In the days of Yayuan, it is a little boring. Although the amusement buildings here are perfect, no one dares to play happily when the owner is missing, otherwise they will be thrown out.

After waiting day and night, Mei Lei finally brought the investigation of the romantic killer. According to the police investigation, three years ago, a rich woman's lover abused and killed the rich woman and fled with a large amount of money. So far, she has disappeared and has not been arrested.

Missing, which means the clue is broken again.

"Heroes, let me introduce you. This is miss Anans."

That day, Amazon also led a beautiful woman with long hair like a waterfall up, "she is Miss Yali's secretary. Thanks to her handling in the company on the day when Miss Yali disappeared, otherwise the news of Miss Yali's disappearance might have spread and caused an uproar."

Anans lifted the scattered hair in her ears and nodded politely to everyone, "hello."

"Hello, miss Anans."

After Banggu opened his eyes and took a look, he continued to close his eyes and refresh himself. The sexy prisoner glanced excitedly, took back his eyes and continued to stare at King's body. King watched curiously, and then continued to think hard about the game characters with suits and shoes and roses in his mouth. What's the name of this character? The wedding? groom? hunter?

Super alloy black light... Without saying a word from beginning to end, facing the sun, put a pose, waiting for the admiration of the audience.

Lock sickle toad and sharpshooter fiddled with their weapons and ignored each other.

Holding a lollipop, Tong Di said vaguely, "Mr. tooth wear, miss love, do you know the clue of Miss pressure's disappearance?"

Since Amazon came up with Anans, it would not be aimless.

Amazon shook her head. "Miss Anans doesn't know the reason why Miss Yali disappeared, but she has been Miss Yali's Secretary for more than two years. She is very familiar with Miss Yali and can even imitate Miss Yali's handwriting. It is by virtue of her imitation of Miss Yali's handwriting and the company's seal that we deceived the employees of the group company, Make sure that the news of Miss Yali's disappearance is not leaked, so I think with her familiarity with Miss Yali, she may find some clues from Miss Yali's room. "

"Well, please help yourself."

Tong Di licked the lollipop and walked away. Just now he had carefully observed the room. There was nothing suspicious.

With her beautiful eyes staring at the roses and wedding rings on the table, she wrinkled her willow eyebrows and said, "Mr. Amazon, the chairman is not necessarily abducted by the romantic killer."

"Huh? Miss Anans, why do you say so? " Amazon asked eagerly.

King suddenly said, "suitor!" Yes, the game character is the suitor. Its moves are as romantic and gentleman as its name. It is very beautiful and gorgeous.

Finally remembered.

He nodded with satisfaction. Inexplicably, he felt that the air was a little quiet. He turned to look at others and found that everyone's eyes were staring at himself. The sexy prisoner even drooled.

Tong Di's eyes brightened and shouted, "yes, I see. Uncle King is right. The roses and wedding ring may not be left by the romantic killer, but presented by Miss Yali's suitor. It was only accidentally left on the table and miss Yali's disappearance that led us to think about the romantic killer. In fact, perhaps as we speculated before, The person who hijacked Miss Yali was not a romantic killer, but someone else. " He looked at King and said with a smile, "uncle King, am I right in my analysis? Speaking of it, uncle King's reaction and reasoning ability are very strong. He only speculated the result by relying on miss Anans's words. "

Bongo looked at King calmly. I knew King's reaction was abnormal!

Somehow, the mouth of the sexy prisoner drooled more.

Super alloy black light still faces the sun and shows its muscles.


King looks confused. Don't ask me. I don't know what you're talking about.

He turned and continued to browse the game character stickers on the wall,

"Yes, the roses and wedding rings may be presented by the chairman's suitor. During my two years as the chairman's secretary, I handled the roses and wedding rings for the chairman more than ten times."

Tong Di said solemnly with a small face: "well, this explains why the modus operandi is different from that of the romantic killer in the past, because it is not the romantic killer at all, but..." his voice turned, "all this is just our guess. There is no evidence to prove our guess for the time being, so our next step is to investigate whether someone proposed to miss Yali recently, And presented roses and wedding rings. "

Amazon made a quick decision: "let the police do this. They are very suitable for this kind of work." After that, he turned to Anans and said, "miss Anans, thank you for the clues you provided. If you are very busy, you can go back to the company temporarily. I will inform you if you have any news."

"No, Mr. Amazon." Anans was embarrassed and said, "I signed a leave note for myself in imitation of the chairman's handwriting. I may disturb you in Yayuan these days. I hope you don't mind. I also want to do my part to get back the chairman."

Amazon was stunned. "Well, I'll have someone clean up another room."

Banggu, who hung up for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "by the way, Mr. Amazon, do you have a competition place here?"

"The arena? Sorry, there is no martial arts contest in Yayuan. " Amazon sighed slightly: "however, there is a boxing ring. Miss Yali likes playing games and boxing best. She said she can vent her pressure. Do you need it?"

"Required." Banggu kicked a sculptural super alloy black light and said, "super alloy black light, accompany me to loosen this old bone. Anyway, we can't help with the investigation."

"Ha?" The super alloy black light was stunned for a few seconds, and immediately put on a posture to show the biceps brachii. "Silver Fangs, look at my explosive muscles. Are you sure you want to fight me?"


"OK, I'll show you my perfect body later."

King is not interested in the contest between Banggu and super alloy black light, and sexy prisoners are not interested. Tong Di has fallen into reasoning. Only lock sickle toad and sharpshooter excitedly follow him as an audience.

The efficiency of the police is still very good. It took only half a day to find out the origin of the roses.

It turns out that the rose is really not something left by the romantic killer, but a gift from a suitor of Yali when she proposed to Yali the day before yesterday. Yali left it on the table, which led to everyone's misunderstanding.

As for the information of the romantic killer, it is not important for the time being. The main problem now is, since it is not the romantic killer who kidnapped Yali, what is the reason for Yali's disappearance? Kidnapped by others or for other reasons?

"Now, we have only one clue left, that is, Miss Yali drove to the edge of Z city. As for where she went... It is unknown for the time being. We can only start from here."

Tong Di said solemnly, "we need to look for new clues along the road that Miss Yali went through before she disappeared."