Of course, it's absolutely unwise to rush out now. When those people see her, they will circle around like crazy. On the contrary, it's not easy for her to rush away. They can only wait for them to get close as before.

Once they get close, she has a chance to get out of the crisis again.

I just hope this time I can be as lucky as last time.

However, just as she thought so, a rustle came from her side.

The sound in Lu Yueshan's ears made Lu Yueshan's blood almost counter current.

Is... Is there someone in the canteen? It can't be true? If there are people in the canteen, won't she be controlled by others, just like a bird in a cage?

Lu Yueshan's heart screamed a bad, no matter now go out, whether it will be difficult to break through, ready to find a person less, the other party's people seem to be weak.

She has not rushed out, the voice has reached Lu Yueshan's side, and a shadow, soon close to her, Lu Yueshan subconsciously to the other hand, but listen to the other party suddenly called out: "Shanshan, it's me."

This voice is so familiar. It sounds like Fu Mianmian?

Lu Yueshan's hand drew back: "who are you?"

"It's me. I'm Mianmian." Fu Mianmian excitedly ran to Lu Yueshan and hugged her tightly. Her body was shaking: "I finally found you, you little villain. I found you day and night, and finally found you. Fortunately, you are OK."

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be Fu Mianmian. Lu Yueshan was both surprised and frightened.

As soon as Fu Mianmian's words were finished, Lu Yueshan reacted. She pushed Fu Mianmian's body away urgently: "Mianmian, how are you here now?"

"I'm here for you, of course."

Lu Yueshan looked out of the window. Those people were closer.

If she was alone, it might be easier for her to escape. Now Fu Mianmian is also here. In addition, although Fu Mianmian is careless, rude and frightening at most, she doesn't have any martial arts skills. Now she has to break out and take care of Fu Mianmian. She's afraid that she won't be able to escape.

"Oh, you shouldn't have come here!" Lu Yueshan was very worried.

She is not afraid of being caught alone. Now that Fu Mianmian is here, if Fu Mianmian has anything to do, she will feel guilty all her life.

"If I don't come here, how can I know you are a fool?" Fu Mianmian scolded.

"Mianmian, you don't know. You shouldn't have come here. It's very dangerous now. Oh..." Lu Yueshan didn't know how to tell her. Under the tension, she took Fu Mianmian's hand and pulled Fu Mianmian's body down: "I can't say it clearly for a moment and a half now. Listen, when I say rush out, we'll go out together. Remember, Don't let go of my hand. "

Fu Mianmian said to Lu Yueshan in a strange way: "you still talk about me. Aren't you here?"

"It doesn't matter any more, Mianmian. If there is an emergency in a moment, when I ask you to run, don't look back, just run straight ahead. Do you hear me?" Lu Yueshan once again told Fu Mianmian.

She's ready.

In order not to let Fu Mianmian encounter danger, even if she was caught, she was willing.

"What do you say? We both said that we should share happiness and difficulties together. Now why do you suddenly change your mind?" Fu Mianmian raised his face: "we are good friends. If we want to go, we will go together."

"I can capture and some simple self-defense skills. I should be able to deal with them. I let you go so as not to let you influence me." Lu Yueshan explained.

"Don't say so much. Anyway, I won't be separated from you. Besides..." Fu mianmianmian said in a confident tone: "we will be able to get out of here safely. We will be fine."

"Mianmian you..." Lu Yueshan said nothing to Fu Mianmian.

Now is not the time to say that, seeing those people have to close, she must think about how to break through the siege.

I do not know why, she waited for a long time, those people still did not close to them here.

Even... She heard a fight outside.

What's going on? Are these people of the black snake Gang fighting with each other suddenly? However, as long as they don't come near here, whether they are fighting or not, it's none of their business.

Lu Yueshan and Fu Mianmian hid in the abandoned canteen and waited. Gradually, the sky became bright. Even, we could see a sharp light passing through the gap between the branches on the east side of the sky and onto the opposite building.

It's sunny. It's dawn.

From the beginning of the fierce fighting outside, the sound gradually became smaller. Lu Yueshan knew that their fighting had stopped.

As those voices became smaller, Lu Yueshan's heart tightened again.

After the fight, is it time to attack them again?

She held Fu Mianmian's hand tightly and asked again, "Mianmian, listen to me. When I let you run for a while, you must not look back. Do you hear me?"

When Lu Yueshan turned to look at Fu Mianmian, she was looking out. The morning light outside the window reflected on her face, reflecting the smile on her face.

"Shanshan, it seems that we don't have to run."

No need to run? What do you mean you don't have to run? Are there more people?

Lu Yueshan thought in her heart, since she can't escape, it's better for her to face it bravely, to be caught, and to be caught brilliantly.

Think of here, she really stood up, turned to look out.

About because her eyes in the dark for too long, those bright things outside the window, look a little fuzzy, let her eyes also become hallucinations.

Because, she saw that there were many people on the ground, and the people of the black snake gang were all subdued. Among the people standing, there was a tall and straight figure. He was wearing a formal black suit, white shirt and black shoes, which was totally out of line with those people on the side of his body.

Moreover, a ray of sunlight on his body, give him a layer of gold, looks more illusory.

It can't be him. He's still in Rome.

It can't be Yan Moxuan!

In the morning light, other people, Lu Yueshan, can't seem to see. In her eyes, she can only see Yan Moxuan's figure. His tall figure just stands there and doesn't move. His deep black eyes stare at her for a moment, leaving her nowhere to hide.

She blinked and rubbed her eyes.

Jin Guangli, Yan Moxuan's figure is still there, not moving half a step, and not disappearing like an illusion.

Yan Moxuan!