
King punched the hungry wolf again, wiped his cold sweat, tied the hungry wolf up again and hung it on the tree.

After he had just completed the "roast chicken" achievement, he untied the shackles of the hungry wolf. The hungry wolf immediately became a "hungry wolf" mentality and rushed towards him.

He immediately used Tai Chi to deal with the hungry wolf. However, the hungry wolf had adapted to the routine of Tai Chi before. For a time, he was caught off guard. Helpless, he exercised "enhanced transformation" to make himself stronger and beat the hungry wolf again.

However, the hungry wolf is worthy of being a hungry wolf. It has strong adaptability. Under strong pressure, it made another breakthrough and adapted to the more intense Tai Chi again.

King was speechless. Seeing that the hungry wolf's offensive became more and more sharp, he used the "ruling" again, knocked the hungry wolf out, and then ran away irresponsibly.

His goal has been achieved. The hungry wolf has become his "internal" disciple. During this time, he can stay at home and enjoy his success.

"Tut Tut, a feeding version of the hungry wolf has been cultivated, and some of the heroes have suffered."

He clapped his hands and took the train from J city to m city again.

Enjoying the scenery all the way, I suddenly felt so beautiful.

"My hometown is in this hip..."

Soon, he got off at M city and went home humming a happy song. To his surprise, Xichi called him and told him that the latest giant cicada insect did not belong to any rich man. It can be speculated that the giant cicada insect should have escaped from the super pet manor, so the super pet manor is in Z city.

He curled his lips and told Hickey not to disturb him if he didn't find a specific location.

Really, it is clear that so many rich people have bought super pet, and the association has not set out the location of super pet manor from those rich people.



In the imperial apartment, King fell into playing games day after day. According to his own words, this is to cultivate combat consciousness.

However, he occasionally goes to Saitama's house to play, which is called cultivating feelings. When he becomes a deep friend, he won't be embarrassed if he calls Saitama for help.

This day, he embarked on the road to Saitama's home.

However, after stepping into the no man's land, a bad news rang out in his mind.

"Ding, the system is unstable. The relevant applications will be closed for repair."

The cold mechanical sound of the system made him jump and stunned, "ha? The system crashed itself? " He called the system several times with fear, but there was no response. This time, he determined that the system did crash and was being repaired.

"Lying trough, is it the result of the two previous collapses of Saitama?"

He wanted to cry without tears. Now he was really tied up in a cocoon. Fortunately, the system has integrated with him, and all his attributes have been added to his flesh. His defense is not afraid of casual freaks.

To be honest, with his 120 defense, no one can kill him unless he is a powerful swordsman, or a dragon or God disaster freak.

With this thought, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that he was approaching Saitama's house, he immediately accelerated his steps and scanned the surroundings with vigilance. He knew that this place was unsafe and hidden many dirty things.

No one knows if there will be a dragon disaster freak?

Dong Dong!

He slipped to Saitama's house and knocked on the door.

“king? Here you are, eh, why are you sweating? "

"This... It's hot!"

He had already contacted Saitama to come, so he was not worried that Saitama was not at home.

"Teacher, I'll go shopping."

As soon as the good wife and mother jenos saw the guests at home, she volunteered to buy vegetables.

"Yes, Janos."

After Saitama and king sent Janos away, they immediately turned on the TV, plugged in the game console and turned it on!

"Hey, king, why can't I control Janos now?"

"Your accomplishments are too shallow. You can't even fight man-machine. Do you still want to control Janos? Then, why do you want to control Janos so much? "

"I think..."

The two gathered together and quietly discussed the topic of remote control Janos doing something shameful.

Ten minutes later.

"Cough, no, no, Saitama, you don't have a little team spirit!"

"What is teamwork?"


King played with Saitama for a while and found that Saitama was always lagging behind. His repeated education did not play a role. Saitama always habitually worked alone.

"Come on, come on, I recommend you watch a TV play - Zoo men!"

After king turned off the game screen, he tuned the TV program to a TV station that played heroic TV dramas.

He doesn't always play games at home. After all, there will be times when he is tired of playing games. At this time, he usually spends his time writing or watching TV.

"The five of us are the monster team... Zoo men!"

In the TV program, several anthropomorphic heroes with animal images are performing heroic tasks.

"Are these freaks?"

Saitama looked at the dog like TV characters and commented.

"They are either animals or freaks. They are heroes."

King criticized Saitama's Three Outlooks: "there are good people among the strange people. Even some strange people have justice and fight against evil."

Well, don't hit my bick next time. My bick is a good man.


Saitama if there is enlightenment.

King said, "yes, and they are a team. They have their own skills and roles. Through close cooperation, complementarity and concerted efforts, they can kill freaks more efficiently. This is the charm of team heroes. What do you think?"

Saitama looked at the scene of several people working together against the big boss on TV and nodded: "it seems very interesting."

"Of course! The lone hero is admirable, but having a strong partner will make the hero more charming! "


Jenos returned from shopping. "I'm back."

Saitama said, "Oh, Janos, are you interested in watching the team hero TV series recommended by King."

King said meaningfully, "jenos, are you interested in heroes forming a team? Let's form a team together! "

"Heroes team up? Not interested. " Jenos dry crisp ground refused: "this is just a move of the weak. It's a naive idea to rely on the number of people to make up for the lack of personal ability. If you don't try to improve your strength, you can live soon in the heroic world."

"I... have no objection."

King thought about it, but he didn't refute it.

"In fact, in the association, class B and C heroes often form teams to carry out heroic activities..."

Saitama was watching the TV series with interest and suddenly said, "eh, isn't the zoo that founded zoo men similar to the hero association? Maybe it's interesting if we form a team. "

Janos immediately echoed, "teacher, come and form a team!"


King looked at jenos who changed his face in an instant. Shit, Saitama is your God, Saitama is your land, and Saitama is the only thing you can't fight.