All people are staring at two people, Xiang Qiuye and Ji Zitong.

When the staff moved the distance of the rake, he Jinyan looked at them.

"Well, now the position has been moved. I don't know who will come first?"

Xiang Qiuye came out arrogantly.

"I'll come first!"

Xiang Qiuye has always been very confident in shooting. Moreover, she has been practicing hard for so many years. She doesn't believe that she will lose to Ji Zitong. She will never lose.

Then Xiang Qiuye stood at the designated position.

As Xiang Qiuye stood still, the rake 150 meters away began to move irregularly.

Xiang Qiuye clenched the gun in his hand and looked at the rake from the sight.

Because the rake is mobile, it's a bit difficult to aim.

With a good training foundation, Xiang Qiuye quickly found the feeling, and then "bang bang" ten shots.

After playing, Xiang Qiuye's nervous mood eased a little, and then nervously waited for the result.

The referee identified the rake one by one and announced it in public.

"Miss Xiang, all the ten guns have been raked. Among them, nine guns and ten rings, one gun and nine rings!"

He sighed to the autumn leaves.

Missed a ring.

However, such achievements have been very rare.

"Wow, Miss Xiang hit nine shots and ten rings. One shot and nine rings. Unfortunately, it's not ten rings."

"What do you know? It's not easy for a 150 meter rake to move irregularly and hit nine shots and ten rings. Now few people can do it. Miss Xiang is worthy of being a sharpshooter."

"Miss Xiang is so powerful. When can I have such a good shot at Miss Xiang?"

"So it's certain that Miss Xiang won the first place. If it's her date with Yan Beichen, I won't be jealous."

"Don't forget that Miss Ji hasn't been on the stage yet, and her shooting skills are also very good."

"Oh, no matter how good she is at shooting, is it better than going to Miss Xiang? We've never heard of Miss Ji. It's impossible to win Miss Xiang. "

Ni Qiaoqiao walked up to the people who were discussing with a smile: "why don't we make a bet, which is to win from Miss Xiang or miss Ji? How about ten times compensation for winning?"


Everyone is excited to bet.

In a short time, Ni Qiaoqiao has received more than 80000 bets, and all the bets are won by Xiang Qiuye.

Looking at the heavy cash in hand, Ni Qiaoqiao was very happy.

Looking at those who stare at Ji Zitong and bet on Ji Zitong, Ni Qiaoqiao sneers in his heart.

Ha ha, stupid human beings, soon you will know how stupid you are.

Then, Ji Zitong came on.

When Ji Zitong and Xiang Qiuye pass each other, they smile confidently at Ji Zitong.

Ji Zitong stood at the position where Xiang Qiuye stood just now, waiting for the staff to change the rake. After Ji Zitong opened the safety of the gun, the rake began to move.

Then, Ji Zitong took the gun in his hand.

All of a sudden, Ji Zitong turns her head. Instead of looking at the rake, she looks in the direction of Yan Beichen and smiles at him. Then she pulls the trigger, "bang bang", and the gun in the gun goes out continuously.

Ji Zitong after shooting, the scene a moment of strange silence.

The referee didn't react for a moment. When he did, Ji Zitong's ten shots had been finished. He went forward to check the situation of the rake heart in all the rakes.

After watching, the referee was shocked and speechless.

"How... How possible?"

A young lady called out, "what are you mumbling about there? Let's talk about the result. Did you hit harrow in the end

"Hit... Hit... Hit." The referee stammered because he didn't wake up from the shock.

"Hit hit hit, you hair what Leng, she hit a few rings in the end?"

The referee just woke up from the shock and looked at Ji Zitong like a monster.

Ji Zitong face dew relaxed put down the gun in the hand, smilingly said to the referee: "referee, tell the truth!"

The referee just faced the crowd and spit out the amazing result: "Miss Ji, ten rakes and ten rings! It's the first place in this competition

After the referee's words fell, everyone was strangely silent again for several seconds.

Xiang Qiuye is more muddled and forced to stand in his own position.

"Ten rakes and ten rings, ten rakes and ten rings!"

"I don't believe it, I want to see it myself!" he cried to Qiuye's best friend

After that, the girl ran up to check the rake.

When the girl friend came back to Xiang Qiuye, her face was ugly.

He clenched his hands to Qiuye: "did you just see it? Can't you do ten harrows and ten rings? "

My best friend was embarrassed, but still nodded: "yes, I've just seen ten rakes, ten guns and ten rings. That's right!"

To autumn leaf Lengleng Leng look to station in the field of Ji Zitong.

How could

Ji Zitong's shooting skill was better than hers.

Moreover, Ji Zitong is still in the case of not looking at the rake, casually hit ten shots, unexpectedly hit ten rake ten ring.

She tried her best and gave full play to her strength in training for more than 20 years. Unexpectedly, she was not as good as Ji Zitong.

Ni Qiaoqiao, Huaji and Wang Qiang happily surround Ji Zitong.

"Yes, you didn't disappoint me."

Flower season funny looking at Ni Qiao.

"Zitong, I tell you, Xiaoqiao just made a bet, and Xiaoqiao also made a bet. Do you know who won Xiaoqiao's bet?"

Ni Qiao Qiao's face a burst of black a burst of white pushed a flower season: "you don't talk nonsense ah, I bet of course is our family jillele children's shoes."

Wang Qiang quickly took out a piece of paper from Ni Qiaoqiao's pocket.

"Look, look, this is the name of the gambler written by little Joe. It's not like a season word, it's like a Xiang word!"

Ni Qiaoqiao

Ni Qiao is so angry that he wants to grab a piece of paper back. Wang Qiang runs away, and Ni Qiao follows him anxiously.

When Ni Qiaoqiao and others are noisy, he Jin walks to the public with a smile.

"After three rounds of competition, Miss Ji won the first place in this competition. Next, I announce that the winner of this shooting competition is Miss Ji. At the same time..." he Jinyan's meaningful sentence: "she also won the chance to date Yan Beichen on the first day."

All the women present cast envious and envious eyes on Ji Zitong.

In the envious and envious eyes of all the women at the scene, Ji Zitong goes step by step to Yan Beichen. When she stands still, she reaches out a hand to Yan Beichen and makes an invitation.

"Mr. Yan, I wonder if I have the honor to date you for one day?"