage of heroes. After the elimination of the freak Association, they have made greater efforts to attract the strong hidden in the people. However, without exception... All failed."

The child emperor said in a heavy tone: "because... All these strong people chose to join the new hero Association."

"Therefore, even if the new hero association has not been established, it will never be weaker or even stronger than our association."

"For the people... It should be a good thing!"

"Well, but for the association, the new hero association is a great threat." The emperor smiled and said, "so they called us here to test our meaning and retain us as much as possible."

"Good abacus."


At the same time, the association held a high-level meeting.

"I don't agree. In order to prevent class s heroes from being poached by the new heroes Association and let them sign long-term labor contracts, this proposal is stupid and ridiculous."

Sitch glared at the opposite marcoy.

"Minister Sikh, don't be so angry. We're just discussing solutions to the crisis faced by the Association..." marcoy smiled. "Maybe my proposal is bad, but it's a solution, isn't it?"

"Chief marcoy, please respect the profession of hero." Xiqi punched on the conference table and shouted: "our association is an organization established to attract heroes for the purpose of 'executing justice'. We are not a company, and professional heroes are not our employees. We are not superior and subordinate relations. We are mostly partners. From the point of view of the establishment of the new hero Association, we have gradually lost the support of the people, If we cold the hearts of heroes and let them switch to the new hero Association, then our association will not face a crisis, but bankruptcy. "

"Minister Xiqi, you are too angry. Don't be impatient. Everyone just expresses their own opinions. The original intention is to solve the problems faced by the association. Don't hurt the harmony."

Other high-level officials have persuaded Xiqi to be calm and not to get angry.

"However, Minister Sikh's words are very reasonable. There is indeed a cooperative relationship between the association and heroes, not an employment relationship. It is indeed inappropriate to ask heroes to sign a treaty that binds them when the new hero Association recruits troops and horses. Room chief marcoy's suggestion is invalid. However, we still want to thank room chief marcoy for his hard work for the association. Thank you."

"It doesn't matter." Marcoy looked at sisch and said with a smile, "minister sisch, I apologize for my absurd suggestions. I'm sorry, but I just hope to help the association get through this difficulty. Please don't mind."

"No, I should apologize." Hickey took a deep breath. "I was so excited just now."

"Stop, there's no need to say more polite words. What other good suggestions do you have for the establishment of the new hero association?"

"I don't think it's necessary to target the new hero Association..."

Hickey said slowly.


Other senior executives looked at Xiqi suspiciously, "what do you say?"

"As we all know, with the increasing frequency of freak disasters, the shortage of manpower in our hero association is becoming more and more prominent. Now building the association headquarters and gathering many A-level heroes into the headquarters has led to the blank of superior heroes in some places around the world. The new hero association appears at the right time, seizing our weak points and taking the opportunity to go out, It has become a trend to publicize our ideas among the people and quickly open the scene. We can hardly stop the establishment of the new hero Association. However, we don't need to stop them, because their emergence just makes up for our shortage of manpower. For the people, this is a good thing. If we oppose it, it will only deepen the people's disgust with us, The gains outweigh the losses. "

Xi Qi glanced at the senior level of the association and said in a deep voice: "moreover, we have successfully won the favor of the rich in the world. The association has sufficient funds to maintain the operation and development of our association. Therefore, in fact, our association has no other major crisis except losing the support of some people. As long as we can correct the disadvantages of system and personnel in time, It can gradually restore the hearts of the people... "

"At present, our main problem is to stabilize the S-class heroes and prevent the excellent heroes from leaving. As long as they are still there, our association will stand."