"Freak, everybody run!"

"Quickly inform the hero association that there are strange people in Z city."

Wu Chi was walking in the street, trying to find someone to ask for directions. Suddenly, people on the street shouted in horror, and immediately ran away like a ebb tide. In a moment, the crowded street became empty.

"Wow, Kaka, you damn humans, didn't you look down on me before? Say I'm a program ape, say I'm a dead otaku, say I'm worthless, hum, Feng Shui turns around, and finally it's my turn to bully you. "

In an office building with a "Microsoft technology company" sign on the street, a "computer" rushed out. The computer man's limbs are as dark and slender as a match man, composed of four wires and network cables. His head is a computer, his facial features are all in the computer, and his voice is also an electronic sound synthesized by the computer.

"Emergency evacuation notice, emergency evacuation notice, there is a strange person in Chaoyang Street of Z City - computer man, whose level is tiger. Please take refuge as soon as possible."

"Repeat, emergency evacuation notice, emergency evacuation notice, there is a strange person in Chaoyang Street of Z City - computer man, with the level of tiger. Please take refuge as soon as possible."

After half a ring, the freak alarm in the center of Z city sounded unexpectedly, sending out the alarm message of computer man.

"Well, there's another man who hasn't run here." The computer man wandered in the open street and suddenly found the same wandering Wu Chi. He stopped in front of Wu Chi, pointed to Wu Chi and said, "Hey, human, I was originally a programmer and complained about becoming a computer man because of your discrimination. I want to kill all of you bad guys!"

Wu Chi frowned slightly, "go away, I won't kill nobody." With that, he turned and prepared to bypass the computer and leave.

"Look down on me? Ignore me? You humans just don't know how to repent and think you are above the world. I hate you. I want to kill you all and return the world to purity. "

Wu Chi's understatement hurt the computer man's fragile heart. He became angry. The wire arm suddenly shook, making a dull noise in the air like a whip, and immediately waved to Wu Chi with a sharp sound breaking the air.

The computer man gnashed his teeth and stared at Wu Chi angrily, "go to hell, bad man."

Wu Chi glanced lightly, raised his palm gently and prepared to fight back.

"Be careful."

At this time, a yellow figure suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes. The Yellow figure rushed like lightning and punched the computer man.


After a dull noise, the computer man's head suddenly burst into flower with a punch, a slight current flickered, and fell powerlessly. He didn't even have time to send out a last word before he died.

Wu Chi looked at the visitor with bright eyes. The visitor was wearing a yellow low Hero Costume, a white cloak, a red boxer and rain boots. The most striking thing was a marinated egg head, which reflected the bright sunshine on his bare head.

Yes, he is Saitama.

"Ah, what a coincidence. You can meet strange people when you go out for a walk and eat." He shook his fist, threw away the debris from the computer man's head, looked at the sunny sky, "well, it's a good weather today. Do you want to eat cabbage hot pot in the evening?"

Wu Chi observed Saitama for a while and said, "Hey, do you know how to get to Hewu Dojo?" This man has some strength. He should know the address of the famous Hewu Taoist temple!

Saitama looked at Wu Chi suspiciously, "Hewu Daochang?" He thought for a moment and said, "you go straight along the street and turn left, then go straight along the street and turn right, then go straight along the street and turn left, and then go straight along the street. When you come to the road, stop a taxi and tell the driver you want to go to Hewu Daochang, he will take you."

Wu Chi frowned slightly and stared at Saitama. Half a ring, Fang Leng snorted, "you are lucky that I don't kill nobody, otherwise, you are already a cold body."

Then he waved his hand and walked away smartly.

Saitama looked blankly at the leaving Wu Chi, shook his head and said to himself, "it's really a strange man. Forget it, regardless of him, the world is big, and the supermarket sale is the largest."

When he thought of the supermarket sale, he raised his eyebrows and suddenly disappeared. In a flash, his kung fu was 100 meters away.


Let's not mention the matter of Wu Chi. It's in Banggu road field.

Bangu's test of king is still ongoing.

In their spare time, Banggu and king have been fighting fiercely, such as turning the flower rope, playing the glass ball, playing hide and seek, and so on.

This crazy competitive duel was not stopped until the famous martial arts dojo in Z City, Xuanhe Dojo and Guiwu Dojo, were kicked by Wuchi, and the news that their leaders were hunted one after another came.

"Damn it!"

When Banggu heard the news, his face suddenly sank, carried his hands and walked back to the house.

The next day, Banggu went down the mountain alone, pursued and killed Wu Chi personally, and vowed to arrest Wu Chi, a scum in the martial arts world.

Without Banggu, King's life returned to tranquility. In the morning, he was "moved" by chalanzi's diligent spirit of listening to the chicken and dancing, played a set of Tai Chi, and then went back to sleep. After lunch, chalanzi woke him up. After dinner, he strolled around the dojo to eat, then went back to sleep, got up again at dinner, and chatted with Banggu and chalanzi, Then go back to sleep.

This little life is very pleasant.

The only thing that bothered him was that the system had not moved for so many days, and he was very anxious.

On this day, King's life was still full of ups and downs. He got up for breakfast in the morning, then watched tea orchid boxing for a while, and then strolled to the backyard of the dojo to play Tai Chi without haste or delay.

As time goes by, the sun rises at the top of the mountain. The morning glow is charming and reflects the whole Taoist temple. King bathes in the sun and pushes and pulls Tai Chi step by step.

The wild horse divides its mane... Two peaks run through its ears... Hum, ha ha!

I don't know when, a young man quietly came behind him and watched him boxing.

For a long time, the young man narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "your useless boxing is harmful to others and yourself."


King, who was boxing, was stunned when he heard the speech. After a few seconds of aftertaste, he knew that the other party despised his Tai Chi. Now he was not happy. Banggu despised it. Even a cat and dog despised it. My great Chinese skills are so unbearable?

"This little brother, which side is cool, which side is going."

King waved his hand and showed his appearance to the other party. Well, after you know my identity, do you dare to underestimate my Taijiquan.

Unexpectedly, Wu Chi stared at King and said coldly, "you are lucky that I don't kill nobody, otherwise, you are already a cold body." His cold eyes sent out a vast murderous spirit, which made king excited all over.

King is stunned. Are you floating or am I unable to lift the knife? This is the first time someone has talked nonsense after seeing his appearance. Alas, it seems that I am not known to the whole people!

At present, it's really a bad situation. The system is unreliable and the reputation can't support. The other party is still murderous. The dead otaku who fought five dregs can't afford to be hurt.

What should I do? In such a difficult situation, you can only rely on your mouth.

Half a second later, there was a faint sadness in King's eyes. I'm not good at words.