
The vest master smashed the giant's thigh with a fist, turned his head and shouted at the vest legion, "I'll hold him, you go quickly, report the situation here to the association and ask the Association for help."

"Be careful yourself, venerable."

The Vest black hole hurried away. The vest girl and others hesitated and made the same choice to retreat. After the vest Ranger and vest vegetarians were cut off, they covered other members to leave.

However, when the vest ranger was ready to leave the battlefield, he suddenly found that the vest vegetarian was still firmly standing in place. He shouted at his throat, "vegetarian, leave quickly."

"Leave? Run away! " Vegetarians in vests clenched their fists and bit their lips, "can heroes escape? No, how can heroes let strange people rage and remain indifferent? "

The vest Ranger shouted anxiously, "vegetarian, don't be silly. When you meet an irresistible freak, the hero can choose to retreat. This is the rule set by the association. We're right to escape. Only by preserving our strength can we better protect the world."

"What do outsiders say about us? They say we are gangsters and a group of local ruffians. They say we don't deserve to be heroes, but... But I just want to be heroes! When a great hero who would rather die than retreat in the face of strange people, when a great hero respected by thousands of people! "

The Vegan in the vest turned to look at the forest ranger in the vest, with tears in his eyes and biting his teeth, "my hero... Can't escape!"


The giant's fist was hammered down in an instant, and the Vegan in the vest was smashed into the earth in an instant.


The vest Ranger and the vest venerable have their eyes torn.


A few weak coughs came from the giant's iron fist.

Squeak, squeak!

Then, the vegan raised his big fist little by little, revealing his bloodstained body. The gray vest was broken and his muscles were strong and explosive. His eyes were firm and he bit his teeth hard. "The hero I want to be... Will never escape!!"

The vest venerable and the vest Ranger trembled and looked at the vest vegetarians who insisted on their obsession.

"God said, mole ants should die obediently!"

The giant looked faintly at the blood stained vest vegetarians, raised his huge fist, pinched it into a hammer, and smashed it down like a hammer!

"Vegetarian, be careful!!"

The vest venerable and vest Ranger trembled and watched in horror as the giant's hammer fist knocked down the vest vegetarians at the end of the crossbow!


However, the giant's fists and arms somehow seemed to reach into an invisible mixer. From his fist to his shoulder, they were broken and smashed inch by inch. After a while, his whole arm was broken into countless pieces.


The three men in the vest looked at the unexpected scene in amazement.

"Hey, hey, how can you three big men cry like little children? Really, it's a shame to be called a hero with you. If I were you, I would simply quit the hero Association. My strength is not good. What kind of hero should I be? "

A very poisonous tongue and heart piercing words suddenly floated in the sky. Their voice was as tender as a child's voice. They looked up and saw the trembling dragon curl floating in the air with its chest in its arms. Ao Jiao said, "what, you still want me to come here. Hum, if you let me come early, it won't be so troublesome."

"Trembling tornado? Did you get a signal for help? "

When the vest venerable saw the tornado, his heart relaxed slightly. As the final weapon of the hero Association, the trembling tornado was terrible. Although he didn't think he would lose to the other party, the other party, as a superpower, might have a way to deal with the freak with extremely fast recovery.

In a short time of conversation, the giant's arm had recovered as before. He looked at the tornado flush with himself and said faintly, "God said that mole ants should go to hell."

"Ants? You mean I'm short? "

The trembling tornado was like a cat trampled on its tail. It suddenly blew its hair. She angrily stared at the giant and gnashed her teeth. "You developed fool, as hateful as a man! Damn it! "

"Tornado, let's work together..." the vest venerable Ning said.

"No, I can kill him alone." The trembling tornado waved and drove away impatiently: "you leave quickly and don't stay here."

Vest vegetarianism whispered: "as a hero, I will never..."

"Go away!"

However, before he finished his words, the extremely impatient tornado waved its little hand, the wind roared, and the vest vegetarians were suddenly involved in the wind, I don't know where it was.

"Let's go."

When the vest venerable saw that the tornado was so impolite, he frowned slightly. With a cold hum, he took the vest Ranger out of the battlefield and handed over the battle to the tornado.

The tornado glared at the giant fiercely. Her dark green cheongsam danced in the wind and made a noise in hunting. Her tender white hand stretched out and her palm scratched in the air. She immediately waved it violently, popped up her slender fingers and pointed at the giant, "dare you say I'm a dwarf... I can't forgive it!"

The giant looked at the tornado faintly, and his thick fist smashed out with a sharp breaking wind.

The Dragon looked at the giant with his chest in contempt and ignored the giant's fist.

"God said... Huh?"

The giant suddenly noticed something wrong and turned to look at the sky. He saw a car sized meteorite falling rapidly with dazzling fire light in the sky, pulling out a bright track. Countless infatuated men and women made a vow to the dead meteorite.


The meteorite smashed on the giant with irresistible force. The meat was flying and the fire was everywhere. In an instant, a huge meteorite pit was left in the street, and the giant became a pool of meat mud.

The vest legion, who had left far away, looked at the picture of the meteorite impact in horror, like the atomic bomb explosion, the mushroom cloud rising, and after the wind was light and the clouds were clear, there was only a piece of debris left in the whole world.

Is this the strength of the second trembling tornado in the S-class? I'm afraid so!!

They took a puff of cold air.

The tornado clapped her hands and proudly said, "there is no freak in the world that a meteorite can't solve."

"God said that the earth is the mother of all things, and human beings are parasites attached to the earth. They should be killed!"

However, just when she thought everything was done, the giant's words sounded again in the world. The stall of meat mud was condensed under some mysterious force, and the giant appeared again. As he said, heaven and earth are endless, and he will never die.


The tornado felt that her little face was slapped by King. It was hot and painful. She looked as if she laughed at the giant who overestimated her strength and hated her teeth. "One meteorite can't solve you, so use two!!"

Her white and tender little hand pulled into the sky. It seemed that a meteorite in the starry sky was prompted by the force of rules, broke away from its original orderly movement, and shot away at the blue planet at top speed.


When Mars hit the earth, it must be a scene of explosion, and the giant was destroyed into scum again.

"God said..."

"Are you finished!!"