
A big pit appeared on the ground.

"What a strong crab."

The boy emperor stretched out several mechanical claws in his backpack. The claws moved. He jumped back to avoid the attack, and his small face stared at the super pet in front of him seriously.

It was a crab the size of a car. The crab shell was green mud, smooth and shiny. The navel and belly shell was crystal white. The soft hairs of several crab legs were long and yellow, smooth roots, golden crab claws, solid and powerful, eight feet stood upright, the navel back bulged and majestic. What's more, a pair of claws in front of him were like two guillotines, with sharp edges.


The big crab walked sideways and came to Tong Di. A pair of claws went to Tong Di.

to be sonorous!

Tong Di's mechanical claws met up under his control. The two collided, and Tong Di's claws were not bent.

His face was startled. It was obvious that his mechanical claws could not compare with each other's claws.

to be sonorous!

His other claw caught on the shell of the big crab and only scratched some white marks.


At this time, another claw of the big crab waved over, and Tong Di manipulated the mechanical arm to stop it.


A crisp breaking sound sounded, and his mechanical arm was forcibly broken.


Tong Di's face changed slightly. He caught a glimpse of the big crab's claws attacking again. He waved his remaining claws and retreated quickly.


The claw of the big crab hammered on the ground, directly penetrated the floor, brought out a pile of soil, and in an instant created a pit.


The big crab stared at Tong Di with cold eyes, waved with eight feet and chased Tong Di horizontally.

"Eh? This guy can only walk sideways? "

Tong Di manipulated the mechanical claw and took the big crab around the bend. He had been observing the big crab's every move. When he saw that the big crab was always walking sideways, he took the time to heart.


After he escaped another attack from the big crab, while the other party pulled out his claws on the floor, he manipulated the mechanical claws to turn quickly, around behind the big crab, and thrust his sharp claws at the tender meat under the crab shell.


The big crab gave a stuffy hum and turned around quickly. Relying on his flexibility, Tong Di hid behind the big crab all the time. His mechanical claws stabbed the soft meat of the big crab continuously, and even stretched his claws in and stirred it violently, bringing out a pile of bloody things.


Under the child emperor's obscene tactics, the big crab finally couldn't bear it. He fell to the ground and lay still on the ground. The child emperor was worried and suddenly stabbed into the soft meat and directly penetrated the big crab. After seeing that the big crab had never responded, he confirmed that the big crab had died.

He shook his claws stained with flesh and blood and controlled to take them back into his backpack. He licked the lollipop in his hand. Well, the sweet smell of wisdom.

At the same time, genos also got rid of his old opponent - gulisnia!

During the battle between people and super pet, the tornado plunged into one of the warehouses.

Dong Dong!

King has been waiting for everyone to return at the gate of the manor. However, there are bursts of heavy footsteps not far away. A big dog the size of a heavy truck rushes over at top speed. The big dog is dark and its tusks are the length of a machete.

"I... grass!"

King stared at the big deja vu dog.

Woof! Woof!

The big dog found King at the gate of the manor and barked wildly.


King was stiff and his heart beat violently.

Suddenly... Suddenly

The sound like an engine floated away.

Oh, My God!

I'm afraid the dog's teeth will tear me off!

He is secretly bitter. Fate, I am a grass mud horse. It is clear that I have hidden at the gate of the manor. How can I meet super pet? And this super pet is also. In such a big place as the manor, why do you have to run to the door if you don't run to other places?

"Birch! Be quiet! "

A warm voice sounded.

King also thinks the sound is familiar.

"King, we meet again. What a coincidence!"

At this time, a man slipped down from the big dog. He was wearing a tuxedo and white gloves. He looked exquisite, had half long black hair, and his eyes were as dark as the night and as deep as the sea.

"Batis Qiao?"

King's pupil shrinks, "are you the owner of super pet manor?"

"Yes, I've lived here for many years. Originally, I took this place as my own home. Unexpectedly..." Batis Qiao smiled and said: "I'll leave after all."

King's face was cold, maybe tight. He was tight all over and stared warily at Batis Qiao and poche.

Borch has always given him a very dangerous feeling. However, as the owner of the super pet manor, Batis Qiao has cultivated many powerful super pets. Perhaps this guy is the most terrible.

Batis Qiao smiled lightly and said, "king, let's talk!"

King whispered, "let me let you go?" Bring it up quickly and I'll promise it right away.

"No, I know you can't let me go." Batis Qiao smiled and shook his head.

No, no, you're mistaken. As long as you mention it, I'll promise to let you go. Don't be determined to die and work hard with me!

King's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to let go of each other, otherwise it would be too obvious.

Batis stroked Boqi: "Boqi has been with me for many years. I have no relatives. I have always regarded it as my relatives. I personally turned it into what it looks like now. It could have been a carefree spotted dog. I destroyed it..."

Woof, woof!

Poche rubbed Batis intimately.

"King, let it go!" Batis asked king, "Boqi is a kind and docile dog. He has never hurt anyone..."

"Your friendship is really moving. I promised." King nodded cheerfully.

"Thank you, king."

Batis was stunned when he saw that king was so cheerful. Then he bowed deeply. Immediately, he touched Boqi and whispered, "Boqi, go to the old place and wait for me. I'll come in a minute."

I don't know if he used any means, or if Borch really understood what he said, Borch rubbed Batis and ran quickly past king.


Batis and King breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

so what?

King stared at Batis. The danger had not been relieved, and the last big boss could stand in front of him.

"I've heard that King's fist is very powerful. I really want to have a try..."

Batis rolled up his sleeves carefully and slowly.

Do you want to call?

King looked tight, but when he saw that Batis had no sharp weapon, he was relieved. With his defense, his fist was basically not fatal to him, except Saitama's fist.

The current situation is that he can be beaten at most. When the tornado comes out, he can beat each other.

"Are you ready?"

Batis bowed to King and asked politely.

"Always be ready!"

King narrowed his eyes and stared at Batis's every move. At the same time, he prayed that the tornado and others would come back soon, or the system would recover soon.

"King, please note that I'm going to... Attack!"