City a, hero Association headquarters.

"Report to the minister that the ghost level freak leopard headed hedgehog has been determined to be eliminated by King."

This night, the headquarters was particularly busy. More than a dozen strange people were released from the strange people's prison in M city by man-made blasting. After this terrible accident, all the employees of the association were shocked. Someone in the world would deliberately release the strange people. Is this to revenge the society?

"OK, OK, release the latest track information of other strange people to King and ask him to solve the strange people as quickly as possible..."

Xiqi was overjoyed. Among the freaks who escaped from prison, several leopard headed hedgehogs were the most harmful. They not only lost their wits, but also instinctively hated humans, frantically destroyed neighborhoods and killed humans. In particular, the freaks escaped from the prison of the association, which had a serious impact on the reputation of the Association.

Originally, citizens have gradually questioned the association. Now, as soon as the freak prison accident occurs, it is estimated that the trust crisis of the association will become more and more serious.

The association relies heavily on the public funds raised. If citizens are disappointed with the association, they will spontaneously stop making donations. In this way, the hero Association will evolve from a crisis of trust to an economic crisis.

The heroes are professional heroes. They need to pay fixed remuneration to the heroes every month. Once the capital chain of the association is broken, the heroes who rely on being heroes will also deviate from the association.

The end result is——

The hero Association went bankrupt!

Therefore, in the face of this strange man's prison escape accident, the senior management of the association immediately decided on the accident after a short telephone discussion. The association must meet the most basic three requirements:

Sikh frowned when he remembered the three requirements given after the high-level discussion.

The first requirement is that the association must apologize and sincerely apologize. Strange people always escape from the prison of the association. Even if they are deliberately destroyed, the association must bear the responsibility of weak supervision.

The second requirement is that the association should actively eliminate the escaped monsters, strive to eliminate the monsters in the shortest time, and try not to harass and hurt more citizens. Well, the main thing is to strive for less public complaints.

The third requirement was that the senior management didn't think about it for the time being, so he was free to speak and decide.

"The third requirement?" Xiqi smiled bitterly, took a deep breath and said, "we must divert people's attention and reduce the pressure of the association."

Then he turned and asked Jess, "have you photographed the scene of King's battle?"

Jess nodded solemnly: "minister, since you ordered, I immediately contacted the local government to send drones to track the ghost level freak. As long as king fought with the ghost level freak, I believe I will shoot the battle scene of king. Now the ghost level freak has been eliminated by King. It is estimated that the video will be sent soon."

"Well, we can't afford to lose this time, otherwise our association will face great pressure." Xiqi painfully rubbed his temples, and then told Maria, "Maria, get the cameras in the main street areas of M city and actively capture the scenes of King's battle. It's up to our association whether we can get through the difficulties."

King has a great reputation among the people. However, King's fighting style has always been like a castle in the air. No one has ever seen it with his own eyes. Citizens all over the world have already seen King's strong demand for fighting. However, no matter how the people run and call and how the hero Association persuades, king always refuses to perform the profound meaning of his Qigong, Let everyone shout!

This time, the association has long been prepared to send UAVs to secretly shoot in advance, and strive to edit the scene of King's battle into a video and send it to major TV stations, so as to divert the attention of the news of M City freak's prison break.


"Ding, congratulations to the host on getting a one star freak card - Magic bird!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host on getting a two-star freak card, violent tiger."

"Ding, congratulations to the host on getting a one star freak card - Freak monkey."


"Ding, congratulations to the host on getting a two-star freak card · Yuanli pig!"

When hill and sonic had a spark, Wang Feng was fighting the fire everywhere to eliminate the escaped freaks and collecting freak cards. One night, the escaped freaks were almost eliminated, and he naturally had a good harvest. He collected more than a dozen freak cards one after another.

"Hoo ~ comfortable!"

After collecting the last two-star freak card, Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Since he got the system, he collected more than a dozen freak cards for the first time, with sufficient reserves, so that he no longer worried about the follow-up of the desire arbiter card and the vaccine man card.

"Attention, residents of city M. attention, residents of city M. up to now, all the freaks who escaped from the freak prison have been eliminated. Please rest assured. The association is very sorry for the weak supervision of the freak Association, and decides to strengthen the construction and defense of the freak prison, so as to prevent the freak escape from happening..."


Wang Feng kept an eye on the whereabouts of the freaks released by the association with his mobile phone. Unexpectedly, the freaks didn't wait for the broadcast of the association.

He was slightly disappointed. However, collecting more than a dozen freak cards was an unprecedented harvest, enough for him to spend some time.

At least, don't worry this month.


Association headquarters.


When the door of the war room opened, the tornado rubbed his eyes and came in yawning: "Hey, why did you call me here so late? Don't know if it will affect my sleep? Hum, I'm very unhappy. Go and buy me a bottle of "Changgao" milk. "


However, in the face of the requirements of the proud tornado, no one responded in the combat room. All the staff gathered under the big screen in the combat room and stared up at the video played on the screen.

At the sight of the tornado, oh, nobody paid attention to it. She bit her silver teeth and was very angry. "Hey, you're too much. How dare you ignore me?"

"That's... Purgatory's no double explosion heat wave gun?"

In the crowd, someone timidly threw a question.


However, no one answered him. Everyone stared at the video. Wang Feng used the posture of Monkey King releasing turtle Qigong in seven dragon balls to launch a blue light bomb, which directly blasted the ghost level freak into slag. The whole process was like a white horse. With a flick of his fingers, the freak had no room to resist and became ashes.

What a powerful strength!

This is the thought that came out of the minds of all the staff of the headquarters. What makes them more excited is that they finally saw the long-awaited essence of King Qigong - purgatory unparalleled explosive heat wave gun, which is just a little different from what they imagined. For the products they imagined, please refer to the move special effects in the previous advertisement "no fireworks in the gas station", which is completely a fire dragon.

However, in the video, King released a blue flare with no flame and soft light like moonlight, rather than a hot sun.

Is this actually... Purgatory's unparalleled cold wave gun? With purgatory no double explosion, heat wave gun, one positive and one negative, one cold and one hot, one Yang and one Yin, the existence of opposition between the two sides?

"Is that... King?"

After yelling for a while and finding that no one paid attention to her, the tornado angrily floated over the heads of the people to see what they were looking at. However, she immediately found Wang Feng.

"Isn't this freak a dragon freak?"

Her heart jumped. Laurie's face was full of tension. In the afternoon, she just bet with king that the person who killed the Dragon monster first in the shortest time would win. She wanted to force Xiqi to promote a ghost monster to the Dragon level. Unexpectedly, Xiqi strongly refused, damn big nose!

However, with the discussion of the employees, the truth that the disaster level of the Freak is ghost level has been exposed. She is finally relieved. At the same time, she is urgent. She must seize the time to find the Dragon level freak, otherwise she will lose to King, who has killed the Dragon level freak several times before!

Hum, I don't want to lose to smelly king!

The person who won this bet must be me - trembling tornado!