Panasonic originally made up its mind to collect the soil samples before and give them to Qin yuan. This will be used as a meeting gift for them to get straight to the point. After all, they have to contact the base in the future. It is estimated that Qin yuan really has to rely on it.

But now he received a call from the front desk, so he felt that there was something wrong. When they discussed whether to go back, there was another call from the headset.

"Matsushita Jun, I think we'd better go back and have a look at what these guys are up to. We've made records now. You make them dare not do anything to us."

"I think so, too. I'm mainly worried that if we don't go back, in case they make a fuss about this, they will say that we don't cooperate, and then we will have to put on a big hat."

In the end, they had no choice but to go back. Just after they went in, they saw Shamir coming with a smile and a small oxygen bag in his hand. "You forgot to take this thing. I remember that you went out for a long time before, and then there was a lack of oxygen. You'd better take this thing with you!"

Two people hear here is big eye stare small eye, this what circumstance? These Americans would even take the initiative to care about the materials they had given them before, but that was very limited. It was clear that everything was agreed that all the material support would be provided by them.

However, everything has changed since they came up, and they have to follow their rules. Therefore, they often withhold supplies, including food. What they can eat now is food by weight.

They don't dare to waste at all. In addition, the oxygen bags and other things they use are very economical, but I didn't expect these Americans to be so generous and take out a few from the back.

"Colonel Michelle, what do you mean? Is this really for us?"

"Of course. After all, you have been very helpful to us before helping us do things. This must be used as another supplement for you. You can tell me directly what materials you lack in the future."

The attitude was reversed so quickly that they were confused. Although they couldn't figure out what they wanted to do, they had to wait until they got the materials.

In this way, the two men set out again after taking the oxygen bag. This time, they will go to a further place, mainly to collect soil samples.

What they don't know, however, is that Michelle unknowingly put a gadget on them during the contact just now. They are now operating in the space capsule.

The two men did not pay any attention. They were concentrating on looking for the previous pattern. Qin yuan and they also came to the outside. However, their direction was completely opposite, because according to the last position left before, they now need to find the collection robot first.

Yangchongming followed the previous direction and found nothing. At this time, Qin Yuan pointed at his back.

When they turned their heads, they saw a pile of strange things not far away. When they got close, they turned out to be a collection robot. Now the robot has completely changed its shape, which can be described as a pile of junk. It is obvious that the attack by external forces is caused by man-made.

Yangchongming looks at the destroyed collection robot and squats down to examine the fragments carefully.


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