At this time, it snowed heavily again. Hua Rong's head and face were covered with snowflakes. He couldn't open his eyes and opened his mouth a few times, almost falling down

Seeing that she didn't answer, the officer was already suspicious, and saw that the hand holding the token was white under the wind and snow, weak and even cleaner than the flying snow. After examining her eyebrows, he immediately concluded that this person was a woman

He was even more surprised, but he was afraid of the token in her hand: "tell me quickly, where did you come from?"

Hua Rong forcibly stood still and sneered, "how dare you be rude to me? Seeing the token is like seeing the fourth prince, don't you dare to pay attention to the fourth prince?"

The officer saw that she was aggressive, and immediately stepped back two steps. A bodyguard came forward and whispered a few words. The officer looked at her again: "OK, you go."

Hua rongleng snorted, walked a few steps carelessly, but his legs were a little weak, and said, "give me a horse and some dry food..."

The officer dared not disobey and pointed to a golden soldier nearby: "give her your horse..."

"No, I want your horse."

The officer's horse is a good black horse. He has been fighting with him for many years. When he saw Hua Rong bossing and demanding, he was very angry, but he saw her eyes wide open: "I saw the fourth prince, and immediately asked him to send someone back to you. What are you talking about?"

When the officer heard that she would return it, he got off his horse angrily and handed the horse and a bag of dry food

The flowers fused, rolled over and mounted the horse, whipped and ran on the horse The officer originally thought she was a woman of the Southern Dynasty, but not to mention a woman of the Southern Dynasty, even a man rarely knows how to ride a horse, but seeing Hua Rong jump on the horse with excellent riding skills, he was confused about who she was

Just then, there was a sound of hoofs, and a Haidong green swept his head and flew by This kind of haidongqing was specially trained for information transmission. Fortunately, taking advantage of the heavy snow in winter, the commander of the great prince Zonghan brought one because of the uncomfortable climate in the Southern Dynasty Zonghan and zongwang were the left and right marshals who invaded the Song Dynasty. After meeting, they broke through Kaifeng and waited for three things: destroying the Song Dynasty, receiving wealth, and seizing beauty

As soon as the officer saw Hai Dongqing, he knew it was Zonghan. Sure enough, he stopped riding a famous horse with a Navy genetic mark on his forehead and hurried to salute

"Guolu, just now the king saw a man riding your horse and ran away. What's the matter?"

The officer named Guolu was a close subordinate of Zonghan. When he saw the question, he smiled mysteriously: "the king didn't know that it was a woman, holding the token of the fourth prince in her hand, who asked the villain for horses and dry food. The villain didn't dare not give it..."

"Oh? Is there such a thing? No wonder the fourth brother said that he knew a beautiful woman who was famous for her city and country. Is it this woman? The king would like to see it. Guolu, have you seen it? How does she look?"

"Back to the king, the wind and snow are too heavy, the woman's long hair covers her face, and the villain doesn't see her face clearly..."

"Hahaha, chase, chase immediately and let me see..."

Zong Han and Yahao, the fourth Prince of Southern Dynasty culture, have a face-to-face disagreement. His close subordinates know it well, and Guolu hesitates: "she is the person of the fourth Prince..."

"Nan Manzi is cunning. Maybe he took the token to deceive people. The fourth brother said that he didn't even know the woman's name. How could he give her a token? Go and catch it quickly. If it were the woman, maybe the fourth brother would thank me greatly."

Guolu loved his horse, and with Zonghan's intention, he led his troops to catch up

Hua Rong ran for a mile or two, but he heard the sound of horses' hoofs behind him. Looking back, it turned out that it was the officer who led the army to catch up again She knew that the lie had been exposed and fought hard for her horse, but the snow was heavy and the road was slippery. The horse couldn't run fast at all. She was so anxious and afraid that she almost fell off the horse's back

She tried to hold her breath. The more anxious she was, the fuller the horse was. Suddenly, she heard a whistle. The horse stopped and desperately tried to turn around It turned out that the horse had been following Guolu for many years. Hearing the master's signal, he immediately withdrew. Hua Rong tightened the reins of the horse. Where can he hold it for a moment? The horse turned around and ran away. In a hurry, she forcibly jumped off the horse and fell heavily on the ground, almost half dead

After a burst of laughter, she reluctantly climbed up to run, but saw the black faced officer and another tall and fat golden man coming together. The golden man wore a leather hat with several peacock feathers on his head, and his face was ill intentioned

Hua Rong stepped back a few steps, tightly holding the bow and arrow, and Zonghan forced forward: "chick, I heard you were holding the token of the fourth prince?"

Hua Rong's hand was raised, a handful of snow blocks were scattered, Zonghan's head was tilted, his eyes were dazzled, and he had been hit by the gravel in the snow block on his forehead. Suddenly, he was bleeding, and a ferocious smile: "what a fierce woman... I didn't know my strength until I caught you..." with a wave of his hand, several golden soldiers had surrounded him

Zonghan wiped the blood on his forehead. He had never seen such a fierce woman in his life. He hated her very much and said loudly, "this woman must be a spy of the Southern Dynasty. Whoever catches it will be rewarded... Haha, if you catch it, first whip it, let her know her duty to be a woman, and then let her kneel and serve you, so that you are happy enough..."

Hua Rong was surrounded in the middle and fought desperately, but after all, he was cold and hot and ran around fighting for so long. He was out of strength and his body soon crumbled It's getting more and more beautiful at present, and there's only one thought in my heart, that is, I can't fall into the hands of these gold thieves anyway, otherwise, my fate will be worse than death

It was snowing harder and harder. She shook a few steps, surrounded by Rotating Golden soldiers, proud as a cat that was about to catch a mouse. With a sad sigh, she quickly took a dagger out of her boots, looked at the way it came, and stabbed it in her throat

A lump of snow hit her hand, her elbow tilted, and the dagger fell

As soon as he rode a fast horse, he almost couldn't stop. The man on the horse fell down and grabbed her, laughing, "brother, what are you doing?"

Zonghan sneered, "fourth brother, is this mother worm your man?"

Jin Wushu picked up the token that was about to fall to the ground and stuffed it back into Hua Rong's hand: "take it", then turned to look at a group of golden soldiers, "if you see the token, it's my person, and no one is allowed to move..." he laughed and looked at Zonghan, "brother, please give me a face!"

Zonghan laughed, "fourth brother, your eyesight is too bad, and this mother worm is not very good. There are many beautiful and gentle women in the Southern Dynasty. This kind of inferior product is only worthy of being rewarded to inferior soldiers..."

"Each flower goes into each eye, brother, I'll take it away first..."

Hua Rong was caught by Jin Wushu and couldn't escape. He hated it to the extreme. Seeing the pride of the two brothers, who were high above the invaders who dominated life and death, he jumped with a horizontal heart and hit Jin Wushu with a bow and arrow

Jin Wushu guessed her mind, held her hand tightly, and lowered his voice: "girl, you must follow me this time. Otherwise, you will fall into their hands..." he glanced at Zonghan with a black face, almost whispering, "are you willing to follow me or be spoiled by him?"

At this time, there was only the sound of horses' hoofs and wheels, followed by a long line in front of them, the crying women on the car, the driven craftsmen under the car, folk artists, some ordinary women... It was obvious that it was another batch of spoils looted by the Jin army

The leading officer was about to salute, and Zonghan waved, "send it quickly, and the king will come later."

Hua Rong looked, and saw a car full of calligraphy and painting, porcelain, beautiful women crying in the car

"Haha, song pig's beauty, gold and silver are about to be raided by us. Now we just wait for two faint kings to deliver them to the door, capture the ninth Lord of laoshizi again, and then go back to the kingdom of gold to enjoy happiness..." Zong Han waved his hand, and a bodyguard handed a wine pot. He leaned his neck and gulped more than half of the pot, and was about to leave, but he felt the blood of his forehead and hands, and the wind and snow swept away, which was even more painful. For a moment, he was fierce, and with a grim smile, he took out his waist knife and turned the horse's head, Unexpectedly, a knife cleaved at the flower

The golden Wu skill Fang Tianhua halberd waved out, blocked it, and angrily said, "brother, what are you doing?"

"It's useless to stay in this trouble. The fourth brother, the princess and Princess of the song state have all been sent. You can choose enough... Today, I have to kill this woman..."

Jin Wushu was familiar with Zonghan's ferocity, and without giving him an excuse, the two fought After Zonghan was drunk, it was common to fight with his brothers. Soldiers on both sides surrounded him, and no one dared to step forward

In the fierce battle, Hua Rong was pulled aside and staggered. Zonghan shouted, "damn slave, don't you kill that woman?"

His two bodyguards were ready to move, and Jin Wushu shouted, "who dares?"

"Ha, I dare..." Zong Han suddenly gave up the golden Wushu and chopped at Hua Rong with a knife. In front of him were two golden soldiers and behind him was Zong Han's broadsword. Hua Rong knew that she was doomed today. In front of her, she was struggling with a bow and arrow. She heard a familiar cry in her ear: "sister, sister..."

Confused, she thought she had an illusion. As soon as she loosened her hand, the bow and arrow almost fell to the ground. Two golden soldiers rushed forward, one left and one right grabbed her. With a low cry, she saw a horse rushing over, the man on the horse swept the long gun, picked down two golden soldiers, and pulled her in her arms as soon as the ape arm stretched out Jin Wushu was about to withdraw his hand to stop him. He just felt that a gun was picked up, like a mountain on the top. At the same time, Zonghan's knife attacked again. He was overwhelmed and had to dodge When Zonghan saw the strong enemy coming, he cut into the air with a knife and swung wildly about to chop the running horse. The spear immediately turned like an eye. He rolled on the spot, his hat was lifted off, and his scalp punctured a large piece He fell awkwardly on the snow

We are outnumbered. Yue Pengju doesn't like fighting with other golden soldiers, so he drives his horse and runs away

Two bodyguards helped Zonghan up, and he was stunned: "who is this? It's like robbing someone from my brother's hand like entering the realm of no one?"

Jin Wushu said coldly, "a soldier named Yue Pengju in the state of song."

"Yue Pengju? If these people are not killed early, they will eventually be a disaster... Chase, chase..."

However, at this time, the snow was like goose feathers, and the figure could not be seen from a distance of almost twoorthree feet. The pursuers barely ran a few miles, and were blown about by the wind. In the chaos, the two had already disappeared

Zong Han has always been addicted to alcohol, and when drunk, he likes to show off his ferocity and fight hard. At this moment, he is in a mess, and his drunkenness is also removed. He stares at Jin Wushu: "fourth brother, how can you work with me and not chase that boy?"

Jin Wushu frowned, "you'd better go back and discuss with your second brother about how to catch Prince nine of the state of song. Otherwise, you are willing to stay here all your life to watch the snowy days of the state of song?"

"OK, I'll talk to the second man now."