"This punch is for those who have destroyed their homes."


"This punch is for the construction workers whose labor achievements have been destroyed by you."


"This punch is for those heroes who work hard to snipe you."


"This punch... Well, I can't find a reason. I just want to hit you. What's wrong with you?"


King's explosive power of more than a dozen punches bombarded the unidentified giant. With the power of rapid falling and King's rapid impact, the giant's physical quality, which is very rubbish relative to his recovery power, could not withstand the explosive explosion in an instant.

Broken meat flies like raindrops.


As expected, King took out his umbrella he had prepared for a long time and opened it in an instant. He stopped the meat foam flapping on the umbrella, calmly floated in the air, and leisurely enjoyed the unique meat rain.

The giant's body structure is very special. It doesn't have any organ blood. It's just a combination of substances that look like muscles. This kind of thing beyond the theory of biological science only exists in the freak. Well, Saitama is also a freak - marinated egg freak.

"This guy didn't think of a way to eliminate the freak. He just came to show off."

The trembling tornado looked at holding an umbrella in the air, such as king walking around, gnashing his teeth, hoping to pull King down and beat him up.

"This is no different from our previous combat results, but the process is particularly shocking." The vest venerable looked at King with complicated eyes.

Tong Di touched his little chin and analyzed, "uncle King has always been very planned. He must have his reason for doing so. Maybe it's just that we didn't understand some of them."

Banggu took his hands on his back and stared at King with flashing eyes. He said in a secret way: King has such a powerful power. If he is combined with Liushuiyan broken fist, he will be able to collide with a brighter brilliance. Unfortunately, King seems to have learned a martial art called "Taiji".

The sexy prisoner looked vaguely at King standing with an umbrella in the air. He looked intoxicated. What a powerful man and his dream life partner!

The metal Knight looked at King through the eyes of the on-site mechanical corps and secretly thought: G1 and G2 were all defeated by King, and they didn't survive a round. That's not good. Robots with such low performance can't cope with those unknown powerful forces in the future. The research work of G3 should be completed as soon as possible. Well, it's better to choose king as the experimental target, King... For the future of mankind, just reluctantly help me develop G-type robot!

"Huh? Someone is spying on me? "

King was enjoying the unique meat rain. Unexpectedly, the sixth sense of Asura unicorn, the unique skill of Asura Unicorn card, suddenly gave him a warning. This warning was not a danger warning, but a warning to be watched. At first, he thought it was Banggu and others. However, the sixth sense of Asura Unicorn really showed that the peeping line of sight came from outer space.

He frowned, raised his ordinary national character face with the spirit of killing, and looked faintly at the invisible "eye" in the sky.



A city hero Association headquarters battle room inexplicably sounded a lot of crashing sound.

"Cough, everybody have a rest."

Siqi quietly helped himself to the chair he knocked down and let the staff present rest.

"I'll go to the bathroom."

"I'll go to the bathroom, too."

"Wait for me, everyone form a team."

"There's not enough space."

"Good brother, you should sleep in the same bed and pee in the same pit."

"You said it was a sexy prisoner!"

Terrified, the staff hurried out of the combat room. The look in their eyes... Was terrible. They were solemn and killed, like a sharp sword inserted into everyone's heart, leaving an indelible scar, which made people tremble.

Almost all the people who saw King's sharp eyes were startled. Their hearts almost wanted to jump into their throat. Don't monitor king. This kind of thing is too dangerous.

In the war room, only Colson's expression was the most calm, but he just held the sliding glasses without a trace. Well, that's all. He was really not frightened. He calmly muttered to himself: "satellites are non living things and hang in outer space. However, king can still keenly detect the existence of satellites, This perception... Is going against the sky! After observing King's performance today, the association rated him as the strongest man. Indeed, there is no water! "

Maria's pretty face was slightly white, and she was responsible for her stomach frowning. "Minister, I have a stomachache and need to go to the bathroom." Damn it, the one who was scared came ahead of time. King's little warning was so terrible. If he was completely angered, the association headquarters would... Oh, I forgot to bring a sanitary napkin.

Jess took a deep breath, calmed his fast beating heart, and suggested to Xichi, "minister, I think we should cancel King monitoring? King seems to mind being watched. "

Xiqi rubbed his temples and said with a headache, "no, we must always grasp the war situation in D city and explain our difficulties to king after many things. We can't give up eating because of choking."

"I see. I believe king will understand our difficulties."

In fact, in addition to the association headquarters watching King's battle through satellite, government officials were also watching. King's sudden killing eyes also startled them, making them feel as if their hearts were pinched at that moment. It was extremely difficult to breathe and almost suffocated.

"King's strength is beyond doubt. Those untrue statements that doubted King's strength in the past should disappear."

"We must face up to King's strength. As the trump card of the hero Association, he is also the object we will strive for in the future."

"The reputation of the hero association among the people has declined rapidly recently. Some citizens do not believe in the hero Association, and there are other hero groups. The hero Association will soon be unable to dominate."

"The tripartite confrontation is in our interests. The world needs government jurisdiction after all, and the hero Association intervenes... This is something we can't tolerate. Secretly promote the emergence of other hero organizations. Balance is the political right."

In the government conference room, the voice gradually sank until it disappeared.


"God said, it's better to protect flowers after landing..."

The meat rain fell on the earth, and the language that was very indifferent from beginning to end resounded through the world again. The scattered meat foam converged and reshaped again, and the giant appeared again like a transformation.

Tong Di frowned at everything in front of him and thought, "the great philosopher Swartz kishord once said that when a difficult problem cannot be solved, we should change our thinking and attack it again; The strange man in front of us has unreasonable resilience and can't be completely eliminated. Maybe we can suppress the giant's limbs separately so that it can't aggregate and take shape, but... In this way, it will cost too much human and material resources, and if we are not careful, the giant may be reborn. Unless there is no way at all, it's better not to choose this method. "

The tornado held his chest and raised his head. "Cut, the result is not the same. Haven't you eliminated the freak? King is definitely here to show off his ability. Hum, boo! "

Banggu and others did not speak, but pondered how to completely exterminate this restorative pervert.

"This guy... Really can't die?"

King stared at the invisible "eyes" and took back his eyes. At the same time, he put away his umbrella and looked at the gradually forming giant. His eyes narrowed. "Since it can't be eliminated, it's better to drive you back to the sea to feed fish and turtles instead of letting you continue to rage in the city!"