By all means!

It must be Yan Moxuan.

In the whole city of Ancheng, except Yan Moxuan, no one has the ability to make the city's foreign trade companies and translation offices refuse her application.

But... Why did Yan Moxuan do this?

Just then, Lu Yueshan's mobile phone rang.

Lu Yueshan takes a look at her mobile phone. It's Lu Siling.

Seeing Lu Siling's name, Lu Yueshan's face changed slightly.

Lu Yueshan answers.


"Hello, cousin." Lu Siling's soft voice came over the phone.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yueshan asked coldly.

She didn't forget what Lu Siling said when she arrived at her uncle's house when she was driven out of the house. Now those words are still in her ears. Naturally, Lu Yueshan can't have a good attitude towards Lu Siling.

"Well, when you came to my house last time, a book was left at my door. I just picked up one of your books, which seems to have Jiang Mei's signature on it. I know that you used to like Jiang Mei very much, so I want to ask you, do you want this book?"

A Book signed by Jiang Mei.

Lu Yueshan's eyes suddenly widened.

The last time she went to Lu Siling's house to look for her books, she thought they were all available. But when she arrived at Yan's villa, she found that one of her books had been lost. No matter how she looked for it, she couldn't find it. At that time, she thought that maybe she had lost it by mistake. Later, she thought that it might not be found.

Lu Yueshan asked subconsciously, "what's the name of your book?"

Lu Siling sneered: "do you think I lied to you? It's called * *, isn't it? Shall I cheat you with a broken book? "

Originally, Lu Yueshan was worried about Lu Siling, so she asked Lu Siling what the name of the book was.

Now when Lu Siling said that, Lu Yueshan was relieved.

"It's Jiang Mei's book, not a broken one!" But she was still a little uneasy and said, "since you have already picked up my book, why do you call me now?"

"I picked it up long ago, but I saw it today, so I remembered to call you."

There is no flaw in Lu Siling's explanation.

"In that case, I'll go to your house now."

"Wait!" Lu Siling said with a delicate smile: "your book is not in my home."

Lu Yueshan frowned: "it's not in your home. Where is it?"

"Do you know the summer cottage in Beitang mountain?"

Beitang mountain... Is a mountain about 20 kilometers north of an'cheng. Because there are many primeval forests in it, it has become a nature reserve. However, there are not many parts of Beitang mountain that are developed for tourists to visit. The summer cottage is a small wooden house closest to the primeval forest in Beitang mountain. Moreover, the terrain near the summer cottage is complex and can be called a labyrinth, So the summer cottage is also known as the labyrinth cottage.

Lu Yueshan's face changed slightly when she heard Lu Siling say that she was in the summer cottage.

"What do you mean by summer cottage?"

Lu Siling said with a smile: "as for me, I put this book in the summer cottage. If you want to get that book, come to the summer cottage and look for it!"


Before Lu Yueshan finished, Lu Siling hung up.

Then, Lu Siling sent two photos to Lu Yueshan.

Both photos are self portraits of Lu Siling. One is standing outside the summer cottage, and the other is standing inside the summer cottage. In the summer cottage, Lu Siling stands there with Lu Yueshan's book in her hand, and then puts the book on the table inside.

Seeing the book on the desk, Lu Yueshan's eyes were furious.

Lu Siling put her book there.

Seeing these two photos, Lu Yueshan angrily calls Lu Siling.

Lu Siling got through soon.

Lu Siling's lazy voice came from the phone: "how about it? See that book? "

Lu Yueshan angrily scolded: "Lu Siling, you are too much. How can you put my book in that place?"

Lu Siling chuckled: "what's wrong with me? I found your book. It's my freedom to deal with it. I can't hold it in my hand and wait for you to come and get it? Last time I went to the summer cottage, it happened that I took it with me. So I put it there conveniently. I let it travel. It's its honor. "

"Lu Siling!" Lu Yueshan did not know what language to use to describe her mood at this time.

"Good cousin, I know you miss me very much now, but I don't miss you at all. By the way..." Lu Siling reminded with a smile: "it seems to rain tonight. The summer cottage is not rain proof. I put the book close to the window. If it rains, I don't know what kind of book it will be, plus the strong wind on the mountain, Maybe the book will be dead tomorrow morning. "

If Lu Yueshan was still thinking that Lu Siling was only joking with her, now she can be sure that Lu Siling was deliberately teasing her.

"Why?" Lu Yueshan repressed her anger: "Lu Siling, why do you want to do this to me?"

Listening to Lu Yueshan's words, Lu Siling's voice suddenly changed: "why? Why do you say that? My Miss Lu, I'm taking care of you. Can't you see that? "

"I have nothing against you. Why do you want to punish me?"

"How can there be no injustice and no enmity?" Lu Siling gritted his teeth and said: "Wei Jie is clearly that I fell in love with him first, but... He didn't even look at me. He revolves around you every day. Don't you just rely on your own face with a fox spirit, so you will be fascinated by him. Are you confused?"

Lu Yueshan said laughably: "do you say Wei Jie? But there is nothing between me and him? "

"Still say no, he repeatedly help you get rice, give you water, if there is nothing between you, how can he do these for you?"

"You are unreasonable!"

"Just think I'm unreasonable. Anyway, your book is at the summer cottage now. Do you like it or not?"

With that, Lu Siling hung up the phone.

Looking at the mobile phone in her hand, Lu Yueshan's heart, liver and lungs hurt.

Lu Siling is jealous because Wei Jie always helps her, and then deliberately takes care of her.

For most people, that book is just a book, even if it's broken, it doesn't matter.

However, that book is different. It's Lu Yueshan's favorite book, because the content in it has encouraged her many times, and made her cheer up every time she was sad and lost.

And... It also has Jiang Mei's autograph.

Lu Siling probably knew this, so she put the book there on purpose.

She had to get the book back.