Bongo put a question mark on King's strength and naturally wanted to prove the authenticity of his idea.

Temptation is inevitable.

Of course, he did not rashly challenge king because he was afraid that king would refuse directly.

Before finding the time to launch a formal challenge, let's play some games to test King's other abilities and indirectly see if King has the basic conditions for being a strong man.

After a day's rest, he recovered and challenged king.

This time, it is also a fierce competition of the Taoist arena handed down from ancient times - guess dice!

Like the usual dice, the participants are divided into makers and players. The makers shake the dice and the players guess the number of dice. For the sake of fairness, both sides take turns to play the dice.

Different from the usual dice rolling gambling in the past, in the past, people usually bet big and buy small. However, the dice guessing in the dojo goes further and can only guess the sum of the numbers of all the dice on the upward side in the dice barrel. For example, there are three dice, one dice is 3-up, one dice is 5-up and one dice is 6-up. Then the correct result is 3 + 5 + 6 = 14, A point is won only if the participant guesses 14.

The most difficult part of this competition is that the number of dice is determined by the dealer. As long as the dealer feels appropriate, he can use three dice or twenty dice. Even if the number of dice is enough, the dealer can use thousands of dice.

The game is like this. In short, the winner of the game is usually the dealer, so there are rules to take turns.

Moreover, the worst part of the game is punishment - lose a game and take off a piece of clothing!

If it's a battle between men and women, it's Xiangyan and emotional, but king and Banggu play together, the scene... Can't bear to look straight at it.

After hearing the rules, king was stunned and stared at the calm Banggu. He just won your game several times. It's necessary to fight like this?

Chalanzi also looks strange. As far as he knows, this game was specially designed for hate disciples in the ancient Taoist arena to replace dueling and avoid bloodshed. Unexpectedly, Banggu took the initiative to play this game with king.

Now there's a good play.

King pulled at the corner of his mouth, "silver tusks, what's the meaning of this game..."

Banggu calmly introduced: "the traditional competitive games in the Taoist arena all have their own existence significance. Guessing dice seems to be a meaningless gambling. In fact, it tests people's hearing and analysis ability. According to the subtle difference between dice and the impact sound of shaking cylinder, we can analyze the movement of dice, so as to know the upward number when dice fall to the ground."

This is an obvious statement. In fact, this is a test of people's hearing. The strong will have keen hearing.

King, do you have it?

Bullshit! Is there such magic gambling in the world?

King looked at the serious Banggu inconceivably. It was hard to believe that the legendary gambling skills really existed in the world. He analyzed the upward numbers of the dice by the impact sound between the dice and the shaker. How do you think it is unreliable? Banggu will not deceive me?

"Well, king, you know almost everything you should know. Let's enter the game!"

After introducing the game, Banggu hurriedly urged king to play the game. He was eager to see whether King's strength was true or false. The game was a small test, and there were a series of plans.

As always, chalanzi is still the referee!

In the first game, bongo was the dealer and king was the player.

"King, are you ready?"

Banggu didn't enlarge the move at first, but threw five dice into the shaker step by step and immediately covered the floor.

"All right, let's go!"

There's nothing to prepare for this thing. King hasn't been in contact with dice gambling before, let alone exercise the magic skill of "listening to sound and distinguishing numbers" called by Banggu.

"OK, please watch it. I'm going to shake the dice."

Banggu smiled with complacency. His calloused and wrinkled palm quickly picked up the shaker and shook it in front of king. The sound of the impact of dice came from the shaker.

King stared at the shaker and his ears stood up. Even though he knew he didn't have the ability to "listen to the sound and count", he still tried to listen to the impact of dice.


After half a ring, Banggu quickly covered the shaker on the floor, let go of the shaker, took two steps back, smiled and said to King, "king, guess the number!" He doesn't think king can guess the number of dice in the first round. Even if he has a strong sense of hearing, he can really distinguish the number by listening only if he is gradually familiar with the sound law and law of the dice hitting the shaker.

The real temptation is behind!

Well, it all depends on luck.

King looked at the tight shaker in distress. He didn't hear any meaningful information from the sound of dice, so he had to rely on it.

Five dice, the minimum number of results is five, the maximum number is thirty, then I guess the middle one!

He thought for a while and said decisively, "fifteen."

Banggu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "fifteen? Are you sure? " He was surprised at the bottom of his heart and looked at King with a firm face. He guessed right!


King nodded affirmatively.

"Tea orchid, draw the prize."

Chalanzi came forward and carefully opened the shaker for fear that the dice would change the result.

He looked at the dice and read out the numbers of the dice: "one point, two points..."

The results of the five dice are: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Add up, the total is


"The winner is... King!"

"I won?"

King's face was full of surprise. The blind cat met a dead mouse and could win a number. God bless me. I said I had good luck all the time!

He smiled dumbly, "I'm lucky."

Banggu smiled irrefutably. Is it luck? It's impossible. In the previous games, king used good luck as an excuse to hide his strength. How can there be such good luck in the world.

His eyes narrowed slightly and glanced at King. If it weren't for luck, King's hearing and analysis might have reached a certain height.

He was even more confused. King seemed to be really a strong man, but why was his performance so unbearable on weekdays?

He was very confused and decided to continue to explore and observe.

King looked at bangu playfully, "Hey, silver tusks, you lost. According to the rules, should you take off a dress?" Although it's not fun to watch men take off their clothes, it's fun to win the next generation of martial arts masters.

"Admit gambling and admit defeat."

Without showing any anger, Banggu leisurely pulled out his two socks.

Ouch, sleeping trough!

King stared at the socks still on Banggu's feet. Banggu shamelessly wore two pairs of socks to play the game.

Banggu looked at the surprised king and smiled to himself. Since the old man wanted to test you, he was naturally prepared. Two pairs of socks? Hehe, if you win, you will know how many pairs of socks I wear. Of course, if you win all rounds, it proves that you have sharp hearing.

So, with super observation and keen hearing, you are probably really a strong man worthy of the name!
