"Little Ian, hide, no matter what happens! Don't come out! Don't come out! "

In the village, a good-looking ordinary peasant woman put her six-year-old daughter under Chuang, got up, picked up the scissors and hid behind the door in a panic.

The pirates slaughtered the ordinary people in the village wantonly, while the captain of the Pirate Group laughed at the actions of his men. Several cadres also followed the captain, indifferent to the loss of life in front of him.

"Please, let us go. We'll give you whatever you want!"

"Let us go, we surrender! We surrender

The brutal massacre made these honest villagers collapse. The brainwashing of the navy was also forgotten. What is meant by taking up arms and resisting? The pirates did not dare to enter our homes. Our people are dying. Why can't we see the Navy?

"Since we have chosen to resist, we have no right to choose again! You are waiting for the rescue of the Navy! Let you down! This captain is offering a reward of 120 million for bloody diloman! How dare those cowards in the Navy come out to provoke me? Ha ha ~ "

"Hahaha, captain is powerful! The navy are cowards

A group of men followed the captain with scornful laughter, and had no pity for the farmers who were begging for mercy.

"Little ones, kill me!"

"Yes, Captain!"


A group of younger brothers mercilessly start to kill again, kicking open the closed door, and the peasant woman behind the door stabs the intruder with scissors.

After countless fights, the ordinary peasant woman can't kill the pirate who has survived to the present. With one stab of the scissors, the pirate will be knocked down to the ground.

"Boss, I found a pretty woman!"

"Ha ha, I give it to you!"

"Thank you, boss!"

With a stab, the farmer's clothes were torn / torn, revealing the skin inside. The farmer staggered back to the side of Chuang and stared at the little brother of the pirate with scissors.

"Ha ha, don't waste your efforts. Let me have a good time. Maybe I can let you go!" One of the pirates joked.

Unwilling to be humiliated, the peasant woman faced herself with the scissors and thrust them into her neck. All of a sudden, blood splashed everywhere! The sprayed blood was soaked in the Chuang board and dripping on the cheek of little Ian below.

"Bad luck! What a pity! It's hard to get a good job! "

The rising pirate is full of disappointment in the face of the dead woman, so he puts on his clothes.

At this moment, little Ian couldn't stand the sight of his mother's death. His eyes were wide open and he screamed in surprise.

At this moment, I heard a "boom" and then a shaking of the earth, as if the end of the world was coming!

The scream outside the door was one of those who fell to the ground from the air.


Half closed door was kicked to the opposite wall, a tall figure appeared in the door. In little Ian's eyes, it was like a God coming down to earth.

Roya looked at the woman who obviously committed suicide in the room, and the pirate whose trousers were not well mentioned. The murdering opportunity was exposed. What an ugly human nature!

The little white girl under the Chuang board is the representative of this fortune / profit box.

Step by step, Roya went over and put away the treasure chest that had stopped counting down. Squat down, lift the Chuang sheet that has been deliberately pulled down for a few minutes, and reach out to the girl.

"Want revenge? I can help you! "


The girl burst into tears. Her mouth / lip, which she had just bitten under Chuang, was very weak and helpless. She limped out from under Chuang.

"Help me! Please help me! Help me

When the pirate saw the situation, he immediately slashed the squatting Roya with a vicious knife, but there was only a ringing sound. The chopper had been broken in half, and he immediately backed back to escape.

"Scum, think about how to die?"

Instantly pull back the pirates who want to escape, Roya shuashed a few feet and broke their limbs, looking down at the minions at their feet.

Standing behind Roya, AI en, seeing the bloody limbs of the pirate, suddenly picked up half of the machete on the ground and stabbed it fiercely, one after another. Even if the pirate had already died, he didn't stop.

With a sigh, Roya did not look at Ian again. He walked out of the room and looked at the pirate named bloody diloman.

The pirates had already stopped killing and stood beside diloman, staring at the young man. The ten meter pit they had just fallen from the sky made them only hope for the captain.

"Boy, it bothers me. Just now I seem to remember my little brother went in. Hey, is that your mother?"

One pass of the pirate's wild laughter, echoing his captain's words, touting diloman's wisdom.

When the pirates stopped killing, the villagers ran away in a panic. Now there are only more than 100 people left in the village.

The black sword interpreter came out of the warehouse.

"Kill you, I'm afraid to dirty my hands. With my sword, I'm afraid to dirty my sword, garbage on the sea! I'm angry

Black armed color domineering covering the whole body, but also covered the black sword interpreter, at the foot of a shock, Roya has directly attacked the scum Pirate Group.

"Don't be afraid of him. There's only one man. My brothers will chop him to death!"

A handful of weapons waved to Roya, armed and aggressive, even lazy to hide. More than 100 people were stabbed in the opposite direction like paper paste. Some heads fly up, some are cut in half from top to bottom, some are cut in the waist, crawling on the ground crying.

AI en didn't know when he was standing at the door, but he looked at the scene of Shura hell in front of him coldly, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

The pirate, who offered a reward of over 100 million yuan, just escaped the sword of Roya. At this time, he was already in a cold sweat and turned to look at his brothers who died in a terrible way.

The long knife in hand can't stop trembling / shaking, and the pupils are constricted. I can't believe how such a powerful person can appear here. I look up at Roya in horror.

"You are, you are the fierce beast, Noah! The fierce beast of marjoria

"The answer is correct, but still die!"

"I can be your younger brother. I'm loyal to who you say I'll kill. I still have a lot of treasure and a devil's fruit..."

With a bang, the long knife in his hand fell to the ground. Diloman lost his look in his eyes and watched his head leave his body and fall to the ground powerlessly. His consciousness fell into permanent darkness.

"Congratulations to the host group for killing the bloody Pirate Group and refreshing the treasure chest randomly."

The three treasure chests are folded up. Roya looks at the sea blue wavy long hair in front of him, and his look is full of endless indifference.

Aienfuli treasure chest: open the conditions and give her a hug that makes her feel warm.

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Instant charge (activity time: June 25 to June 27)