"Damn it, Saitama, this guy drove me away!"

King stood downstairs of Saitama's house, looking at the dark and dead no man's street. His scalp was numb. Due to his excessive dependence on the system and his lack of strength and speed, he basically had no power to fight back in the face of strange people after he lost the system.

Originally, he planned to stay at Saitama's house for a few days and wait for the system to be repaired. Unexpectedly, Saitama didn't give him face, drove him out and happily spent the world of two with Janos.

Bah, shameless!

He didn't start immediately because he was waiting for snow blowing and tea orchid. Facing the no man's street, he felt that more people were safer.

“king? You haven't gone yet? "

Blowing snow came downstairs from Saitama's house and saw King standing downstairs as if waiting for someone.

King whispered, "Oh, I'll wait for you!" He was also embarrassed to say that he was afraid.

The snow blowing heart suddenly filled with a touch of emotion. King thought that a girl walking in my house would encounter danger in the dark unmanned street, so he specially waited for me to escort me home?

Why are you so nice to me? Is it good for my sister-in-law? Or something else?

In the dark, her pretty face turned a little red and immediately raised a happy smile, "OK, let's go together." She said in her heart: walking in the moonlight and dancing in no man's street is so romantic!

"Hey, wait for me, let's go together!"

Chalanzi trotted down from upstairs with a black and blue face.

"Get out!"

Blowing snow looked at chalanzi fiercely, "dare to follow us, I'll beat you!"


King, who was just about to invite chalanzi, was stunned and swallowed what he wanted to say. He couldn't help it. If he lost the system, he couldn't beat the snow. In case the snow went crazy and beat him together, he had no resistance. Although he wouldn't get hurt, it was too humiliating.

So he ignored chalanzi's eyes for help and tacitly agreed to go on the road with chuxue.

This also prompted him to secretly make up his mind that he must increase physical exercise when he is free, and increase points in strength and physical strength next time.

Don't let anything embarrassing happen again.

Chalanzi looked at King and blowing snow. They walked away side by side. Under the moonlight, their shadows entangled together, as if they were hugging lovers.

He Pooh: "dog men and women." Then he took a careful look at the direction king and the snow left. He was relieved when he found that the other party didn't notice.

"What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, a faint voice came from his side. He was almost scared out of his wits. He twisted his neck rigidly. When he saw jenos staring at him coldly, he said with a smile: "jenos, how can you come out so late?"

Jenos said coldly, "the teacher wants to exercise after dinner. I'll buy some peaches to quench his thirst."

Tea orchid son suddenly stares big eyes, exercise after dinner? cover? assuage thirst? My God, there's more shameless!

I didn't expect you to be like this, Janos!

"What's the problem?" Janos frowned at the strange looking tea orchid.

"No problem!"

Chalanzi said sadly and angrily that everyone tonight has fire purging objects, but I... practice guns under the moon?

Great strength, isn't it? You can mess around if you have strong strength? You can do whatever you want if you are strong?

Can you... Worry about other people's feelings?

He gnashed his teeth and said, "hungry wolf, I want to defeat you!"

This is the only object he thought of to vent his anger. However, in his cognition, king and others vent their desire, while he himself vent his anger, not the same type of anger.

"You can't beat the hungry wolf!" Janos commented honestly.

Chalanzi issued an angry declaration: "if you can't fight, you have to fight, because I'm very upset!"

"Whatever!" Jenos said faintly, "I'll buy peaches. Do you want them?"

Chalanzi looked at Janos in shock and said wrongly, "I went to find the hungry wolf to fight... But it's not the kind of fight you imagined!!"

What kind of cover do you want in battle? You think it's some kind of indescribable battle?


Janos looked at chalanzi puzzled and didn't understand!

"Well, bye!"

He waved and disappeared into the dark.

Chalanzi curled up and stepped into the darkness, leaving a very sad word.

"Xiu Enai dies quickly. I wish you both live and die together!"


"Well... Where is your home?"

On no man's street, king and snow blowing walked silently for a while, and snow blowing hesitated to break the silence.

King said calmly, "didn't your sister tell you about the king's apartment in M city?"

Blowing snow hummed, "my sister... Hum, don't mention her!"


King glanced at the angry snow blowing. It is said that snow blowing has been at odds with the tornado, and he doesn't know what caused it.

After a while, blowing snow asked, "have you... Defeated my sister?"


King thought for a moment and said, "the tornado never admitted that I beat her!"

"Oh, so you actually beat her?" Blowing snow smiled with satisfaction, "king, your strongest man's name is really true."

King agreed: "indeed, I'm... Not empty."

"Well... I heard you and my sister are lovers?" Snow asked cautiously.

King shook his head: "no!" Tornadoes fight and kill him all day. Ghosts are lovers with her!

"Really?" The snow blew happily, that is to say, do I have a chance?


King looked at the surprised snow blowing on his face and was speechless. What hatred do you sisters have? Sister doesn't want her sister to have a boyfriend. Is it... Two sisters, one is sister control and the other is sister control? It's really a terrible pair of sisters. It's definitely unlucky who is their object, because it's estimated that the other person will not let go of the man. It's just that the two sisters are all powerful superpowers.

Therefore, if you want to marry two sisters, unless their object is a man who can defeat both sisters at the same time!

"By the way, have you ever given a gift to my sister?"

Blowing snow asked nervously. King once gave her a kitchen god trophy. So far, she doesn't understand the meaning of this trophy. What does it mean?

What a tangle!

King frowned and thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't think so!" Who remembers such trivial matters?


Blowing snow raised her head, raised her chest and raised her eyebrows. King once gave her a gift, but her sister didn't. ha, sister, I'll hurry you up!

"The last question, if you have to choose one, who is more feminine between me and my sister?" She straightened her chest and the waves surged.


King glanced at the snow blowing. The two sisters... Talk more and more. It's really annoying!


It's too obvious. The tornado obviously looks like a Laurie, and the snow blowing has grown into a royal sister. Well, it doesn't need to be circled. It's normal. Don't think crooked.

"When you don't notice, love has come. When you don't notice it, it has entered your heart..."

The snow blew and sang songs happily.

King's mouth, your sister, so ugly? Have you moved to the ends of the earth? I can't even hear the meaning of the lyrics. It's really killing people. I knew I had gone with chalanzi. Alas, I'm worried!