"Allon, stop."

King, who was riding behind yitelong to the third shelter, suddenly heard the association broadcast and hurried to stop yitelong.


Yitelong asked carefully, "Mr. king, are we going to turn around and return?"

King was silent and tangled. This NIMA pit father, the ghost level freak was upgraded to a dragon level freak, which means that even if he rushed, he was not sure to kill the freak, and he might even be killed by the freak!

Yitelong looked at his words and expressions and took the initiative to turn his body before King spoke. Although he wanted to throw king at the doctor's feet, now others have to bow their heads under the eaves, and dare not show the slightest sign of rebellion.

"Hey, where are you going?" The strange dragon ran and woke up King in deep thought. He sighed slightly: "I'm going to the third shelter. You ran in the opposite direction."

"Ah? Mr King, are you going to the third shelter? You... Can beat T-Rex dinosaur man? "

Yitelong was very surprised and excited. King asked to go to the shelter and take the initiative to send himself under the doctor's fangs.

King didn't answer. He looked ahead. Alas, the lucky hero is also a hero. How can he escape when he knows that the citizens are in danger.

A hero doesn't have to stop a freak, but must stand in front of a freak and stop a freak.

He took a deep breath and looked dignified. Saitama, where are you? I miss you so much.

Dong Dong!

The Allosaurus ran wildly, hoping to reach the third shelter in the next second and let the doctor cut king, an asshole.

He sprinted as fast as he could and reached the third shelter in M city in a few minutes.

King looked at the shelter in front of him and wanted to kill the Allosaurus. Why are you running so fast? Hurry to see me reincarnated!


After the Allosaurus approached the shelter, he roared. Immediately, before King could react, he suddenly shook his body, and king, sitting on his back, was thrown to the shelter out of guard.

Hammond, who was guarding in front of the big hole, hammered his tired waist and legs while complaining that he was old. All kinds of problems such as heart disease and rheumatism came out. Even if he became a dinosaur, these old problems still stubbornly followed and talked like an old man. Oh, he was an old man.

"Huh? "Allosaurus?"

At this time, he suddenly heard the roar of Allosaurus, and his eyes brightened, "king? Did Allon send king? "

The cells of his whole body were suddenly excited, suddenly got up, crushed the floor of the shelter with one foot, turned to the big hole and stared at the dark shadow flying in front of him.

"Yitelong, I'll kill you, string it up and bake it!"

King's body is flying like a parabola in the air. At present, it's like he was pushed on the road. Even if he can fly, he can't control his flying shape for the time being. He watched himself fall into the air not far from Hammond's body. For the Allosaurus, he wants to cut the Allosaurus, string it up for barbecue, sprinkle cumin and eat it when it's cooked three times, Don't even vomit bones.

"King, you're here at last. I've been waiting for you so hard!"

Hammond looked at King excitedly. Yes, this man, king, who is known as the strongest man on the earth, is the biggest obstacle to the rise of my dinosaur family. As long as he is removed, the rise of my dinosaur people will reduce a lot of resistance.

Hoo hoo~

He breathed rapidly and his heart beat violently. The scene that seemed to see the rise of dinosaurs deeply stimulated him and made him energetic and excited.

King could hold his body. When he raised his eyes, he saw a dinosaur man grinning at him. His pupils immediately narrowed. Dragon monster... Tyrannosaurus dinosaur!?


He took a cold breath and looked tight. He was not sure to beat Hammond. Even if he used the only four-star freak card, he was not sure to clean up the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Such an exciting scene made his heart beat fast.

Suddenly... Suddenly... Suddenly

A strange engine sound gradually sounded in the air, such as the roar of sports cars and the roar of fighters, which connected them in the air, condensed the air and made the atmosphere of the scene dignified in an instant.

"Hoo ~ this voice... Well, it's so familiar. What's its name? By the way, the king engine, king, the iconic sound of you entering the combat state, oh, it scared my old man's heart. "

Hammond took a few breaths and grinned. Looking at King with a cold face, his blood seemed to be injected with boiling water. In a moment, he couldn't help but want to kill King, the strongest man.

At the same time, the citizens of the shelter and the audience watching the strange man channel of M city TV station in front of the TV were nervous that Hammond was impatient and ready to kill and vent the fire. A great figure fell from the sky, At the same time, he angrily stared at the Dragon level monster Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the dinosaur shouted angrily, "I'll kill you, string it up and bake it!"!

All the people who watched this scene were shocked. They only felt that there was a fire in their hearts, which seemed to explode. Let their blood boil. There was one word in their whole body: burn, burn, burn!

What kind of domineering person can shout "I'll string you up and roast you" to the Dragon level monster? What kind of powerful person can despise the Dragon monster so much?

There is only one person, that is the most powerful man on the earth - King!

Suddenly... Suddenly... Suddenly

Hoo hoo~

King's imperial engine is running! It shows that king has entered a fighting state. The good play... Is about to begin. Guess how many rounds that stupid dinosaur man can hold in King's hands? I guess he died without a round!

The citizens of the shelter and the audience in front of the TV held their breath and stared at King. This is a good opportunity to watch King's battle with their own eyes, especially King's battle with dragon monsters. It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance, which can't be met!

What moves does King use to kill monsters? King's essence of flowing Qi skill -- purgatory without double explosion heat wave gun? Or the latest imperial mouth gun? Or the legendary superpower?

All the puzzles on King deeply attract people's curiosity.

Hammond stared at King for a long time and suddenly laughed: "king, kill yourself!"

"Suicide? Did you encounter a mental retardation? "

King looked at Hammond who suddenly laughed inexplicably. Fight is fight. Why are you so happy?

"King, aren't you a hero? Isn't the hero's duty to protect the citizens? There are tens of thousands of hostages behind me. As a hero, should you save them? If you don't commit suicide, I'll kill the old man. " Hamongo became more excited and breathed more heavily. "Huhu ~king, as a hero, what should you do?"

At the moment, Hammond is like a devil, looks crazy and has become a complete madman. No, he was originally a madman, a crazy scientist and a madman trying to restore the Jurassic - the age of dinosaurs.


All the people who saw this scene raised the same idea angrily at the same time. They actually used Mr. King's heroic identity to disturb Mr. King's state of mind and put Mr. king in a dilemma. What a despicable dinosaur!