The main reason why people in the group are so hot is that the person also sent out a photo, which is very vague. In the photo, a woman dressed in violence and dew is standing in front of a nightclub, and her shoulder is held by a fat man.

The figure of that woman is very similar to that of Lu Yueshan. Beside the photo, there is a half body photo of Lu Yueshan.

Lu Yueshan looked at the comments and felt indignant. She wanted to find out the person who was behind the rumor.

She now understands why when she first walked into the company today, she felt that there was something wrong with the people in the company. When she came into the office, the people in the office would suddenly become silent when she suddenly came in. It was because of this.

As for the nightclub mentioned by the informant, Lu Yueshan has never been to it at all, which is a unnecessary crime.

However, other colleagues in the company don't think so. What they need is a gossip that can make their blood boil. It can let them express their dissatisfaction with their work and relieve the pressure of their work with the speed of their words after their intense work. They have never thought about what kind of impact their words will have on the parties.

Just thinking about it, Aya came to work. She stormed in from outside the office and rushed to her position all the way. Then she lay down on the partition and yelled, "Xiao Lu, do you see that? What those people in our company group say is too much. How can they slander people like this? "

Aya's words just finished, a colleague in the office said sarcastically: "who knows if it's slander? This is well founded, and it's hard for people not to believe it. What's more, nowadays college students, in order to enjoy their life well and not want to work too hard, this easy way to make money is very popular. "

Ah Ya was choked by the colleague, and her anger suddenly came up: "what do you mean by that? Is that how you made money when you were in college? "

"Aya, the client didn't say anything. Are you in such a hurry to argue for her? Are you two together?"

"What are you talking about?" Aya angrily rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and wanted to rush out.

Lu Yueshan grabs Aya's wrist in time to stop her impulse.

The impact of office fighting is not good. Besides, it's almost time to go to work.

Lu Yueshan's eyes swept around coldly. She lowered her face to those who were sarcastic or watching good plays, and then called Jia Shuai.

Jia Shuai has just sat down in the company and is turning on his computer.

"Why do you call me at this time?" Jia Shuai asked with a smile.

Lu Yueshan sank her face: "marshal, go online. I need your help."

"Help, what's the matter?" Jia Shuai also asked with a smile, "by the way, I heard that before I entered the office, I was talking about you and the president. What's the matter?"

"Just go online. You are from the engineering department. I need my help."


After discussing with Jia Shuai, Lu Yueshan looks at the more and more boiling group dialog box and puts out a line: "I'm Lu Yueshan. Please come out and apologize to my colleagues who slandered me just now. Otherwise, I will file a criminal lawsuit against you in accordance with the law. In addition, after that, I will also file a criminal lawsuit against my colleagues who slandered me.

Lu Yueshan's words were typed out, and the crowd was immediately quiet. No one came out to say a word.

Seeing that no one spoke any more, Lu Yueshan made a slight tick on the corner of her mouth, and then typed out a line: I know you are watching. I swear to all my colleagues that if you can provide practical evidence, I will immediately get out of the company and never return to Yan group.

Just ten seconds after the sentence, Jia Shuai called Lu Yueshan. Jia Shuai said excitedly, "Miss Lu, found it!"

Lu Yueshan clenched her teeth and immediately rushed out of the office to the floor that Jia Shuai said. When she arrived, Jia Shuai had just arrived.

They walked to a desk on the corner of the office area of the technology department.

When they go in, the employees of the technology department stare at Lu Yueshan in surprise.

Because Lu Yueshan is the person involved in today's gossip. There is a picture of Lu Yueshan in the news, so Lu Yueshan will be recognized by everyone.

But the man around the corner didn't notice them. Instead, he looked anxiously at his computer screen.

"Is there any difficulty? I can help you Jia Shuai's cold mouth startled the man.

The other side is a thin man with glasses, and his skin is black. He looks like an honest man.

However, such an honest looking man made a rumor about Lu Yueshan.

"You... Who are you?" As soon as the glasses man saw Lu Yueshan, he came with him. In a panic, he moved the mouse and wanted to delete the pictures to be sent out in order to destroy the evidence.

Lu Yueshan grabs the glasses man's mouse quickly, and turns the glasses man's computer screen. With a click of the mouse, she points to a map repair software. The picture that has just been repaired by the map repair software is a picture of Lu Yueshan being hugged by a man with a face full of flesh.

Glasses man is going to rob, Jia Shuai quickly subdued him, forced him not to rob the computer.

On the desktop also turned out a picture of the original film, the original film of the face, is not Lu Yueshan.

Other colleagues who were present also found this. Some of them, holding their mobile phones, took photos or videos of Lu Yueshan and forwarded them to the group in real time.

"This colleague, can you tell me where you are going to send this photo you just repaired?" Lu Yueshan said in a cold voice.

"That... That's what I'm fixing. I'm not ready to send it anywhere!" Glasses man panic explanation.

Jia Shuai gives Lu Yueshan a wink. Lu Yueshan immediately finds the first picture in the group from the recently opened picture of the file.

Lu Yueshan opened the picture, looked at the properties, and gave a cold smile.

"The last revision time is ten minutes before the release time. How do you explain?"

The man with glasses couldn't hide it from him. He bit his teeth and admitted loudly: "yes, it's my hair. If you have the courage to do it, don't be afraid of being blown out. I can't see it before it comes out."

Jia Shuai let go of the man with glasses. He quickly found out the web page he had browsed from the man with glasses' computer and found out a woman's personal website. In that woman's personal website, one of the photos was just that one.

"Your technology of downloading pictures is first-class, and your technology of lying is even better."