The violent chef was in a good mood today. He successfully helped his snow blowing adult win the kitchen god trophy. At the same time, it also proved that his cooking level did not decline because of being a hero.

When he returned to the gathering point of the snow blowing group, he found that a group of people such as eyelashes were watching anxiously.

"What happened?"

He went to join the fun curiously and found that blowing snow was gazing at an empty dish on the tea table and the kitchen god trophy.

"Hey, chef, what did snow blower do just now? It's a little abnormal when I come back. I laugh foolishly while eating tofu flowers. "

Eyelashes pulled over the chef and asked anxiously, "do you think there is a problem with the tofu flower?"

"Ha, I didn't see it. I don't know."

The violent chef is confused. Sir snow blowing is very happy.

"The chef is back?"

Snow blowing seemed to hear the voice of the violent chef. He came back and said happily, "Chef, can you make tofu carving?"


The violent chef is even more confused. He has just cooked this dish in the kitchen god competition. Didn't Mr. snow blowing find it?

"Make me one and put more sugar."


Snow blowing master had instructions, and the violent chef certainly wouldn't let him execute them. In the puzzled eyes of eyelashes and others, he carved the tofu in a short time and brought it up carefully.

"Snow blowing Lord, please taste it."

Blowing snow looked as like as two peas before carving. When the eyes were bright, digging a mouth with a spoon and putting it in the mouth, savoring it, disappointed: "not sweet enough."

"I've put twice as much sugar as usual."

When the violent chef saw that the snow blowing was not satisfied, he immediately said, "I've done it for you again."

He hurriedly redo another carving of tofu. This time, he simply put the whole bag of sugar down.

However, he still got the disappointed answer "not sweet enough".

"Snow blowing Lord, you... You might as well eat sugar!"

The violent chef is depressed. It's better to eat sugar directly if you continue to add sugar.

"No, no matter how much sugar you eat, it's not sweet enough."

Snow blowing stared at the kitchen god trophy and the empty disc. He didn't know what to think of and smiled inexplicably.

"Sister, you're in big trouble."

Eyelashes and others looked at the abnormal snow blowing. They looked at each other and read the meaning of "snow blowing adults are stupid" from their own eyes.


Snow blowing is tasting dessert, but king is a bitter force.

Because an unexpected guest came to the xibabava palace.

"Ah ah!"

With a scream, king and others who guarded xibaba immediately rushed out of the palace and saw that all the bodyguards arranged by the hero association to protect xibaba fell in a pool of blood. They were shocked and hurried to search for who did it.


King and others looked over and saw a guy wearing a black robe and holding a bloody scythe standing on the side of the palace.


The zombie man shouted angrily, took out his pistol and shot at the mysterious man.

However, a strange scene appeared. The mysterious man seemed to know the trajectory of the bullet flight in advance. Unexpectedly, before the zombie man was about to pull the trigger, he took a dangerous and dangerous step ahead and looked back at King and others.

"Faceless man?"

After King and others saw the mysterious man's appearance, they immediately exclaimed that the mysterious man had no facial features, flat face, no eyes, nose, ears and mouth, which was very strange.

"Play tricks."

Zombie man doesn't care how you look. Anyway, there are many ugly and strange people. He raises his hand and touches two guns. However, the strange scene appears again. The mysterious man seems to be able to predict the flight direction of the bullet in advance and always dodge one step in advance. It's like walking in a leisurely court, which makes them frown.

"Damn, you can avoid bullets. I'll see if you can avoid my axe!"

The zombie man's face sank, threw away his special pistol, pulled out his axe, kicked his foot, flew up, raised his axe and chopped it down.

However, what made king and Fleisch's pupils shrink was that the mysterious man had unconsciously moved to the left. The sickle in his hand was raised and did not cut at the zombie man, so he held it flat. At the moment, the zombie man rushed over and seemed to hit his neck directly against the sickle.


A very bloody scene appeared. The neck of the zombie man was directly cut by a sickle, and his head rolled on the ground.

King was surprised. What the hell is this? Freak? What happened in that scene just now? How did the zombie man jump directly on the sickle?

Fleisch also frowned and narrowed his charming eyes to observe the mysterious man more carefully.

They don't worry about the comfort of the zombie man at all. They are undead freaks who claim to recover after being broken. Cutting their heads is nothing at all.

Sure enough, in an instant, the body and head of the zombie man were together. After he recovered, he stayed away from the mysterious man and confronted the mysterious man vigilantly. Just now he was clearly killing the mysterious man, but he was inexplicably cut off his head. This matter was very strange, which made him pay more attention to the mysterious man.

"Hey, king, Frith, do you see where this guy came from?"

"I don't know."

King and Frith didn't see what was happening.

"Damn it, I'll try again. Take a closer look."

Holding an axe, the zombie man chopped at the mysterious man again. However, the mysterious man showed his strangeness again. He seemed to be able to predict the path of the zombie man's axe. After avoiding danger and danger, he cut the zombie man in two again with a sickle.

King and Fleisch looked at each other and saw their confusion and dignity in their eyes.

"Have you seen it clearly this time?"

The best meat shield zombie man asked quickly after he recovered.

King shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "No."

Fries said faintly, "I don't know."

"Damn, is this guy so weird?"

The zombie man looks at the mysterious man who doesn't seem to be in a hurry to attack. His eyebrows frown. He doesn't worry about death. After all, he can perfectly resurrect if the mysterious man cuts him many knives.

"It turns out that there are really urging people in the world."

At this time, the old voice of xibaba came.


King and Fleisch looked back at xibaba, who came out at an unknown time. Their eyes lit up and asked, "Lord xibaba, do you know the origin of this guy?"

Xibaba Wa's eyes were all white. She stared at the messenger and sighed, "well, if I guess wrong, he's the messenger who came to take my life."

"Urging envoy? Who is this? Killer code? "

King and flesh have never heard of this famous person.


However, when xibabava was about to tell the secret history he knew, the mysterious man who had been in no hurry now rushed to kill King them.

King was surprised and shouted, "stop him."

The zombie man immediately rushed over with an axe. Fleisch was also unwilling to fall behind and ordered, "king, protect Lord xibaba." As he said this, he shook his body and appeared behind the mysterious man in a twinkling. He took out the killing pill in a twinkling and chopped it down quickly.

to be sonorous!

As always, the mysterious man seemed to see through everyone's moves and always made a defensive posture in advance. Even if flesh exceeded the speed of sound, he could not sneak into him at all, because he seemed to see through flesh's moves and know flesh's next move.

"Well, what a considerate order."

King firmly guarded xibaba and watched the battle. The mysterious man was too strange. With his strange ability of prediction and his extraordinary strength, even the siege of the two S-class heroes did not lose the wind.

After all, his strength is a little weak. He doesn't have the lightning fast speed of flesh, nor the immortal body of zombie man who can squander at will.

Of course, if he gives up, he can use the son of the earth to enjoy his immortality no worse than the zombie man.

However, it's better not to waste unless you have to.

Clang clang!

Outside the palace, there was a metal crash of weapons.

"Lord hippava, what is the origin of this urging envoy? How can you be so weird? "

King took the opportunity to ask hippava for some useful information.

"Hurry to make..." xibaba wa sighed: "it's a creature that exists in legends. It's naturally faceless. Their actions depend on prediction."

"Is it prediction?" King was slightly surprised.

"Yes, although they have no eyes, nose, ears and mouth, can't see, hear, eat and smell, they have prediction. Their bodies live in reality, but their consciousness lives in their own prophecy world. In the prophecy world, they can predict anything that will happen around them."

"So powerful?" King was shocked, "that is to say, if someone wants to cut him, in fact, before others cut him, he has seen the scene of cutting him in the future, so he can avoid it in advance? This... This is the legendary "seeking good fortune and avoiding bad fortune?"

Xibaba wa nodded slowly and affirmed King's statement, "the legend is like this."

"This ability is simply abnormal."

King took a breath from the corner of his mouth. He thought that his sixth sense of Asura Unicorn fairy was powerful enough and could sensitively perceive the danger. Unexpectedly, there were more abnormal ones. People directly saw everything that would happen around him in the future.

"Then why did he kill you?"

He secretly guessed in his heart, urging him to have the ability to predict the future. Did he predict that xibaba wa would do something unfavorable to him, so he deliberately solved it in advance?

Xibaba wa said faintly, "I don't know, but according to the legend, urging people to like hunting prophets. As for the reason, the legend doesn't say clearly."

King frowned and meditated. He couldn't go on like this. If he really had the ability to predict, he must have predicted that he could kill xibaba before coming. Moreover, he would also predict that he and flesh could not pose a threat to him.

Can predict the future, coupled with their good strength, as long as they don't encounter Saitama, they can run around the world.

He thought for a while and suggested, "HIPPA Baba, let me escort you away while they are entangled with the messenger!" He is definitely not fleeing, but a strategic transfer he has to make in order to protect xibabava.


Hippava nodded quite simply.

"Eh? Lord hippava, don't you believe in destiny? How do you want to resist fate? " King didn't react for a while.

"Child, you don't understand. Resisting fate is also God's instruction to me."

Xibaba said so much and was a little thirsty. She took out a bottle of throat moistening oral liquid and took it.

"Lord xibaba, you don't eat throat candy anymore?"

"Child, you are too wordy. We don't have much time. Let's leave quickly!"


King is going to fly away with hippava.

At this time, the urging force suddenly whispered and roared. The sickle in his hand split the zombie man into two pieces again with a strange track, and rowed at Fleisch at the same time. However, Fleisch was very fast. After reacting, he narrowly avoided it, and the sickle rowed only a few strands of blond hair.

"No, this guy is coming."

King frowned and without saying a word, took xibaba tile to the sky. However, he urged him to fly after him and bite them.

"Can you make... Fly? Is there a mistake? "

King looked back at the closer urging force. He was very anxious. He never expected to meet a strange man who could fly, and the enclave was faster than him.

Sure enough, people who can predict the future want to fly away with xibaba tile. I'm afraid they have long been predicted by others. In other words, all their means in the air have been expected by others, and they must have a way to crack it before they come to the door. This conclusion makes him very depressed, as if he took off his clothes and let people see it all.

"Can't fly anymore."

His face was gnashing his teeth. In the sky, he couldn't fight with xibaba. It's better to return to the ground and work hard with the urging envoy.

He thought and sank down.

to be sonorous!

Who knows, as soon as he landed, there was a sound of weapon impact behind him. He turned around and saw that flesh was fighting with the urging envoy. However, the urging envoy's moves focused on the next second, so he took the lead. Flesh could only react quickly with his extraordinary speed and try to stop the urging envoy.

"King, take Lord hippava."

Fries's pretty face was very dignified. He looked at the extremely dangerous guy in front of him and sighed, "although I don't want to admit it, the fact is, I can't beat him."


After King hesitated for a while, his eyes coagulated and said faintly, "Frith, I'll stay and stop. You take Lord xibaba away. You're very fast. I believe he can't catch up."

"Well, don't worry about me. Alas, it's destiny. My old woman doesn't bother to resist." Xibaba wa sighed, "it's you... You're innocent, but I'm involved. If you leave, it won't be difficult for you to hurry."

"No, our hero's duty is to protect the citizens. How can we watch strange people kill you!"

The zombie man finally arrived. He stared at the messenger and said, "I don't believe that guy can really predict the future."

"Yes, I don't believe it either."

Fleisch said coldly, "judging from a series of unprepared behaviors just now, he doesn't look like he can see the future. He's just a strange man with strange ability. As long as he finds out his weakness, he can kill him."