A city hero Association headquarters.

Colson hurried into the war room, his face coagulated and said, "minister, King appeared in Z city."

"Huh? King went to Z City? "

A strange color flashed in Xiqi's eyes, "maybe he knew that the source of the meteorite falling into Z city was caused by his failure to pull the meteorite, so he went to Z city to provide disaster relief and make up for his mistakes."

"Hoo, speaking of it, the tornado didn't say anything about the accident? King is clearly the person involved, but he feels guilty. The two people's sense of justice can be compared! "

Colson sighed slightly that it was the tornado that took the main responsibility, and king was the victim involved. However, King took the initiative to go to Z City for disaster relief without complaining, but what about the tornado? I guess I'm still sleeping in!

"Do we still have camera surveillance in Z City? Can you pull it out and observe King's behavior? "

"Uh, monitoring king? Not very good, and Z city is about to be destroyed. Most of our monitoring is damaged, and we can't do effective monitoring at all. "

Jess is familiar with foreign affairs. When he hears Xichi's question, he answers immediately.

"The government should monitor Z city. After all, they should always pay attention to the progress of reconstruction projects in Z city. We can consult them and request secondment for monitoring."

"Well, I immediately contacted the government, and we helped them solve the meteorite disaster. Although there were some small defects, after all, the meteorite was broken before it hit Z city. I think they will take our situation and secondment monitoring. There should be no problem."

Jess nodded and turned to contact the relevant government departments.

After half a ring, Maria said, "minister, the government's monitoring signal has been sent. Is it connected?"

Connect now



The big screen of the war room lit up slightly like a TV, and the devastated blocks of Z City were immediately reflected on the big screen. Among them, the citizens who scattered to clean up the broken and collapsed buildings passed by one by one, and the faces of confusion and despair made everyone silent.

The duty of the hero association is to resist disasters and protect citizens. However, this time... They have neglected their duty. What is more shameful is that the main reason for this disaster lies in themselves.

"Oh, Jess, is our rescue team out?" West Qi exhaled.

"Minister, all our rescue teams have been dispatched and are trying their best to rescue the affected citizens of Z city."

"Well, that's what we can do for them."

"Minister, I found King."


Xiqi's spirit perked up. For the time being, he didn't think about those things that blocked his mind. He ordered: "go all out to track King's whereabouts."

"Minister, is that all right? King can detect our monitoring. We monitor him one after another. I'm afraid it will offend him. The consequences may be very bad at that time. "

Jess was worried. The last time he hit an unknown giant, King found a precedent for their monitoring. He didn't think he could hide from King this time.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. King is a hero with justice. As long as we explain well, he will understand our actions."

"I hope so!"

Jess has no hope.


City Z.

The citizens of the collective crusade against Saitama were startled when they heard the violent drink. They looked into the air. When they saw the people clearly, they immediately exclaimed.

“king? It's king. Why did king come? "

"I'm not sure, but I'd like to know why King protects the despicable guy in front of him?"

"In the name book of the hero Association, King's sense of justice is full, and from King's past deeds, King will never do anything against justice. He must have his reason to stop us."

The citizens whispered and talked about the arrival of king, and all kinds of speculation poured out one after another.

King looked at Saitama with his back to him and couldn't see Saitama's expression clearly, but according to his understanding of Saitama in the cartoon, was Saitama laughing? Oh, he should not be so careless. However, he probably won't care too much about the accusations of the citizens, let alone be too angry. At most, he is angry, because he is a hero driven by interest and doesn't care about the comments of others.

Speaking of it, I'm also very similar to him. I'm a hero of luck and don't care much about the evaluation of others, because my glory was originally picked up, and it's no pity to lose it. Just because of good luck, I've always occupied the title of the strongest man.

Shouldn't I be to blame?

He took a deep breath, suddenly looked at his doubts and shouted to his citizens: "I know... Everyone is depressed because they have lost their home, and they especially want to vent. Saitama unfortunately became your vent for some reasons, but... Saitama is undoubtedly the hero of saving Z city. These accusations are unfair to him, If you want to blame me, blame me! "

He gritted his teeth slightly and said in a loud voice: "in fact, the source of this disaster is me. If it weren't for me, the meteorite would never fall in Z city. Therefore, it should be me that everyone should blame! I am the culprit of this meteorite disaster! "

Deafening, shocking, shocking... At a loss.

King's words stunned the citizens. For the first time, yes, this is the first time to see King defend a hero so much and even curse on his back. However, lord king, our audience's eyes are bright. Your lie can't stand scrutiny.

The black hole in the vest and the tiger in the vest are very jealous. The bald man is lucky enough to get King's favor. No, we have offended him today. We must not let him turn over as a salted fish and continue to be a salted fish with taste.

"Lord king, I know you want to protect the reputation of the hero, so you take all the responsibility on yourself. I know better. Lord king, you blame yourself for not coming in time to prevent the meteorite from falling. After all, with your strength, there is no problem to solve the meteorite disaster perfectly. However, lord king, this despicable guy is not worthy to be a hero at all, Look at the ruins around you. All this is the result of this guy's reckless behavior. Look at the homeless people around you... If he could wait a little, maybe you could come and completely solve the meteorite disaster and really save Z city. However... However, everything was destroyed by this greedy despicable guy. Lord king, he really doesn't deserve to be a hero, I don't deserve the great you to protect him like this!! "

As soon as his fist was pinched, his green veins roared violently, as if to vent his anger at Saitama's despicable behavior.

Saitama's damn bald head must be nailed to the pillar of shame. Lord king, I'm offended.

"Yes, lord king, you don't have to defend him. He's not worth it."

"Yes, how can this guy match lord king? Do you maintain it like this? This is tarnishing your reputation! "

"This guy... This guy doesn't have a trace of shame. Doesn't this guy think it's shameless to let lord king take his own fault?"

The citizens denounced Saitama more loudly, with waves rising higher and higher.

Well, why does it seem worse?

King was slightly surprised. Why didn't everyone blame me? If I hadn't dueled with the tornado, there wouldn't be this disaster! People don't doubt me at all?

I don't know why, he was suddenly a little flattered and more moved. These citizens sincerely support him! Support without a trace of doubt!

In the face of citizens who treat themselves sincerely, should I... Continue to eat salted fish?

King himself was confused.

In his confusion, he completely forgot to defend Saitama.

Saitama Jun, savadika, I'll go to your mother!!

(don't mind if I burst out a foul word. After all, it rhymes very well, so I blurted it out.)