Old Zhang was speechless in surprise. He didn't expect Qin yuan to have such great achievements in manufacturing. He picked up the fragments of the insect and examined them. Under the microscope, there were very precise structures in the insect.

It can be said that they could not develop such a precise structure in the laboratory. Qin yuan only made slight changes and was able to get the information before it.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. The more I get along with you, the more I can find your excellence. It seems that I really must keep you."

"Mr. Zhang, you don't have to keep saying how powerful I am. It's everyone's credit. I'm just strong in some aspects. I can help you, but this is not where I should stay."

"Don't have any psychological burden. Don't worry. I'll talk about this. The country needs scientists. There aren't many people like you. There can be many special team leaders, but there is only one scientist."

Qin yuan shook his head reluctantly. Old Zhang didn't think it was a joke. He didn't have the heart to directly break his fantasy. Anyway, he certainly wouldn't stay at the base here.

The matter of masked man has not been solved yet. His lover, children and brothers are all there. How can we abandon them and come here?

Qin yuan hurriedly interrupted old Zhang's fantasy, "ouch, if I say old Zhang, don't tell me these big truths. I feel headache when you say so. I have to go back to rest first."

"You see, you didn't listen to me just now. I'll tell you that you've just come down. You'll certainly not adapt. Go to have a rest quickly."

Qin yuan took the opportunity to sneak out quickly. After he went out, Zhang laocai reacted that this guy was alive and kicking. He didn't look like a person with adverse reactions.

However, no matter what, he will certainly communicate about this matter. Only here can Qin yuan's talent be maximized.

Longxiaoyun and yangchongming have recovered for two days, but they are getting over it. They just started to feel uncomfortable. Now they are basically OK. The task on this side is almost over, and the sampling work has been successfully completed. The rest needs to be extracted and studied slowly.

Qin yuan also plans to go back to the brigade first to see the situation. It has been four months since they were selected, so he can't wait to go back.

Mr. Zhang was reluctant. He was worried that Qin yuan would not come back after he returned. But Qin yuan reassured him that after all, he had to investigate the chip, so he would definitely come back.

Qin yuan was very happy on the way back. They planned to send yangchongming back first, and then back to the special combat brigade.

"I haven't seen Erniu and them for a long time. This guy doesn't know how he is. If I'm not here, they won't be lazy."

"I don't think so. After all, the red blood cell team is relatively mature. The special combat team has a strong sense of autonomy and independence. There won't be such a problem."

Yangchongming was generous in praising the red blood cell team. He really appreciated the red blood cell team. That was what he wanted to do before. It was a pity that his physical condition was not good. This time, he had the opportunity to work with Qin yuan, which also opened his eyes. Qin yuan's ability is really strong.


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